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Conditional Immortality
Considering how most revival options revive them at very low HP, I don't think putting a cooldown on revival is practical or fair.

On the flip side, I can agree with losing M with most revival methods. Either the full turn you get up (like how a summoned Youkai does nothing on the first turn) or something like what Dev suggested, to represent a mild grogginess or lightheadedness. I think losing 3m per turn for 2-3 for a single defeat is just too steep, however.

I do feel that Die Hard and From The Ashes shouldn't get these M penalties, though. Not only do they already have 10 turn cooldowns, but also due to the possibility of being triggered while surrounded without an ally nearby to help, leaving you immediately defeated again, completely helplessly. At least with Phoenix, Second Chance, or Sal Volatile, there's an ally right nearby to help! If we need logical reasons, I'd argue that a Phenex can anticipate death coming and plan for their rebirth in advance, allowing them to recover from it more easily than as if they had just woken up, and Die Hard could be seen as simply picking the optimal moment to pop back up for a surprise attack.
*loud burp*

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