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Roleplaying Experience
It's probably Gaia. I didn't actually know /much/ about anything, so I mainly tried to make not-that-powerful characters and tried to just have fun with them, or something along those lines anyways. I remember bat-demon-boy. And bad-English-soldier who's talent was "Shoots good". It was all very lovely. There was also some Resident Evil rpsite-thing that I got tied around in with, like, ten other people.

I think I've been doing this for about 7-6 years, now. Maybe even longer since I'm apparently crap at remembering things time wise. Probably been one of my biggest inspirations to be a writer, but I pretty much suck at motivation.

My most memorable moments with RPing has to probably be on Tumblr. There was my Disgaea blog, mlp blog, .flow blog, Dangan Ronpa one, and all those crazy OCs I threw out. And I really loved the Disgaea community, even if there was only about, like, 8 people in it. Everyone was really friendly, fun, and it mainly stayed drama-free. I mean, there is an Encyclopedia Dramatica article on one of the users, but still. (I still prefer the term "faceclaim" over "playby", too.)

I've actually played a few MUDs, one of the most frequent one being tgchan's mud. I've also tried to get into a few virtual tabletop games, but most of them flopped in the beginning. Heck, technically I'm still apart of one, but we're on a break for the holidays or something.
[Image: 728daabd1d06463d4458817a55e80d3f09da5d88.gif]
            "Nothing good ever comes of her laughter. And she's always laughing."
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