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(STORY) The Temple of Acceptance
Sigrogana, the Promised Land. It’s said that this is one of the continents not cursed by a god, not plagued by corruption. Pure. Yet there are ways that it keeps itself like this.

Every fifty years, there must be a ‘savior’ that goes to the Temple of Acceptance. The reason for this, is that the Savior must plead to the gods, for the world to remain prosperous, lush, and rich with life. Should the Savior fail, then the world would come to ruin, for that meant that the people of the land were selfish, despite the gods giving their wonders to them.

The Temple of Acceptance is found in the ruins past the God Grave of Charachin. The temple leads underground, and only the Savior has the ability to open the Temple.

They then must first travel through and obtain all nine Blessings of the Gods, so that they are prepared for the speaking with the Gods. These Blessings are said to be wondrous, powerful, and strong.

Once again, it is time for the Savior to appear, and to complete the ritual as all Saviors have done, where they ascend to be a servant of the Gods.

Yet they are not alone this time.


He had this strange way of his, that he’d make the weirdest friends, and at times, he even managed to make people become friends with others that they didn’t even know they could get along with. The kid was pretty normal otherwise, aside from being artificially made from a tree and all.

His name was Daniel Cuno. He was approximately ‘16’. At least, that’s what he said his age was. He was a simple delivery boy for his mother. He made many friends on his travels, however. Some he accidentally befriended, but nonetheless, some were bitter, others were downright rude, some were a bit goofy, and even then, he didn’t mind. They were all friends.

One of them was named Kevin. He was also a bit of a simple fellow, a Glykin who ran a shop. He was kind and about as goofy as Daniel himself was. He was always up for chatting, and was often seen as a laid-back type of person. Despite his occupation, he was quite a strong person when it came to fighting, as well. Daniel began their friendship upon delivering something to his shop, and they began talking, and almost never stopped!

Another person was named Delphia. She was a strange one, really. Some people could see her as random or queer. Yet she often times didn’t let people bring her down. She was a very strong woman, wielding a sword made of crystal. Daniel and Delphia bonded through their shared heritage-being Mechanations. Although Daniel didn’t share her dislike for humans, indeed he treasured his mother, he understood why.

The next person that he met was someone named Tobias. Tobias was a very kind man. He was a man of the church, a priest of Mercala herself. He followed the tenets closely, and was always willing to open his arms and give an open ear. Daniel naturally befriended him simply by sitting down nearby and beginning to speak. Such friendships really are simple like that, believe it or not.

He met Ess along with Tobias, actually. Ess was an elf, and also a priest. He was good friends with Tobias, but took things in a different light. Ess found that even the damned should be given a chance. Remnants and Manes together, they deserved a decision to be cleansed or released into the next life. Daniel had quite a few questions for the elf, and he would gladly answer, if only to educate the other about such things.

York was a strange person, even to Daniel. He was a smoker, and Daniel always coughed whenever the smoke got too close. Many would see the man as rude and too blunt. Daniel thought of him as a cool weirdo. It was strange that they became friends, but the mechanation was quite sure that they could be, eventually York just let up. Still guarded, but they could be friends for now. Maybe even the others too, as long as the Priests and the Monk stayed quiet about the damn gods and goddesses.

She was originally called ‘Bitch’, though Daniel really did hate calling her that. Eventually he learned her name, her ‘real’ name, being Lyra. She often was found talking or fighting-dancing-with York. That was how Daniel met her. She was similar to the man, which she loved to walk everywhere, but she was more outwardly hostile. That didn’t stop him from trying to befriend her, however. She relented, but she swore it was only so he would stop trying to hug her.

Jim Jones Jr. That was the full name of the guard that Daniel befriended. He was a bit silly, too. Reading comics constantly, even while on duty, he often gushed about the contents when he could. Daniel was curious about such things, so he was always willing to lend an open ear to the young guard. They met more by chance than anything. If Daniel had to say, he really did enjoy his time with Jim. Eventually he even introduced the guy to his other friends, allowing the gushing to continue.

Windfather was a cool person! Literally, actually. He was someone that Daniel always loved listening to, because he was full of passion about what he believed in, Mother Gaia and such. Daniel was tempted to join in the religion, too! Too bad his mother didn’t let him. That said, he allowed the mechanation to befriend him and the others at the temple. Windfather was kind, so long as his passions didn’t get in the way of things.

Finally, there was Sol. Sol was a very kind person, too! Like his name, he could be sunny. At the same, he could burn those that he saw deserved it. Daniel grinned whenever he saw the happy man, because he knew that happy times were to come. Such a strong man, too, for a simple tea-maker. If Daniel had to describe Sol as one thing, he would have to say it was ‘Terrifyingly Kind’. Ah, that’s two words.

