History of the Sigrogana Empire

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The continent of Sigrogana remained relatively untouched from Heaven's Contention. Its people lived in separated tribes and villages sporadically over the continent with little cohesion or communication. However, the southern half of the continent had begun to be occupied by Chataran forces, causing some of the southern tribes to flee north. When news of this spread north, the peoples began to fear that it would not be long before the invading army campaigned north.

Uniting the Tribes (AR 50-75)

Elias S. Erachial was a foreigner who had integrated himself among the natives by acting as a physician, earning their trust with his rare skill set. When the news of invasion arrived, Elias suggested that all of the northern tribes band together in mutual resistance, and slowly consolidated them one by one. Eventually, the several dozen tribes had amassed into one collective of over 30,000 people in the area that would become known as Cellsvich many, many years later.

Despite the growing numbers, the Chataran forces had a number of technological advantages over the tribes, namely armor and better crafted weapons, as well as superior training. Elias understood this and that the tribes would need to seek out additional aid elsewhere.

Allying with Philes Wanuel (AR 76-85)

At the recommendation of one of his advisors, Thuge Cyre, Elias sought talks with Philes Wanuel, an ex-Chataran lord who escaped to eastern Sigrogana due to political conflicts. Thuge, who was an old friend of Philes, attempted to convince the latter to join forces with Elias in order to repel the Chataran forces and secure the land for their own needs. Bearing a grudge against Chaturanga, as well as fearing he may be captured by them, he agreed to the recommendation.

Philes provided the tribal army with the basic military training they lacked, as well as shared Chataran knowledge on how to create high quality weapons and armor. During this time, the two collectively stockpiled food and constructed several key forts around tactical positions, allowing them to defend should the Chataran armies advance.

Two years later, they did. Upon seeing the growing organization and defensive foundations the natives were constructing, Chataran High General, Efrer Volke, ordered an offensive on northern Sigrogana. While initially successful, Volke would vastly underestimate his enemies' abilities, and overextended his forces, leading to a disastrous defeat where he and a majority of the Chataran forces would lose their lives. The pursuit of the allied forces would lead them to easily take over the emptied Chataran territories, and the remnants of the invading forces were left with little choice but to retreat to Kysei.

Solidifying rule of Northern Sigrogana (AR 86-94)

In AR 86, after a short period of peace, Thuge Cyre privately brought a secret letter he received from Philes Wanuel to the attention of Elias. In it, Philes sought to conspire with Thuge in order to depose Elias and thereby gain control of the regions near Cellsvich, while Thuge would be granted a high position in Philes' administration. Elias told Thuge to keep the matter strictly confidential, and to pretend to go along with the plot.

Several months later, Thuge and Philes met in the latter's coastal city, Tannis. Acting as ordered, Thuge agreed to help Philes. The latter suggested that Thuge would advise Elias to move his primary food stores south of Lake Doraington, near Philes', under the guise that they could be better protected and allow the two to share the supplies as needed. Philes would then seize them, and as the people under his command began to starve, they would likely desert and join Philes instead. At the same time, Philes would levy a higher amount of food and draft more men from his territories, so he could raise an army to remove the weakened Elias more easily. The two would continue to hammer out the details of the deception over Thuge's week-long stay. Philes began putting his increased taxes into motion almost immediately.

Upon his return, Thuge reported the details of the meeting to Elias, including all aspects and dates of the plot. The future emperor thought that Philes' plan was impressive, and decided to use it to his advantage. Elias sent a missive to Philes asking that the two consolidate their supplies south of Lake Doraington. He was elated and accepted Elias' offer. However, what Philes did not expect is that several months later, when Elias' supplies arrived, so too did a large detachment of Cellsvich troops, who took over Philes' own stores. While furious upon learning this, Philes was hesitant to take any action to reclaim the stores.

His aggressive taxing of his people had created a food shortage, and as he could no longer utilize the stores he had built up, it quickly lead to unrest in his territories; exactly as he had planned for Elias. Many of his trainees deserted and turned to banditry, infesting the nearby hills and forests. Elias sent Thuge as an envoy to Philes once more; less than pleased to see Thuge, Philes wanted to have him killed, but less than intimidated, Thuge dared him to, saying it would be as good as cutting his own throat. Philes calmed down after that.

