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Regarding Romek Pt. 2 - Printable Version

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Re: Regarding Romek Pt. 2 - Cerrik - 08-16-2016

"MegaBlues" Wrote:For the sake of quoting ease and not overloading one post, and in case no one has actually seen the proof I was talking about, here. If you say these are fake, then I don't know if it's even possible to change anyone's mind.

Privacy means very little, I suppose...

This 'proof' only shows two things,
1) That Sarah wanted Romek to die.
2) That she chose not to omit the RP.

Neither of those things are admission nor proof that her character's actions were influenced by her own. They only show her grudge and that she chose not to omit an RP, of which the logs do not provide sufficient proof of 'what' was being omitted or 'why.' Choosing to believe that her choice to not omit the RP is really stretching to believe that she had done something wrong... but without an actual admission that she truly metagrudged, all there is work off of is that she said 'I don't mind doing things wrong,' which is vague and could mean that she meant that in regards to her choice to not omit or another action, of which we can't discern. The logs don't provide sufficient proof to 'what' that action was...

And to highlight what I said before, can these personal logs stop being thrown around so lightly? The amount of backlash Sarah has received is terrible. There's other ways to address this...

Re: Regarding Romek Pt. 2 - Autumn - 08-16-2016

Private chats should be taken to PM.

Re: Regarding Romek Pt. 2 - Lolzytripd - 08-16-2016

Hay uh ...whoever made the Ddd and signed the petition....fuck you

Re: Regarding Romek Pt. 2 - Ryu-Kazuki - 08-16-2016

"Breakaway~totheweird" Wrote:Let's keep this civil. I am coming to you, Dev, as a long-time player of SL2, to show you that the decisions made in the past regarding instances of metagaming, godmodding, and the sort aren't right. They're not correct, and how the GMs have responded to these allegations are immature, at best. Here is a growing petition for a call of action.

A majority of these signatures show that if nothing is changed, then we'll quit SL2.

Hi. I'm Ryu-Kazuki, and I approve this message.

Yes, hello again everyone, I'm back in support of this growing petition for a just cause. Before I make a small statement of my own in regards to this, a disclaimer; I am here to create no issues, I care not for anyone's opinion on what I have to say and will comply with any regulations willfully and cooperatively.

In concurrence with Megablues' statement, after the growth and moral decline of SL's community it became a notable lost cause and unnecessary need for stress, let alone a hole in a pocket which needed to be sewn shut. I played SL for nine years and until around the time I was removed from the community (for reasons I do not evade fault to doing) it was enjoyable and prevented me from worrying about the stress of life and spend time with friends; until it became stress and an unnecessary life cancer.

I can see the implications of this matter and agree with the victim in question due to personal experiences with both the players, and GM involved in covering up this issue. It's honestly despicable, and immoral.

With that being said, this is my opinion on the matter; but that itself shows not only from personal experience (in which I can go ahead and record into a video file if people don't believe me and want evidence), that this conduct has not only been allowed in the past, but given no form of actual action from even Neus himself and was just blown off as it wasn't worth his time.

I had respect for people here, including Dev himself; but after my own experiences, and seeing this, I'm not surprised at these actions.

There's a reason I haven't been around for a year. There's a reason I never made an unban appeal and apologized for my actions. There's a reason I haven't added to my web history in enough time to forget it exists. Nothing has changed, and it does not seem it ever will.

If you want to solve the issues, take action. Punish people who do wrong. Do not favor others. Until then, this is just expected activity.

To all of those in favor and support of this petition; fight on and fight strong.

Re: Regarding Romek Pt. 2 - NaitoPsych - 08-16-2016

"Lolzytripd" Wrote:Hay uh ...whoever made the Ddd and signed the petition....fuck you

And now we got people out here signing other people's names. Not only could I take this serious before but now it's a straight up joke.

Re: Regarding Romek Pt. 2 - Exxy - 08-16-2016

As for Sarah's reason(s), it is shitty and shouldn't be ignored, yes. But the action was IC and the consequences on both parties are IC.

Please note I am not in support of this.

EDIT: Another thing to point out are the "Knows" people.

[Image: 4713e190d63d475dbbf984fb807ab693.png]

Re: Regarding Romek Pt. 2 - Floofie - 08-16-2016

Look, I'm typically not the kind of person to draw attention to myself but this has been far out of proportion, and not in the ways that many of you may think.

