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Full Version: Protect Defect
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Protect just plain isn't working for other players.

It seems to function fine for monster mobs who have it, but both for a certain BK I was partying with, as well as Shine Knights, I haven't seen Protect activate once.
Confirming: Mosnters seem to have a superprotect (blocks spells as well) that works a little TOO well, while it seems to be borked for anything player related.
Protect seems to work fine on my end, protect seems to just not work against certain monster skills like Immolate and the such, otherwise Protect works against any non-AoE skill that you are eligible for, and I think this is more than fair.
This topic is completely devoid of details about characters and what skills you're talking about.
For example, Shine Knights with Protect and my own character adjacent to them, a Goblin core boss would basic-attack him and the Shine Knights would fail to trigger Protect. I haven't paid attention to whether or not it's worked for skills and spells, but that instance was what prompted me to bug report.
Dev actually added new debugs to test for this (specifically with Metalaegis, not sure if it will apply to anything else) in 1.69b and I simply never got around to using them to test since I've been busy and just logging on for a bit of fun when I have free time, so I haven't been actively bug testing.


Just going to point this out in case someone with more free time than me wanted to test.
I'm looking for Protect debug messages, but I'm just plain not seeing any. I see Evasion! debug, elemental damage debug, wound debug, and stamp debugs, but nothing for protection. If someone else could check after me, that'd be swell.
Try again in the next version.
It seems as if Protect is working fine against other players, but isn't working against mobs. Triggered it against a player, but then couldn't against Black Beasts.
Sounds like a lack of details.
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