Thuge, on Elias' orders, came to Philes to offer food relief. In no place to refuse, Philes gratefully asked for the aid. A week later, the first supply carts were sent out towards Tannis. However, en route, they were attacked and pilfered by the bandits surrounding the area. Once again, Elias sent Thuge, who made the same offer, this time saying the supply carts would be guarded to ensure they reach their destination. Philes quickly accepted, but after the meeting, his advisors pleaded with him to refuse it, saying that this was being used as an excuse for Elias to invade Tannis. The months of unrest and rationing had gotten the better of his judgment, however, so he dismissed the concerns.

Several week laters, the supplies were once again in Tannis territory. However, as he was warned, the Cellsvich troops quickly attacked the town. The troops under Philes' commands were weak from months of insufficient food and disease and were overwhelmed, and Philes was captured by his old ally. He was thrown into prison for his conspiracy, as Elias quickly gained the support of the town by distributing the food to the starving peoples. Philes would later pass away while imprisoned.

Pacifying Bandits (AR 95-99)

Having successfully consolidated Northern Sigrogana under his power, Elias then turned into restoring stability in the region. Although the food shortages were no longer a concern, banditry continued and spread across the land. Not only were they responsible for pillaging various supplies and merchants on the roads, they had occupied important locations in the mountains that were to be used for mining. In order to thin their numbers, several tactics proved the most effective; utilizing bait carts containing disguised soldiers, the bandits would be captured or killed in the act. From the information they gained interrogating the survivors, they would then launch night raids on the main bandit camps. Many bandits were afraid to act and risk being captured or executed.

However, during the past decade, as Elias was dealing with Philes and the subsequent fallout of that conflict, Chaturanga had returned to Southern Sigrogana. In greater force, they recaptured many of their lost territories and further fortified the position, while the chaos in Northern Sigrogana carried on. Despite controlling the northern half of the continent, Elias' army was inferior, and the open fields of the Badlands were difficult to advance in against Chaturanga's superior cavalry numbers. Knowing it was a matter of time before the Chataran forces once again marched north, and without any other source of allies on Sigrogana, Elias would turn his gaze across the seas.

Dealings with Alstalsia (AR 100-108)

Elias sent his advisor, Thuge Cyre, on another diplomatic mission, this time to the Zeran continent of Alstalsia. There, he met with the High Council, and presented an offer from Elias; join Sigrogana forces in repelling the Chataran army from Southern Sigrogana, and they would split the land 50/50. Initially they were apprehensive, not wishing to get involved in foreign affairs. However, Thuge suggested to them that if Chaturanga were allowed to gain the whole of Sigrogana, their power would increase immensely, and Alstalsia, as another neighboring country, would directly be at risk next.

In the end, for various reasons, Alstalsia agreed to the alliance, and dispatched several armies comprised mainly of members of House Ignis, House Orin, and House Mantra, the latter of which would have command over the forces at large under High General Pharon Mantra. They would arrive on Northern Sigrogana a little less than a year later. Conflict between the two forces would start very soon afterwards.

Although Chataran forces were well defended, they were outnumbered and not prepared to deal with the diversity of the Alstalain forces - in particular, they were unused to fighting against the Wyvern Riders of House Orin, and lost several field battles due to the chaos they caused by the flying soldiers breaking their ranks. Despite considerable resistance from both Bellaux and Mallus, who managed to hold onto their respective cities, the Chataran forces were once again forced to pull out from Sigrogana and return to Kysei defeated.

Although they were successful, things were not all good news for the Alstalain forces. While their armies fought, several of their key supply ships were repeatedly raided by Arkime pirate ships. Unable to secure their supplies, the Alstalain forces had no choice but to regroup at their main base camp behind the mountains north of Cellsvich and wait for the next resupply.

Cornering Pharon (AR 109-113)

Although Elias was initially providing relief for the Alstalain forces, as victory against Kysei drew nearer, he began pulling back. By the time the Chataran forces withdrew, Elias saw the opportunity before him and cut them off entirely, believing that they would have no choice but to return home. Realizing their situation was desperate, High General Pharon and his troops pillaged what supplies they could as they marched back north. They were determined not to withdraw and give Elias the chance to reneg on the deal.

However, Pharon was not used to such hardships and the stress impacted his decision making severely. He ordered the Wyvern Riders of House Orin to fly across the sea and request emergency supplies, or else be executed. Although the task was obviously not possible, they had no choice but to obey, and managed to avoid overexhausting their mounts by landing on civilian ships to rest. However, they were humiliated, and made House Orin resentful towards House Mantra.

