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Soul Chain Youkai interaction
Soul chain currently does only make the person be treated like someone with a youkai installed which is usually a set up for Judgement blade.

But it would be cooler if it would also make the person actually be installed with that youkais Strength and weakness. This would allow more stategies like applying a Fire weakness youkai on someone and instead of using Judgement blade you just start to burn them down with firebreath or something.

Aka make it so that the Person that get Soul chained obtains the innate skill of the youkai used for it aswell. Currently you can use whatever youkai and it makes no differnce.
My suggestion is to change Youkai Tamer to apply to all damage dealt to enemies counted as youkai, then Soul chains would allow Youkai Tamer to deal more damage to them or they can go for the straight power option of judgement blade. Or maybe Youkai tamer is all basic attacks. Just SOMETHING good for it.
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water
Well I mostly want this change because it allows alot more interactions and strategy outside of just some plain damage. Also I figured youkai tamer does that already, guess I am wrong.
Youkai Tamer only applies to Basic Melee, if I remember correctly.

In other words, it's completely useless to your average Grand Summoner, since Bonder is the Summoner promo for melee builds while Grand Summoner is for more magic-centric builds.

So yeah, a change to that would be nice, but I've also wanted them to get the youkai's passives as well.
[Image: 43061579a09db588952b04fe4c658928.png]
throw drowned woman onto someone and harass them with a youkai tamer holy mythslayer, outplayed.

I have to disagree, this could be heavily abusable,
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
Well to be fair, That person would have 25 slash resist aswell, so the damage increase isn´t THAT high given that you also screw your momentum.

What if it would just give a youkai element based weakness? Youkai Level/2?
Throw dwoend woman on someone.

Now use Youkai Tamer Holy Ensui to bash their brains in with literally zero recourse.

Let's.. not.
Seems more a problem with Drowned woman then, honestly. Since it gives the Racial thing.
So if that wouldn´t happen the damage output would not be that high.

But sad that it all goes down cause of a single youkai interacting to strongly with it. Soul chain could use a little extra based on the youkais.

Also, with the weakness Idea, holy is unnessescary, Rendar. It would just be 30% weakness to ensui. But I guess it could be aproblem when stacked with Riversword. That could be countered however if riversword would simply overwrite the effect (cause stronger staus of same type)
Or better yet, Kilkenny for the water weakness.

Though it still stands, it'd only be abused by elemental weaknesses and/or Holy for massive damage very quickly.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
Sad, buuuuut fiine.

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