08-08-2016, 11:08 AM
"Kameron8" Wrote:Matador Stance, Reaver Stance, Cobra Stance, Snake Dancer, Know No Pain, Spell Snatch, Overload, Ether Invitation, Fast Offense, One Versus One, Shine Knights, Gust Arrows, One Overcharge.
Stances: Provide 1m for activating because of Gradient Blur. Demon Hunters get 4m for going through stances. Matdors get 400 rage for Retaliate.
Know No Pain: Increases damage reduction by another flat 4, making them even more immune to bullets. (More rage is generated)
Snake Dancer: 3 dodges per round instead of 2. This needs no explanation.
Spell Snatch: Gives another spell slot for thieves to use.
Overload: Scales even more with bonus stats. If magic didn't suck as a whole at the moment, people already would be getting gibbed by Overload. (Vampires do by default)
Ether Invitation: Ups the damage cap to 300, increasing damage by 20%.
Fast Offense: Youkai get 9 momentum instead of 8, enabling a third action.
One versus One: Doubles in effectiveness, if it scales with rank. 20% DR/Damage.
Shine Knights: Become level 70.
Gust Arrows: An additional 1 range. If you've fought against longdraw gust arrows before, you know why nobody wants this.
One Overcharge: Extra 20% bonus to the skill that impacts every single shell you have. Rank 54 Hesitation, 13 tile reduction Celsius, 26 reduction to Cel and Ski.
Not to mention every single class that gets added into the game from this point forward would need to take rank x+1/x into account for every single skill. Getting the equivalent of free SP is good enough, breaking skill caps like GMs will cause an enormous balance headache for Dev both immediately and in the future forever.