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Conditional Immortality
As it stands, Second Chance/Phoenix/Sal Volatile revive a person, and then they instantly get their full turn. This can be repeated every round without real penalty.

Not only does this pretty much break PvP and make PvE a cakewalk, but it.. doesn't really make much sense in roleplay.

I suggest:
a) A debuff that prevents revival (but doesn't affect Die Hard or From The Ashes) for 4 rounds
b) Revived characters losing 6M for their next turn
c) A combination of both, with a 2-3 round debuff and a 3M loss.
I'm for c).

2 round debuff seems good enough and I'd like to think that someone getting up from the ground would be in same disposition people with knockdown inflicted upon them would be. (That means, on ground.)
I could also see some debuff that decreases the Momentum you get each round, that lasts 4 rounds, and it stacks. So if you get KO'd, you lose 1 Momentum for 4 rounds. If you get back up and get KO'd again while you have the debuff active, it becomes 2 Momentum and the duration is extended by 4 rounds, and so on.
I like the solution Dev has.
[Image: 7y3oPuY.png]
Considering how most revival options revive them at very low HP, I don't think putting a cooldown on revival is practical or fair.

On the flip side, I can agree with losing M with most revival methods. Either the full turn you get up (like how a summoned Youkai does nothing on the first turn) or something like what Dev suggested, to represent a mild grogginess or lightheadedness. I think losing 3m per turn for 2-3 for a single defeat is just too steep, however.

I do feel that Die Hard and From The Ashes shouldn't get these M penalties, though. Not only do they already have 10 turn cooldowns, but also due to the possibility of being triggered while surrounded without an ally nearby to help, leaving you immediately defeated again, completely helplessly. At least with Phoenix, Second Chance, or Sal Volatile, there's an ally right nearby to help! If we need logical reasons, I'd argue that a Phenex can anticipate death coming and plan for their rebirth in advance, allowing them to recover from it more easily than as if they had just woken up, and Die Hard could be seen as simply picking the optimal moment to pop back up for a surprise attack.
*loud burp*
I was under the assumption that Dev implemented that if you get up from being KO'd you get up as if having been knocked down. Since you were, you know. Knocked the fuck out. I'd rather see that implemented with a way that doesn't give Martial Artists pseudo-immortality. The M penalty is cool, getting knocked the fuck out should definitely be more penalizing all the way through though.
Well, there is of course the option that if you get KO'd, you don't have any Momentum at all the same turn you get revived.
Devs idea seems pretty good! I myself would rather see the lowest momentum penalty to be two.
"[url= Wrote:Neus » Sat Mar 21, 2015 2:58 am[/url]"]Well, there is of course the option that if you get KO'd, you don't have any Momentum at all the same turn you get revived.
Good idea, but
"[url= Wrote:Soapy » Wed Mar 18, 2015 1:48 pm[/url]"]b) Revived characters losing 6M for their next turn
is basically the same thing except with no turn order shenanigans.
"[url= Wrote:Sarinpa1 » Sat Mar 21, 2015 2:08 pm[/url]"]Devs idea seems pretty good! I myself would rather see the lowest momentum penalty to be two.

I'm fine with 3, because that plus Knockdown = 6. With tactician, you'd have 1M left over, but if you don't have any 1M skills, what's the point of having that extra M? 6M just for being revived? Too much considering you can just as easily be killed again in that turn you have 0M. It's a bit more understandable if you're KO'd and just got revived.
Quote:OOC Devourer Of Souls: I did literally nothing and have never played YGO in my life.
OOC Black Chaos X: OOC Devourer Of Souls: no one activated zera ritual
OOC Devourer Of Souls: That's fake.

Tengen Toppa [Image: 2zolp55.jpg] !!!

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