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Trait Rework
The final trait batch for now will be live soon. The next update will probably involve going over old traits, rebalancing or removing them, and so on.


Strange Sight
Req: Human, 15 Will
Sometimes you see things. Strange, unfocused lines shifting around on objects, as if something were casting a shadow on it. If you concentrate on those lines, you notice the object in question seems more fragile than it should be. Reduces your maximum HP by 1%. Boosts the speed of your mining and woodchopping by 50%.

Eyes of Elimination
Req: Strange Sight Trait
The strange lines you see provide you with even stranger powers. By focusing, when the line becomes one, you can cut it to great effect. Reduces your maximum HP by 4%. Grants access to a special Dagger only attack in battle where you must click and drag from one end of a line to the other without going off the line, boosting your critical damage and chance for that attack if you are successful.

Divine Eyes
Req: Eyes of Elimination Trait
Looks can kill. Reduces your maximum HP by 5%. Grants access to an additional special Dagger only attack in battle. It functions similarly to Eyes of Elimination, only you must trace 3 lines in succession. If you trace all lines perfectly, it will instantly defeat any non-boss, non-player character enemy of an equal or lower level (higher level enemies require a status infliction check). If they are not instantly defeated, they take protection ignoring Slash damage equal to your Level * 5, minus 20 for each mistake.

Last Rites
Req: 20 Faith
You believe that even monsters have souls that need to cross on. Grants a 10% chance that monsters you encounter in dungeons/etc will also leave behind a Spiritualism spirit.

Ram Tactics
Req: Race with horns, 15 Strength
Give your enemies the horns. Unlocks a special skill in battle called Ram. (Ram your horns into the target, dealing Pierce damage equal to 20 + your Scaled STR. If the target is using an Unarmored torso, they take 50% more damage.)

Horn of Heaven
Req: Zeran, 15 Sanctity, Ram Tactics Trait
Sometimes it's not enough to just make them stumble. Sometimes you need to send them home. When you use Ram on a summoned unit, if your Superiority affects them, they will be unsummoned.

Servant Training
Req: 10 Skill
You have training as a servant and are used to certain activites, such as cleaning. Doubles the speed of cleaning up battle damage in towns, and increases the EXP gained for it by 10%.

Dedicated Cleaner
Req: 15 Skill, Servant Training Trait
You are devoted to doing your best when cleaning. Increases the reputation bonus and maximum possible reputation gained from cleaning up battle damage. Furthermore, when you clean battle damage, it will generate a sparkly shine, which makes it harder for more battle damage to tarnish your nice and clean city street.

Sword Polisher
Req: 20 Skill, Dedicated Cleaner Trait
Going the extra mile is a key part of being a good servant. When your party rests at an inn, you polish their weapons, which has two effects. First, if you have any Maintenance talents, it'll repair them as if it had triggered. Second, all members receive a buff that reduces durability consumption for weapons by 25% for 50 rounds.

Lovely Face
Req: 10 Will, 15 Guile, Non-Corrupted Race With Skin
You are good looking and you know how to use it to your advantage. Passively increases reputation by 10 and grants a special skill in battle called Blow Kiss. (Blow a kiss at an enemy within 5 Range, granting a chance to inflict Charm LV X (X = Scaled WIL) for 3 rounds. +20% infliction rate if you are wearing an unarmored torso (this gives them a better... view.))

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