07-07-2016, 04:47 PM
>Not a feature
I kinda liked it. You had to build for it, and it made the class not "I have strength so now I can run this entire class"... which was the case with 95% of the classes if you had STR + SKI.
I could see it being changed in form.. and here let me tell you what.
>Not a feature
I kinda liked it. You had to build for it, and it made the class not "I have strength so now I can run this entire class"... which was the case with 95% of the classes if you had STR + SKI.
I could see it being changed in form.. and here let me tell you what.
Quote:Any skill used in a given tree swaps your "STANCE". Based upon this stance, instead of STRENGTH (which is pretty much all weapons) for your fist weapon, it changes to STR/WIL/CEL instead, depending on which type you're using (Bear/Fox/Hare respectively) for verglas skills.
Alongside this, four skills are now 2m each. Ice point greaves, Ice Point Guard, Ice Point, and Ice Skate are now 2m, allowing for better comboing from a class that relies on comboing. Want to Icicle spear? 7m now instead of 9, meaning it can take one turn to completely do it. Want to do a combo? Crawling Spikes > Cold Front > Skate is now a thing. Want a different combo? Crawling Spikes > Cold Front > Ice Point guard (or greaves) is now a thing! It inherently lets the class work a lot better with itself.