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Basic Attacks with guns update
I don't know if this would be possible, but would there be a way to tweak the way Gun type weapons interact with basic attack skills?

As an example I'll never hit higher than 1 using Capture, Pinball Strike, or Warp Strike. it hinders my build quite harshly by making a very powerful tool practically worthless.

My suggestion would be somehow making a separate blunt damage proc for guns when used for the case of Melee type skills (IE you use rubber bullets, or smash them with the base of your gun to knock them out)

Though I am absolutely worthless when it comes to coding so I don't know how easy nor how hard this would be to do.

EDIT: I have acutally just come up with a possible idea, you could add a Rubber Bullets trait that when toggled on will make gun weapons never kill, allowing us gunners to get a mob down to 1 HP and then move in for a capture, though that wouldn't fix the Warp Strike and Pinball Strike problems...
W-what? what do you mean I need to have a catchy signature....i don't know how to do that....wait are you writing this down!?
Guns are made for shooting, not bashing. At most I'd see Shotgun-type weapons able to use melee skills due to how they're more set on close-quarters than the other weapons, but that's pretty much it.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
Due to the way gun attacks work, this would require changing how they function entirely (making them work the same as other weapons), which I don't think is a change people would universally agree to.

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