All of these people, Daniel loved talking to each of them for different reasons. At the same time, he tried his best to get them to socialize with each other. It was hard at first, but eventually he managed. They all came together sometimes just to chat. Sometimes fight, sometimes play ‘games’. Juvenile things, really, but Daniel was happy with how things were. It was simple, clean, and innocent, the way he viewed them.

Things changed upon an Oracle coming to Daniel, one day. Now, he’d heard of the legend of a Savior needing to go to that Temple of Whatever, but he never expected… Well, -himself- to be chosen. The Oracle spoke.

“You are the chosen Savior. You must do as you are meant to. There’s no going against it.”

He thought it a joke at first, but the Oracle looked so serious about it. Upon speaking to his mother, Mariah, she confirmed it. That he was meant to be a servant to gods, even though he was so artificial.

The thought scared him.

So when he brought the subject to his group of friends, they all stared, before beginning to speak, some in encouragement, some in a cynical manner, some in an unsure manner.

“It’s an honor! Think I could help?” questioned Tobias, smile as innocent as usual.

“It’s a large duty, but you’re strong, I trust you can do it,”Ess nodded with a friendly grin, reassuring the mechanation.

“Uh, wow! Who would’ve thought? Must be nerve wracking,”Commented Kevin, scratching at his cheek.

“... Will you be alright?” asked Delphia, frowning a little bit.

“Feh, Gods and their damn things. Shame they have to force this shit onto you,”York simply said, smug look staying, but he seemed disinterested.

“Can you decide to say ‘Fuck them’, by chance?” Lyra questioned, raising a brow, about as interested as her fellow Shaitan.

“This sounds exactly like something I read,”Jim let out a small laugh,”Good luck!”

“You’ll be able to speak to Gaia! You’re going to be blessed with such things, be proud, be so glad!” Windfather cheered, grinning as he always did.

“Ah… That’s a shame, isn’t it?” Sol kept his serene smile, but he seemed like he’d been thinking about other things.

Daniel just gave a smile towards them all, before lowering his head. He was nervous about it, becoming the servant to gods, that sounded hard!

“...Hey,”Delphia began,”Think...Think maybe we can follow you there? You know, to cheer you on.” She put on a smile afterwards, her blue eyes scanning the others for their reaction. It seemed that they were quiet, before looking back at Daniel.

“Uhm… Hm. Well!”The younger mech began,”I think that would be cool! That way you can cheer me on the quest and you can maybe help me get there in the first place, cause I’m not the strongest and you know, it’d be good that I can get there in the first place and stuff because if I didn’t then it’d be a shame and-”

“Then it’s settled,”Sol interrupted with a chortle,”Let’s head off with you. After all, your joys and pains should be shared. I’m curious to see.”

It didn’t take too long for them to become prepared, as it was a journey to the Jammer Caverns, deep underground. Daniel never knew the directions to the Temple, but he was given a map, while the others were preparing. He thanked the Oracle, bid his mother goodbye.

Then he and his nine friends left.

The trek out towards the temple took several days, as it was much deeper than he assumed it would be. When they got there, he couldn’t help but gawk up at the structure that was there.

The temple itself was more like a tower than anything else, with its base being the largest, and it becoming thinner near the top. Staring upwards, he could even see the sky, as there was a hole in the ceiling of the caverns. It was so high up, though. The sun bore down upon the wondrous stone temple. He simply turned towards his friends, punching at the air in enthusiasm. Now all that was left was the blessings, and then… Then everything would be complete.

Placing his hand upon the door, it began to glow, as if sensing that he was the supposed Savior. It swung its old doors open, revealing the main entryway.

There were several doors, and a spiral staircase leading to more doors. Nine in total. Daniel stared in awe, and several of his friends commented.

“Pretty decent place for never being fucking used…,”Lyra grumbled, her clawed hands still stuffed in her pockets.

Daniel glanced back down at the pamphlet in his hand,”Well, the first blessing should be on the first floor. Called…’The Blooming Wave’.”

As he spoke, the very first door, off to their left, began to glow a great blue color. He turned towards it curiously, before smiling and walking forward.

“Hey,”Kevin called out,”Can I come watch?” He stepped forward as he questioned. Daniel glanced towards the green-haired man, and nodded. The double doors opened up, and they both stepped inside.

There was a pedestal there, housing a large rune. It was glowing a blue, and seemed to emulate the great crashing of waters’ waves.

“So this is the blessing,”Daniel commented, reaching a hand forward,”Alright! First one down~”

He wasn’t expecting someone to suddenly grab him by the collar of his shirt and toss him backwards with a great amount of force. He let out a squawk, rolling around and out of the room.

“First one, and it’s mine,”Kevin suddenly said, an uncharacteristic grin overtaking his face. He glanced back, before reaching to grab at the rune himself. Just then, blue light enveloped the room, and the doors slammed shut.

