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Spirit Mirror killing more than just your spirit.
I am heavily againts changes to Spirit Mirror. They exist for quite a while as was said and I've not seen a single gunner that couldn't work around it. Same goes for Arbalests, Mages and all projectile users. This thread strikes me as a rather inability to get yourself a secondary, weaker gun to trigger mirrors, get a whole array of subclasses that can do that, or to even check STATUS EFFECTS list. It's a punishment for hurr hurr rush I'm going to nuke you for 237 damage from my overcharged shotty and then nuke you for another 100s of an evoker and all of that within tasty two turns.

Edit : Maybe if it consumes overcharge and charged shot and negates possible crit by the gunner, then absorbing would sound fine. Mentioning crit because of fleur shenanigans.

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