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Flotterment facing away - Printable Version

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Flotterment facing away - Snake - 03-26-2016

Flotterment doesn't seem to be behaving properly in a way, when it triggers upon normal dodge, the character walks away from the enemy and keeps facing away from them. [strike]It's working fine with Evasion.[/strike] (Not even Evasion anymore, it's still facing away from the enemy and it was a coincidence in my previous tests.)

Re: No-Moonwalking Zone [Flotterment] - Neus - 03-27-2016

What's the issue exactly? Do they face the wrong direction after stepping away?

Re: No-Moonwalking Zone [Flotterment] - Ranylyn - 03-27-2016

I just tested: Upon moving away, you're facing a different direction (the direction you moved in,) which I don't remember happening in the past with Flottement.

I seriously thought it was an issue with the animation itself because you wanted to dodge via moonwalks and were sad that wasn't the animation, considering your apparent fondness for memes. Your post was very unclear at first, thank you for editing it to clarify.

EDIT: Reworded it to be less mean. Sorry. I was having a VERY bad day. I know GMs can see the original post. Punish me if you must. It's my own fault for coming on the forums when in such a mood, and I accept that.

Re: Flotterment facing away - Neus - 03-29-2016

This has been corrected.