I try and maintain a very neutral disposition when things like these happen, so as a result I will promptly explain why I personally signed the petition. Was it to spite Sarah? No, in fact I feel dreadful for all of the things that are happening to her.
Was it to support a friend? No, I make things blatantly clear if I disagree with them. I tend to be rather opinionated.
Was it to point out something seriously wrong with SL2? Yes.

Now, you may be wondering what I think is wrong? I've been playing SL2 for a very long time now, and I've only seen it steadily begin to go downhill. Opinions are becoming more corrupt, decisions are becoming less thought out, and it seems as though everyone has a profuse lack of tolerance amongst people that don't share their opinion. All I have to say is that Nuclear posted something they thought was morally incorrect into the salt lands Discord chat to bring attention to it. It wasn't to begin shunning Sarah, or to spark debates and pointing fingers. It was simply to address their concern about SL2 judgment.

Quite frankly? Some of us do feel as though the game is immensely reliant on many forms of bias tendencies, and it doesn't feel as though the administrative team is equal to everyone? Can you honestly blame us, when things like this happen? All I want is for people to quit biting Sarah's head off, to quit pointing their finger and going "Omfg Romek started this though", just try and take it easy and view the subject from everyone's perspective.

Anyhow, I'll cut myself here. The petition was simply made to show Dev a literal number in which people are fed up with how things are functioning now. It's not only because of what happened between Egil and Sarah, it's just that things like these happen far too often and it needs to come to a stop.

Re: Regarding Romek Pt. 2 - Raigen.Convict - 08-16-2016

I'm not even gonna bother getting too deep in everything else, from the evidence i've seen, I signed even. I harbor no ill will to the GM's, the players or anything but from this one incident, this is unacceptable.

Re: Regarding Romek Pt. 2 - Breakaway~totheweird - 08-16-2016

Some things need to be addressed:

1) The first person to metagame was Romek by dueling in the arena, where he banned from doing so, choosing a time where no guards were present and the NPC guards could not be controlled by GMs since they were offline. I would like to see an official answer on how Romek's player will be addressed for his metagaming.

- I'd like to say that Romek has dueled in the arena after this stipulation was implemented. A guard was even present at that time, including the golden guard, and they were simply asked to step outside of the arena. If this were as serious of a matter as to execute someone, then that should be the point to apprehend him. It only installs the notion that doing so again wouldn't have adverse consequences. No one is saying that his IC reactions weren't wrong. However, to my knowledge, no sort of mentality occurred on an OOC level.

2) The logs that were shared of The Person In Question's (I will refer to them as TPIQ) admission only showed that they 'wanted Romek dead,' there is no proof or admission that this desire affected their actions.

- TPIQ was asked about the situation at hand. It's truly up for interpretation, but honestly? This looks like admittance to metagaming. Also, unlike the many claims of Romek metagaming, there's an inkling of tangible proof. Where can we gleen from the notion of him attempting to metagame, or his reasoning?

3) The fact that private logs between TPIQ and the other party were shared so publicly is appalling. The amount of backlash that person received is one of the worst parts of this situation and it undermines the attempts of the appeal.

- There have been several, upon several attempts to discreetly handle matters such as these to no avail. This is the tipping point.

4) There is many blatant lies circulating that TPIQ also performed the arrest of Romek also undermines the petitions effort.

- TPIQ wasn't the one who arrested Romek. Rowen was the one who arrested Romek, and the TPIQ's character was conveniently "radio'd in" for some kind assistance. Honestly, they were in, screamed about needing eye witness accounts, and once they received a few, left.

I'm not against having discussions regarding admins handle of the situation. I'm a personal advocate of 100% transparency under any and all circumstances but this petition doesn't address this.

- I'll get back to you on that.

Ultimately, I won't tell anyone to not sign the petition if they do wish for these changes. Everyone's welcome to voice themselves. However, please... please don't do this:

- And that's obviously someone who was misinformed.

I've had my fair share of GMs handling issues poorly.

The most infamous example is when I ran an event for my group. Guards were clearly implied to be there. A person belonging to CE ran in, tacked a flyer on the wall, and left in one post without giving anyone else a chance to respond. That is godmodding. However, after this was brought to an admin's attention, this was the response.

Re: Regarding Romek Pt. 2 - Cerrik - 08-16-2016

"Breakaway~totheweird" Wrote:Some things need to be addressed:

1) The first person to metagame was Romek by dueling in the arena, where he banned from doing so, choosing a time where no guards were present and the NPC guards could not be controlled by GMs since they were offline. I would like to see an official answer on how Romek's player will be addressed for his metagaming.