Daniel sat up, eyes wide. He stared around in confusion, before turning towards the others.

“What just happened?” He asked.

Lyra snorted, before looking to the side,”Come on, you really thought that we’d come here for nothing? Blessing of the god or not, they’re strength. I’m getting some of that shit,”She stepped towards one of the doors, just as it began to glow red. Shoving it open, she bore witness to a great orange rune, flames licking its lines. She glanced backwards, eyeing York, before the room was shut off.

“W-wait! I need the blessings!” Daniel called out, standing up. Only for Ess to shove him down.

“I’ll obtain the power of the sun myself. You’re too weak for this,”He simply scolded, before hurrying towards another door. It swung open, and he took a step inside. A rune that looked like a signature of the sun shown brightly, before that room, too, was closed off.

“Ess!”Called out Tobias, looking irritated. He growled, before turning and running towards the stairs, a dark purple coming from the door ahead. He ran straight in, and Daniel couldn’t see anything but darkness before it slammed shut.

“Guys, please stop!” Daniel cried out, standing up to his feet once more, yet by that time, everyone had scattered. Everyone ran, to gain the glory that Daniel was supposed to receive.

“This is… just like the comics. I’ll become strong!” The young guard called out, reaching for another door. Shoving it open, he could see a rune, glowing a golden yellow, rocks tumbling down, the element of Earth.

That door shut rapidly.

Delphia herself had hurried up the stairs, electricity colored blue at her heels. She stared down at Daniel, scowling,”I’ll become stronger than anyone,”She scoffed, turning her nose upwards, before entering another room. This one also had a rune that was colored yellow, electricity and bolts of lightning being shown upon the rune, before it was closed off.

“I’ll be closer to Gaia… Just watch!” Windfather cheered, leaping upwards and into one of the rooms. Strong gusts collected in the room, and a green rune appeared, with billowing winds being its symbol. The room shut slower this time, but Daniel was still too slow to stop him.

Only two more blessings left. York had made his merry way, strolling over towards the door with a bright white. He kicked it open, before stepping inside, glancing around. Inside was a rune, colored a bright blue, a cold chill coming off. The shaitan turned his head, giving a two-fingered salute towards the remainders,”Fuck the gods’ choices.” He simply said, before the doors shut.

It was only Daniel and Sol left, after that. Only one blessing left. Sol gave a gentle smile towards the young mechanation, gently petting his head in reassurance.

Before blasting him back with wind, of course.

Sol ran into the final door, the rune hot red, with rolling waves of magma signifying its ties to nairyf. He lifted his hand, before giving a smirk towards Daniel. He said nothing as the door came shut.

Daniel sat there, all the blessings taken. His brown eyes were wide with shock, and then he simply slumped down where he was. Had greed really changed his friends like so? He let out a quiet sob, feeling betrayed.


The boy jolted, looking upwards. From where he sat, he could see something at the top. Sniffing quietly, he simply stood up, going to begin to walk up the stairs. He failed his quest, what more was there to it? He’d apologize, at the very least…

Upon reaching the top, he squinted as sunlight bore down.

He was at the top of the very tall temple. Staring downwards, he just stepped forward, not seeming to take note of the altar with a singular torch, unlit, seeming to be there. Several more statues holding candles surrounded the round roof.

Daniel remained silent, before hearing something… His eyes widened.

“The blessing-” The first voice, light and motherly, spoke.

“The atonement-” The second voice, dark and grumbling, growled.

“Meant for the Savior.”

“Meant for the Lamb.”

“Nine sacrifices were instead given.” They spoke together, in unison.

The mechanation stared upwards, Focus began to flow everywhere. Each candle was lit in a different color. Blue, Orange, Bright yellow, Golden Yellow, Electric Yellow, Mint Green, Icy Blue, and Ruby Red.

He suddenly collapsed down to his knees, realization taking over his mind. His friends hadn’t taken the blessings from him at all.

They’d saved him.

‘The Shopkeeper, Drowned in the Blooming Waves’
‘The Clawed Fighter, trapped within the Fire Banquet’
‘The Elven Priest, brought to his knees by the drought of the Grace of Sunlight’
‘The Umbral Priest, forever surrounded by the Peaceful Darkness’
‘The Humble Guard, crushed by the Trembling Ground’
‘The Blue Joker, forever electrocuted by the Rumbling Lightning’
‘The Windfather, torn apart by the Rondo of Whirlwinds’
‘The Clawed Smoker, frozen to his soul by the Garden of Silver Snow’
‘The Smiling Tea-maker, forever made to crawl through the Magma’s Gate’

Daniel laughed quietly, stepping forward. He wobbled, before staring at the altar with the unlit torch.

He reached his hand forward.


((This story is based off of the song ‘Blessed Messiah and the Tower of AI’))

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