Conflict Rules

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What is 'conflict'?

This term will be used frequently. Conflict is defined as any serious scenario that results in violence, or other similar serious consequences, against one or more player character(s).

Rule of Roleplay

  1. Prior to conflict, roleplay between both parties must occur. This RP must be done in an interactive way; you cannot simple RP 'at' someone when you're looking for a fight.
  2. PVP is not mandatory for conflict RP. If both players agree to RP the scenario instead of PVP, that is perfectly acceptable, but follows all of the same rules.
  3. Your conflict and the level of extremity (see Rule of Consent section) must have some IC reason supporting it. Certain things may not be used as the sole justification, for example:
    • My character is just evil.
    • My character is simply insane.
    • My character hates (race) and/or (gender) characters.

Rule of Consent

  1. Both parties must give consent to the 'danger level' of a conflict encounter.
    • Danger Levels:
      • Level 1: Simple non-life threatening injuries.
      • Level 2: Robbery. (See Robbery section)
      • Level 3: Maiming (IE, limb loss), destroying a vampire or lich's body. (IE, non-permanent character death.)
      • Level 4: Permanent character death.
  2. In the event that no danger level is clearly established, both parties assume that it is level 1.
  3. For Level 1/2, consent may be given through IC roleplay that explicitly implies that the other party is about to be, for example, punched or robbed.
  4. For Level 3/4, explicit consent but must be given beforehand in the LOOC channel by both parties. Simply implying it is not allowed in these cases, as they have permanent consequences.
  5. Once consent is given, it cannot be revoked without the approval of the other party, or the intervention of a GM. Do not give consent if you are unwilling to follow the consequences!
  6. Consent cannot be forced in conflict between two parties. Furthermore, attempts to force or coerce someone into giving consent for something they do not want to do is not allowed. Do not harass them OOC - simply accept it and continue roleplaying, or move on.
    • NOTE: If one party is, for example, egging on or insulting another party, and the insulted party makes it clear that they'd better stop or they'll retaliate. In instances like these, continuing to egg on or insult them would be the same as giving consent for the conflict (at level 1). Do not try to use this rule as a shield.
  7. Just because consent is given for a particular danger level does not mean that the victor has to follow through with it. For example, although consent is given for a robbery, the victor of the conflict may later choose not to actually rob the loser.
  8. Consent only applies for the specific encounter. (IE, just because someone consents to being robbed once does not mean they are giving consent for you to rob them in the future.)

Rule of Avoidance

  1. To avoid never-ending cycles of revenge conflict, both parties must avoid interacting for at least 12 real-time hours following the resolution of the conflict.
  2. Interacting means interacting; both parties have a responsibility to make sure their characters are not in the same place where conflict would begin again. For example, do not go taunt your victim/aggressor after the conflict.
  3. Naturally, it is forbidden to use different character(s) the player(s) own to try and get around this.
  4. This rule may be waived in the event that both parties amicably agree to do so. (IE, you wish to continue the RP).
  5. Always keep in mind that the spirit of this rule is to prevent nonsensical, repeated headbutting, and to avoid OOC drama which may arise otherwise.