- I'd like to say that Romek has dueled in the arena after this stipulation was implemented. A guard was even present at that time, including the golden guard, and they were simply asked to step outside of the arena. If this were as serious of a matter as to execute someone, then that should be the point to apprehend him. It only installs the notion that doing so again wouldn't have adverse consequences. No one is saying that his IC reactions weren't wrong. However, to my knowledge, no sort of mentality occurred on an OOC level.

2) The logs that were shared of The Person In Question's (I will refer to them as TPIQ) admission only showed that they 'wanted Romek dead,' there is no proof or admission that this desire affected their actions.

- TPIQ was asked about the situation at hand. It's truly up for interpretation, but honestly? This looks like admittance to metagaming. Also, unlike the many claims of Romek metagaming, there's an inkling of tangible proof. Where can we gleen from the notion of him attempting to metagame, or his reasoning?

3) The fact that private logs between TPIQ and the other party were shared so publicly is appalling. The amount of backlash that person received is one of the worst parts of this situation and it undermines the attempts of the appeal.

- There have been several, upon several attempts to discreetly handle matters such as these to no avail. This is the tipping point.

4) There is many blatant lies circulating that TPIQ also performed the arrest of Romek also undermines the petitions effort.

- TPIQ wasn't the one who arrested Romek. Rowen was the one who arrested Romek, and the TPIQ's character was conveniently "radio'd in" for some kind assistance. Honestly, they were in, screamed about needing eye witness accounts, and once they received a few, left.

I'm not against having discussions regarding admins handle of the situation. I'm a personal advocate of 100% transparency under any and all circumstances but this petition doesn't address this.

- I'll get back to you on that.

Ultimately, I won't tell anyone to not sign the petition if they do wish for these changes. Everyone's welcome to voice themselves. However, please... please don't do this:

- And that's obviously someone who was misinformed.

I've had my fair share of GMs handling issues poorly.

The most infamous example is when I ran an event for my group. Guards were clearly implied to be there. A person belonging to CE ran in, tacked a flyer on the wall, and left in one post without giving anyone else a chance to respond. That is godmodding. However, after this was brought to an admin's attention, this was the response.

I appreciate the civil response and one on one answers. My responses to thus follows:

1) I don't often attend the arena, I don't quite like it there because I find IC and OOC tends to mix to much for my enjoyment. However, I think you're missing the point of what I'm addressing. Romek's player should not be punished for Romek's actions, if a guard was present and asked him to step outside the arena, then there's no OOC attention that should be drawn the that. The issue presents itself when he evaded the guards by choosing a time when everyone was offline. Reasonably, the NPC guards should've apprehended him as soon as he started dueling but he never acknowledged that which is metagaming (... technically godmodding? My bad if I use those interchangeably). The petition you've provided has a stipulation to free Romek, which I am only for* if he receives OOC punishment for his metagaming. The petition doesn't address this and is heavily in his favor because the petition states to deal with any and all cases of metagaming but conveniently passes by Romek's player.

(Edit: Added a 'for' where it was needed)

2) 'It looks like admittance to metagaming' is not admittance to metagaming. What couldn't be upheld in a court of law shouldn't be upheld here... anything can 'seem' like something else as long as you twist it enough, but without proper admittance the logs are not proof of what the petitioners say they are.

3) I can understand the desire to want more action taken, and if that's your course of action to get those results, I understand your logic. However, understanding the logic doesn't mean I've approved. It's still appalling because I don't find it worth the stress put on TPIQ.

4) There's an argument to be made if whether or not TPIQ should have even shown up as a guard to her own situation, but Dyst has stated that TPIQ arrived 30 minutes+ later to the scene after Rowan wanted backup. That's... a really long time frame for a guard, and I would say that another guard would have been better suited to arrive, but at least she waited a long time before choosing to respond.

As for the link, I didn't mean that as a 'hey this petition sucks!1', I meant to address that person and those who would sign without properly learning.

My ultimate opinion is that your petition does not match the arguments provided: If Romek was guilty of metagaming, why is he being freed and not being punished? If you think Sarah metagamed, why do you say the proof is that she 'seemed like it'? The result of the petition would be better suited if you simple made a petition stating: Crack down on metagaming! And kept it very unbiased. Atm, the petition is quite biased...