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(V2.73) Not so Obsessive Mantra
We tried making a Duo for an Event and played around with how Obsessive Mantra works. It does however not work how you expect it from the Description:
[Image: imag2e.png]

This part in particular. As it stands it does only TO the causer, not from. In battle it also says it behaves like that:
[Image: image.png]

So there is a inconsistency there. The idea for the characters was to be each others Obsessions so in that case going by the trait description, it would stack since each of them are both causer and receiver. That is however not the case so it remains at 10% healing boost, instead of the expected 20%

Furthermore... Obsessive Mantras healing almost doesn't apply to more than half of the healing from the game, which is a real bummer and cuts down the useage of this tier 3 trait alooot.

We tested it with only a few but I think know on which it would work from it:

-Bard Heals
-Black Elixir


I assume it works with any healing that has NOT a fixed value, so I assume Phoenix, Healing discharge, etc would also be boosted. Stuff like Malmelo or ranger heals wouldn't.

I think this really reduces its usage from an otherwise thematically really cool concept of a obsessed couple that fight in a duo.
I don't know if its actually a bug, but its certainly not doing what the Trait Description suggests. It would be also cool if other forms of healing would also benefit from it, its a pretty niche trait that you can not really utilize on your own anyway.

Let me be more obsessed plox! its already almost never used as trait.
To add another thing that may/may not be a bug or not for mantra. . .
It uses aliases. Not just names.
So you could have an entire party with similar aliases like a sentai group, and trigger it on all of them including yourself.
Obsessive Mantra does not work on yourself, atleast not in my tests. But I also don't think that interaction is a problem but a feature.
Obsessive Madness doesn't stack, it only checks to see if either the target or user has Obsessive Madness towards the other. Some of the healing skills in the game may not be passing the healer along, I fixed a few instances mentioned above.

HP Regeneration effects are always treated as coming from the regenerating unit, so that won't be affected by this, even if it comes from a different unit.

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