01-18-2015, 08:11 AM
"[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=3691#p3691 Wrote:Rendar » Sun Jan 18, 2015 6:07 am[/url]"]And catalysts for enchantments like Rebellion are very easy to come by, same for pretty much every other enchantment. Which is a free bonus to everyone else.
Which is why there shouldn't be a reason why they couldn't work like rebelling does. Aka uncraftable.
To add, rebelling can match the effectivity of haunted/cursed weapon ONLY if they were both on one star item. (And even then it's not matching it).
Sure, you have to keep that one specific class in main slot for it, but that isn't enough to just make it easy to come by gear.
Edit : That alone I believe is one hell of a reason to not have a catalyst for it. Not to mention, if I take a look at negative qualities, then take a look at the +20 in power for basic attacks. Yeaaaaaah. . . .