NEUS Projects
[EVENT GATEWAY] Empire Defense - Printable Version

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[EVENT GATEWAY] Empire Defense - Fern - 02-02-2021

(OOC Note: This is related to this thread.)


[Image: YVKJ51w.png]
A public board has appeared in the Cellsvich capital, offering capable adventurers the ability to help the Sigrogana Empire against the terrorist organization known as the Black Falcon. Information on different Quests can be found in the Empire Defense board, generally accompanied by information relevant to the tasks that must be carried out, in addition to a note describing the rewards that would be given to hired arms on a successful mission.
This is a result of the recent call to arms performed by First Squad Guard, Varen Aryan, who is now in-charge of the Empire Defense initiative. When new intel on the enemy is discovered, the board will be updated accordingly.
Terrorism shall not be tolerated. Glory to the Emperor.

This is a method for keeping track of sign-ups for Black Falcon events. Each time sign-ups for a new event are available, this thread will have a new post with its respective information. In order to sign-up, you must be in the Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord and ping the relevant Event Staff after they make an announcement in its respective Discord channel.
Discord Invite Link:
Have fun!

Black Whispers - Fern - 02-03-2021

[Image: YTFEmeN.png]

Word has leaked out about a warehouse located within Sigrogana being used as a terrorist recruitment center. The building is filled with crates that have unknown contents, and they are said to have some prisoners meant to be used for mystic experiments. Your mission is to head over to the warehouse and shut down all suspicious activity, as well as try to rescue the hostages.
Time: Thursday, February 4th (6 PM EST)
Max Participants: 8
PVE: Yes
Please ping the Event Staff member Fern#5298 in the event-discussion channel if you want to sign up.
The empire will provide good coin to brave souls, and the experience will surely be something to learn from...
Easy Mode Clear: 2,500 Murai, 100,000 EXP
Medium Mode Clear: 5,000 Murai, 200,000 EXP
Hard Mode Clear: 10,000 Murai, 300,000 EXP
(Even if you are Level 60, you can Legend Extend before receiving the EXP reward for a level jump if you would prefer!)
(Please remember to bring in your food and potions if you plan on taking Hard Mode.)

[Image: lIjnBIX.png]

Intel suggests that the enemy plans on meeting with a high-ranked member inside an abandoned mansion located on imperial grounds, they will supposedly exchange Dusk mutations with each other for further research. Your mission is to head over to the designated location at the marked time and stop this transaction from happening. Their experiments should not be allowed to progress.
Time: Friday, February 5th (6 PM EST)
Max Participants: 8
PVE: Yes
Please ping the Event Staff member Fern#5298 in the event-discussion channel if you want to sign up.
The empire will provide good coin to brave souls, and the experience will surely be something to learn from...
Easy Mode Clear: 2,500 Murai, 100,000 EXP
Medium Mode Clear: 5,000 Murai, 200,000 EXP
Hard Mode Clear: 10,000 Murai, 300,000 EXP
(Even if you are Level 60, you can Legend Extend before receiving the EXP reward for a level jump if you would prefer!)
(Please remember to bring in your food and potions if you plan on taking Hard Mode.)

RE: [EVENT GATEWAY] Empire Defense - Sarah54321 - 02-03-2021

[Image: unknown.png]


There were rumors that Black Falcon were still around. Now that those rumors are confirmed, there's much to be done. Loose ends to be cut, threads to be severed. People of Voilegard have reported loud screams in the forests surrounding the area, of a weeping voice that begs for forgiveness. Some believe it to be a simple trick of the manor nearby, while others believe it to be related to the terrorists at large. There's only one way to figure out, isn't there?


Time: Saturday, February 6th (6 PM EST)
Max Participants: 8
Please ping the Event Staff member Hoot#1195 in the event-discussion channel if you want to sign up.

(This will be a shorter event with only one Boss mob! Don't expect a lot of fighting. Both teams of four will get a chance to fight the Boss monster, however!)

