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I just don't think it needs to apply to Orkam Drehen and Felsmange so many times, even though Felsmange kills your sturm level it still can be partnered up with Orkam Drehen purely for the wind damage alone, procing so many times per target hit, it's just not pleasant to face because I've seen this happen two times now where Orkam Drehen has elliminated an entire party of 4 because it was paired up with Orkam Drehen (which is realllllllly not easy to avoid), it can quite dish out up to 700-1000 hybrid damage to each individual target depending on someone's build, which is more than unfair when comparing this to AoE burst classes like Evoker and the such who can normally dish out maybe 400-500 if enemies are super clumped up together.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]

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