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Vorpal Bunnies' Raging Demon
Apparently, killing a Vorpal Bunny with Riposte while also triggering Flottement causes your screen to turn black. The only way to make it come back is to end the round, but after ending it, you and all the mobs are teleported to a different place of the map.
[Image: 184928b4b5.jpg]
Were you at the border of the map when it happened?
No, I wasn't. I was at the middle.

EDIT: This happened twice with me, with the screenshot being the second time.
the other mobs didn't teleport, you flottmented away from the enemy after it was dead, that puts direction of flottment at a value it shouldn't have.
AKA it flottmented you down a z level, and the mobs went in the direction closest to you.
Nonetheless, it's still pretty buggy, with the value of Flottement and giving it also a black screen.
This has been corrected.
[Image: e9dd0b0f5d.png]

This bug appears to be back. It happened twice in Tannis, probably by stepping on places where you can't go by normal movement.

EDIT: [Image: cb2aee0dae.png]
The small lake is an example. If you trigger Flottement near it, your character will step back and make the bug happen. And like the previous one, the only way to fix is ending the turn.
Does this only occur when you KO an enemy or will it happen every time you trigger Flottement with your back facing a dense tile?
This is happening when I trigger Flottement, KO'ing an enemy is not necessary as the previous bug.
*trigger Flottement on a dense tile that is not the battle border or an actual dense object such as a rock or an enemy. Must be a 'not valid tile', like the lake in the example. It has happened only once to me, though. I'm not 100% sure this is the actual way to replicate it.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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