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Reject Corruption, Embrace Purity - Printable Version

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Reject Corruption, Embrace Purity - Poruku - 01-15-2023


Prerequisites: 10-30(?) Sanctity, any corrupted race, cannot be taken with embrace corruption

Time and time again, you have fought against the influence of corruption. Perhaps you have lived happily with people who treated you fairly. Perhaps love has made you strong. Perhaps you've undergone intense training or a purification ritual. Perhaps you were simply built different. The fact remains, corruption that took hold of you was pushed back to some degree, and you can live a relatively normal life again, although you must be wary to not fall back into the abyss. It seems that the changes to your body will never fully go away either.

Though you've rejected the power that comes with the darkness, overcoming corruption within yourself has made you more stalwart and resilient against the darkness of the world.

<Insert cool effect>

- Make SAN stronger per point/per threshold (more hp, more fp, more status res, more ele res, etc)
- Every 10 point of SAN gives you more mental clarity, increasing skill pool size by 1
- Your body has become extremely difficult to corrupt. +30% status resistance and +15% darkness resistance
- All of your racial passives are treated as max SAN is applied to them, but you gain one debuff immunity each battle
- Even stronger race-specific buff?
- Iahsus messages now show a different prompt?

I think it's a shame that this aspect of corruption is barely touched upon. If you talk to "Hope" in lispool you'll get insight on the fact that corrupted can improve and even lead normal lives. I'd like to see more players explore this idea, and right now there's mechanically no reason to get any kind of SAN for the majority of corrupted.

RE: Reject Corruption, Embrace Purity - Raigen.Convict - 01-15-2023

Locks any beneficial corrupted traits, lessens the negatives. Seems simple but fair to me.

RE: Reject Corruption, Embrace Purity - The Alpha Bat - 01-15-2023

More flavor for anti-corruption corrupted, I like it. As far as the proposed benefits though? I don't like 'em, chief.
The thing is, you can't really give them too much extra with this.

All of this I'm sure you're aware of but I want you to keep it in mind while thinking about this trait. SAN is a fine stat as it is but it interacts negatively with corrupteds' racials, yes. They aren't the only ones who shy away from SAN though. Humans and homunculi and va don't receive any additional benefits either, so these racial groups are instead pushed toward other stats. Which is fine. For sort of being softly locked out of a stat, corrupted and homunculi have cool racials that don't scale off SAN like everyone else's do and humans get a couple general buffs plus a wide choice of stat spread, if you're into that sort of thing. For corrupted to lose (or at least weaken) their racials in exchange for some other unique benefit makes them kind of intruding in on human territory, yeah? Which is kind of the point but therein lies the issue still.

Each of the examples you shared are way, way, way, way, way too strong. To the degree that I think you want this benefit to be powerful instead of just a side grade. It would make them human+ and we definitely don't want that. As in, human but better. The main benefit they should be getting is having SAN not feel like a wasted stat investment plus maybe a little extra. And I mean a little. Like one extra skill slot or maybe even the free history trait (like a Shaitan remembering that part of their past) to make them more a little bit more human. They aren't human though. Diminished as they will be, the corrupted will still have access to their racials and some of the passive ones won't even be negatively impacted by the SAN, making this trait potentially purely beneficial for some builds. Give them something small.

So yes, give us the yummy dynamic of the SAN corrupted and make it gameplay-viable but also consider the delicate balance at play here.

RE: Reject Corruption, Embrace Purity - Poruku - 01-15-2023

Really? I don't think +1 hp per san is going to make corrupted better than humans, considering it implies you aren't making use of your normal racials. There's some balance considerations of course like painful grip being usable with SAN, which should be nerfed. But the idea is to give up your racials in some fashion so the result should be at least decent. If you look at other races that do not have any SAN benefits, I'd like it to be comparable but weaker.

But honestly the balance part is for Dev to figure out. I'm just throwing ideas out there, and I really don't think "all of them are way too strong". They are meant to be individual, not all at once.

RE: Reject Corruption, Embrace Purity - The Alpha Bat - 01-15-2023

Yeah, they're too strong individually was what I meant, don't worry.
Balancing is up to Dev in the end but I'll go over what I'm seeing and why I think they're all too strong anyway.

- Make SAN stronger per point/per threshold (more hp, more fp, more status res, more ele res, etc)
Now, I ain't no theory crafter or some PvP min-maxer but this sounds like trouble to me. Even if it's only the +1 HP you mentioned that's still an additional +40 HP at 40 SAN, a rather large amount for a stat you're building anyway.

- Every 10 point of SAN gives you more mental clarity, increasing skill pool size by 1
At 30 SAN, you have more skill slots than humans get as their racial. Even if skill slots aren't as important as they were a few updates ago, this one just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
It also implies that as long as a corrupted is trying to be human, they can be better at being a human than a human.

- Your body has become extremely difficult to corrupt. +30% status resistance and +15% darkness resistance
+30% status resist on a stat that already gives you status resist. That's a lot of status resist.  A bonus so large it would make corrupted the de facto "play to give hexers a run for their money" race.
And on top is the +15% elemental resist, a trait usually balanced out by having an equal and opposite penalty that's absent here.

- All of your racial passives are treated as max SAN is applied to them, but you gain one debuff immunity each battle
This one might be okay even without the "penalty", which ties back to the fact that...
The corrupted will still have their racials with this trait and several of their racial passives aren't negatively impacted by SAN. So no matter which of these would go on the trait, they would go on top of the racials they're keeping at full effectiveness.

- Even stronger race-specific buff?
pain peko

... And obviously the last one is okay and also wanted.

RE: Reject Corruption, Embrace Purity - firehawk11 - 01-17-2023

You can easily do this Iahsus X Color - You rememeber what it use to do to you.

No you keep Embrace Purity as it's own trait. You then make a Racial Trait for each Corrupted that changes how their skills work or something more interesting. Like this

Shaitan's Peace

- Sancity doesn't effect your Black Rend (If it did)
- It deals Sound Damage now to make you want to build Sanc with Embrace Purity