RE: [EVENT GATEWAY] Empire Defense - Fern - 02-28-2021

[Image: tH94ce6.png]

The empire has begun mobilizing against the plague zones that managed to slip out of the recent attack on Voilegard. Sigrogana will reward brave warriors that assist in the extermination efforts with coin, so that the filthy Dusks may not reach vital areas. Currently, the plague is located in the wilderness surrounding Voilegard...
[Image: vROn3p6.gif]
Overtime, Dragonruby and I will make camps near Voilegard then drop world announcements in-game to let people know that a Plague Extermination is going on. Each camp will have a set amount of enemy packs that must be defeated before the area can be cleansed. There will be no more than 6 camps total throughout time. Feel free to keep an eye out if you're around in-game.
The empire will provide good coin to brave souls, and the experience will surely be something to learn from...
Clearing a Plague Zone: 5,000 Murai, 500,000 EXP
(Even if you are Level 60, you can Legend Extend before receiving the EXP reward for a level jump if you would prefer!)

(Please remember to bring your food and potions.)

Till Death Do Us Part - Fern - 03-26-2021

[Image: jFjOjbX.gif]

After the founders of the Black Falcon known as Strega attempted to sabotage the latest Plague Zone cleansing and failed, the mutant woman called 'Cora' was located southwest of Voilegard, corrupting all the environment surrounding her with an all-consuming darkness. The empire plans to finally stop her threat once and for all, accepting help from capable adventurers. A rumor leak from one of Falcon's deserters suggests that one of Strega's members, Forneus, will be there for the attack. Heavy preparation is highly advised, as none of the mission's potential foes are said to be weak.
Time: Monday, March 29th (5 PM EST)
Max Participants: N/A, go nuts. It's a raid.
Raid Bosses: Cora, Forneus
PVE: Yes, there's mobs.
The performance of those fighting the mobs, as well as certain potential IC actions can influence the Raid Bosses battling parties. The event will take place in a camp within the Sigrogana overworld. Before the fighting begins, party leaders will have to roll a 1d20 if they are enlisting to fight a specific Raid Boss. Those battles will be done in order from highest to lowest roll - if there is a tie with another party, you will be asked to reroll.
"A tragic end, for a tragic love. Till death do us part."
Victory: 10,000 Murai, 300,000 EXP
(Even if you are Level 60, you can Legend Extend before receiving the EXP reward for a level jump if you would prefer!)
(Please remember to prepare if you're coming, with potions, food, etc.)

The Red Ripper - Fern - 05-19-2021

[Image: TYTJXIs.png]

An underground fighting ring has been spotted northwest of Dormeho, closer to the mountains. Illegal Dusk trades and battles between infected combatants have been taking place within the area, producing great amounts of money to those engaging in such activities. The area is being figuratively monopolized by an ex-member of the Black Falcon known as Len Miyagi, alias the Red Ripper. This seems to be the only activity left in the Empire that's remotely associated with the terrorist organization, so your mission is to get over there and shut it down, as well as making sure that the Red Ripper doesn't escape. This mission is going to be spearheaded by First Squad Diego Gollwitzer.
Time: Friday, May 21st (5 PM EST)
Max Participants: 11
PVE: Yes
(This is actually the last Empire Defense quest that's going up, as the few final public events afterwards don't take place in Sigrogana.)
Please ping the Event Staff member Fern#5298 in the event-discussion channel if you want to sign up.
Kick their butts and get rewarded for it!
Easy Mode Clear: 2,500 Murai, 100,000 EXP
Medium Mode Clear: 5,000 Murai, 200,000 EXP
Hard Mode Clear: 10,000 Murai, 300,000 EXP
(Even if you are Level 60, you can Legend Extend before receiving the EXP reward for a level jump if you would prefer!)
(Please remember to bring in your food and potions if you plan on taking Hard Mode.)