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Roleplaying Experience
I'm curious about everyone's experience with roleplaying:
  • Where did you first start roleplaying?
  • How long have you been roleplaying?
  • Where did you have your best roleplaying experiences? (Other than SL 1 & 2)
  • Do you have any experience with tabletop games, MUDS & MUKS, LARPing, or anything else besides graphical RPGs?

And feel free to post any interesting RP stories you want to share.
I first started roleplaying on BYOND, and was pretty bad at it tbh. BLN. Then I migrated to another game, then another, then came to SL2. I started RPing whenever I was.. 12 or 13, I don't even remember. It's been a long time. Anyways, as for RPing experiences, I'd have to say some of the best ones I've had have been with tabletop gaming with my sunday group. The amount of wacky shit we get into is a lot of fun, and their animals are .really. friendly. It's always really nice gaming with them because they've been my dads gaming buddies for awhile and they've known me my entire life and to actually play with them its really awesome.

I've actually tried MUDs too! I played Achaea with my ex after we got together. I stuck to one character but they were like. All over the place. I still sometimes play it, though I'm not a regular there at all because it's way to much "MIGHT MAKES RIGHT" and the politics are shit.
My first roleplaying experience was actually back on a chat site, of all things. I was inducted into an RP-esk family, and originally most of the RP was viewed as merely fighting. Everyone acted as they were if their real-life counter-parts however. At first, I was filled with clichés (probably still have some in my system), and in general hadn't an original bone in my body. My RPing was terrible, not even my 'fighting' text-based took off, as in those times there was 'Speed', Para, Semi-Para, etc.

It was a messy time, to put it bluntly. I began my RP experience when I was 11-12, and of all things...though I hate to admit this, it came from RPing based around a particular game which I rather not disclose. It was childish, and stupid, but fitting of my age. Was all the craze at the time too.

My experiences at first weren't much, though I had my memorable and fun times. Ignatius was actually a product of one of them; and though no longer one of my best or interesting characters, he was the starting point to begin with. And thus a staple among my RP character list. In the end, eventually through RPing on games through console or computer...I met someone whom introduced me to BYOND, and my first was Space Station 13. Yeah. Not the best time. Had a Bartender named Frank Horrigan whom shot xenomorphs for a living though. Was fun. Then I moved to Era of the Shinobi; fun times but mostly drama and RPers at the time questionable to my standards, but I had a Samurai whom I loved, and had a fun time with him despite how people constantly blaming him or berating him.

In the end, someone I met through there brought me to SL2. And I've been around ever since. One of my favorite past times for RP compared to previous experiences.
Never did table-tops, as no one I knew ever did such things around where I lived at the time. So, no LRPing or whatever, nor table-top RP. Wish I could try someday though.
[Image: PersonalNecessaryArmyworm-size_restricted.gif]
Dyrnwyn, ERUPT, and IGNITE!
I tried roleplaying on Runescape, didn't work out. I barely knew what roleplaying was, really. Then I bought some DnD books, and even though I read them, I didn't understand them. I went to Gaia Online, and did a LOT of forum roleplay, and such, although I had a hunger for roleplay that wasn't forum-based... which, to my excitement, I found byond. Played DBZ Finale, got bored and left within the first 30 seconds, came back, got stuck in it, hosted a public Finale server, got my own custom race (a friend bought it for me), raged when DBZ Phoenix came out, realized DBZ Phoenix was good because packages (donations that boosted combat potential and the like) did not exist in Phoenix as they did in Finale, went to SL1 after a while, also went to Byond Tabletop Gaming, got addicted to both, and then I joined SL2 when it came out.

I've been RPing for I don't even remember how long.

By best RP experiences has been on DBZ Phoenix.

