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Solar lance spear! - Printable Version

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Re: Solar lance spear! - MegaBlues - 01-06-2017

That's actually a very good observation.

The outer, square border determines what kind of technique it is (Offensive, Defensive, Innate, ETC), while the inner circle determines whether it's a skill or a spell.

It just seems like an inconsistency to me.

Re: Solar lance spear! - Shujin - 01-06-2017

Red SQUARE, yes dear.
Red CIRCLE, is magic.

(Aka: Each icon has two symbol usually to quickly discover what it is one first glance. A Square around the whole things AND a circle around the actual icon.)

@Blues Thank you, I was thinking I am the only one who is seeing it for a while now xD

Re: Solar lance spear! - Ranylyn - 01-06-2017

Oh, I finally see what you mean. I was looking at the skill description only.

Re: Solar lance spear! - Exxy - 01-07-2017

"MegaBlues"' Wrote:That's actually a very good observation.

The outer, square border determines what kind of technique it is (Offensive, Defensive, Innate, ETC), while the inner circle determines whether it's a skill or a spell.

It just seems like an inconsistency to me.

I noticed this ninja'd in as I was typing up a response to what Rendar and Ranylyn were saying, which covers about all I wanted to say except more concise (although I was going to use Couloir/Duelist and almost-all-skills/Mage as examples). B'D

Regardless, the Skill categorization is pretty inconsistent in a lot of ways (at least to me it is). But kudos, Shujin. That was a nice catch for Solar Lance.

EDIT: To be honest, I never paid attention to the color of the circle until reading this thread.

Re: Solar lance spear! - Ranylyn - 01-07-2017

Personally, I always thought all that mattered was the Square; grey for Innate, Green for equippable passive, etc.

Re: Solar lance spear! - Neus - 01-07-2017

I can't believe this topic got like 15 replies. It's been corrected.