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So. Leveling is still sort of. Uh. Well. Very imbalanced. Like, sure. It's a lot quicker now but. Let's be real. The Melee vs Mage debate will go on forever, and mages will literally always win this debate on speed. Well. Not all mages. Hexers and Evokers, honestly.

Now I'm not saying "oy vey nerf their clear rate on dungeons". It's not anyone's fault that they can wipe out a battle with 13~ level 70 enemies in 2-3 turns where as it would take a melee forever/DIE because Swarm (or 0 FP because they have to expend 50x the amount the mages do).

Hell, I'm not even going "Hey; why not make dungeons give easier!" Because that still makes it a ton easier for mages.

I'm just asking maybe we should check out clear times between classes and figure out a way to make XP gained from BDPs be scaled to that? Maybe if a fight drags on with damage being dealt/given (not just running away around the last enemy) you could gain XP buffs to the final total. So if you spent say... 40 rounds fighting ONE group of enemies... You'd get more EXP. Sure, it might not be enough to make up for the fact that a mage probably just wiped out 10-15 encounters in the time it took you to do just that one but... Something would be better than nothing for fights that drag on longer in PVE.

What's this solve?


To a degree anyways. Evoker/Hexer's with the Leviathan Ammy will literally always be the better monster denizen murderer. Simply because they will never run out of FP/HP. Because one fight done will almost full heal them. BUT YOU KNOW. IT'S WORTH A SHOT.

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