I play tabletop games, such as Mutants and Masterminds, Fire Emblem d20 (even made a PDF for that one), Final Fantasy Zodiac, etc. I've always really wanted to LARP, but never got the chance. One thing on my bucket list is to LARP as Kasan from SL1, and considering that he's 42 or so (age-appearance-wise), I have a lot of time to accomplish that goal.
[Image: 7y3oPuY.png]
  • Where did you first start roleplaying?
Mitadake High
  • How long have you been roleplaying?
7 years or so.
  • Where did you have your best roleplaying experiences? (Other than SL 1 & 2)
  • Do you have any experience with tabletop games, MUDS & MUKS, LARPing, or anything else besides graphical RPGs?
Some forum stuff.
Where did you first start roleplaying?
  • Forums, various. Can't list them, unfortunately.
How long have you been roleplaying?
  • A bit over a decade. I was exposed to languages and computers at an extremely early age, so I've been at it for a while.
Where did you have your best roleplaying experiences? (Other than SL 1 & 2)
  • I can't remember. Forums, mostly.
Do you have any experience with tabletop games, MUDS & MUKS, LARPing, or anything else besides graphical RPGs?
  • Sort of?
[Image: Y8FFQj7.jpg]
^Mercala's Favorite Apparently
[Image: To2mAPS.png](heh)
It's probably Gaia. I didn't actually know /much/ about anything, so I mainly tried to make not-that-powerful characters and tried to just have fun with them, or something along those lines anyways. I remember bat-demon-boy. And bad-English-soldier who's talent was "Shoots good". It was all very lovely. There was also some Resident Evil rpsite-thing that I got tied around in with, like, ten other people.

I think I've been doing this for about 7-6 years, now. Maybe even longer since I'm apparently crap at remembering things time wise. Probably been one of my biggest inspirations to be a writer, but I pretty much suck at motivation.

My most memorable moments with RPing has to probably be on Tumblr. There was my Disgaea blog, mlp blog, .flow blog, Dangan Ronpa one, and all those crazy OCs I threw out. And I really loved the Disgaea community, even if there was only about, like, 8 people in it. Everyone was really friendly, fun, and it mainly stayed drama-free. I mean, there is an Encyclopedia Dramatica article on one of the users, but still. (I still prefer the term "faceclaim" over "playby", too.)

I've actually played a few MUDs, one of the most frequent one being tgchan's mud. I've also tried to get into a few virtual tabletop games, but most of them flopped in the beginning. Heck, technically I'm still apart of one, but we're on a break for the holidays or something.
[Image: 728daabd1d06463d4458817a55e80d3f09da5d88.gif]
            "Nothing good ever comes of her laughter. And she's always laughing."
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Glad to see this topic picking up steam. Might as well add my own stuff.

I would say I've been RPing since 2001, started on MUDs like Aardwolf. I met a lot of people who helped me hone my skills on MUDs and MUCKs, they've had some pretty nice communities that love to help out new players. I think things started to really pick up when I played on RP Neverwinter Night servers, probably my most memorable roleplays were on those. Later on I've found BYOND and played on several games including SS13, but my favorite was probably Stolen Lands which is unfortunately not around anymore. I've also had some great times on Champions Online and The Secret World, I highly recommend checking those out if you haven't before.
I've played plenty of tabletop games like D&D, pathfinder, cyberpunk, call of cthulhu, Champions (Yeah it's a tabletop as well), World of Darkness, and probably more I can't remember. I've also been LARPing for about 3 years now, I go to a fantastic one with my friends that my cousin introduced me to that gathers one weekend a month in a really nice campsite with cabins, and they even put out a small buffet for breakfast lunch and dinner. Loads of fun. I did try out a Vampire: The Masquerade LARP once, didn't like it.
Where did you first start roleplaying?
Technically Mitadake High.
How long have you been roleplaying?
Many years, and many more moons.
Where did you have your best roleplaying experiences? (Other than SL 1 & 2)
Mitadake High is great with the right people, so I'm going with that.
Do you have any experience with tabletop games, MUDS & MUKS, LARPing, or anything else besides graphical RPGs?
[Image: jzdlBPn.png]
[*]Where did you first start roleplaying?

[*]How long have you been roleplaying?
I've been RPing on the internet for at least six years.

[*]Where did you have your best roleplaying experiences? (Other than SL 1 & 2)
Either BLH or Zee/DU on a private server with friends.

[*]Do you have any experience with tabletop games, MUDS & MUKS, LARPing, or anything else besides graphical RPGs?
Yes, although the campaigns I got involved with never kicked up to a good plot.

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