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Roleplaying Experience
Glad to see this topic picking up steam. Might as well add my own stuff.

I would say I've been RPing since 2001, started on MUDs like Aardwolf. I met a lot of people who helped me hone my skills on MUDs and MUCKs, they've had some pretty nice communities that love to help out new players. I think things started to really pick up when I played on RP Neverwinter Night servers, probably my most memorable roleplays were on those. Later on I've found BYOND and played on several games including SS13, but my favorite was probably Stolen Lands which is unfortunately not around anymore. I've also had some great times on Champions Online and The Secret World, I highly recommend checking those out if you haven't before.
I've played plenty of tabletop games like D&D, pathfinder, cyberpunk, call of cthulhu, Champions (Yeah it's a tabletop as well), World of Darkness, and probably more I can't remember. I've also been LARPing for about 3 years now, I go to a fantastic one with my friends that my cousin introduced me to that gathers one weekend a month in a really nice campsite with cabins, and they even put out a small buffet for breakfast lunch and dinner. Loads of fun. I did try out a Vampire: The Masquerade LARP once, didn't like it.

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