Despite having given this order, Pharon's impulsiveness continued. Before his troops lost all of their sheen, he commanded his soldiers to march through the mountainous terrain south of their camp (which is north of the Cellsvich region) and capture Elias in a surprise assault. However, sitting right between the mountain paths and Cellsvich was the town of Beldam, which had been used as a training location for the Sigrogana forces and had several natives who were veteran warriors. Weak, in perilous terrain, and not expecting to encounter such resistance, the Alstalain forces retreated in haste, cursing Elias all the way.

Slaughtering the rest of their livestock and mounts, the Alstalain forces gathered what was necessary and performed an emergency retreat from the northern coast aboard their remaining ships. An unexpected, sudden storm hit their ships, terrible enough to toss them about on the waves and render navigation impossible. When they finally broke free of the storm some time later, they had emerged in a different direction than they had intended; instead of sailing towards Alstalsia, they were sailing south along the eastern coast of Sigrogana.

Fearing that the Alstalain forces had regrouped with reinforcements and were preparing to launch an attack in retribution, an emergency dispatch was sent to Tannis, commanding them to launch a fleet to intercept the Alstalain ships. Having lost time, supplies, and men to the bad weather, they were not prepared for a sea battle, and broke off to the east to evade the oncoming ships. As they were being pursued, however, they had sailed into rough seas filled with pitch black water, and their ships were thrown around like toys. Watching from far away, the Tannis fleet did not approach closer, but saw the Alstalain ships ravaged by inky black tentacles and dark, purple lightning.

The remnants of the Alstalsia forces were presumed to have died in what would come to be known as a Dark Zone.

Establishing the Empire (AR 114-129)

Fearing retribution from both Chaturanga and Alstalsia due to the recent conflicts, Elias sought out opinions from his advisors on how to secure Sigrogana. Thuge Cyre once again came forward and suggested that Gold was a strong candidate. Their Tennou, Renma Azanbe, had recently inherited the throne of heaven, and would be receptive to help legitimize his rule. Furthermore, Gold had conflicted with Alstalsia several times in the past, and Chaturanga's ambition was something they also feared. Thus, Thuge offered to represent Sigrogana in talks of an alliance. Elias accepted this advice.

Renma Azanbe was known to be a severe individual, and at times, domineering. His reception of Thuge was lukewarm at best, forcing him to wait a full week before receiving him, and offered no apologies or pleasantries. However, Thuge kept his composure and continued out the discussions.

RENMA: Sigrogana is isolated and circumstances have caused it to make many enemies. You speak of an alliance, but truly, you only wish for our great country's help. Why would I accept?

THUGE: With respect, your majesty. This is the second time I've received this question.

RENMA: Oh? And the first was?

THUGE: It was asked of me by Lord Elias before coming here.

RENMA: Then there's no need to continue this meeting.

THUGE: That is not true. Your majesty has come into rule recently. Your power, while great, is not yet secure. Hungry wolves prowl, waiting to strike. My lord Elias is quite familiar with them. All the enemies Sigrogana has made and all those they have sent to Lazarus were but hungry wolves, who tried to prey upon us. However, my lord has defeated them all, at Tannis with a treacherous ally, at Bellaux with Chataran opportunists, at Beldam with ambitious Zerans.

And what of your majesty? Respectfully, you have not defeated any powerful enemies, nor have you done anything great for your people yet. If your rule shows a sign of weakness, will your subjects side with your majesty or your challengers? If Chaturanga or Alstalsia come to conquer your shores, will your men stand behind you and fight, or counsel you to surrender? With our country's combined powers, these questions are nothing but dust in the wind.

Hence why my lord had the foresight to send me here to plead with your majesty to join hands with us, so that we may repel those who would attack us, and accomplish great deeds together.

— Onigan Court Records regarding the meeting.

Renma was very impressed with Thuge's wit and courage, and agreed to the alliance after the meeting. The two countries would agree to peace between them, as well as support the other should they be attacked. After the alliance became official, Thuge remained Sigrogana's envoy, and would often help exchange letters and gifts between Renma and Elias. The other countries would be shocked by the alliance, and were not able to take military actions against either of them, for the most part, for some time.

This alliance ushered in a long period of peace for Sigrogana. Although the land had dealt with the presence of war for generations, it now had time to heal, and the rich resources it had hidden away were beginning to be found and accumulated. Large iron veins, elemental metals, plentiful farmlands, shores rich with sea-life, and tall mountain lumber - all these were now securely in Elias' grasp. Elias, who had been the guiding light and leader of the Sigroganan peoples for nearly 70 years at this point, was encouraged by his supporters to take a more definitive step - establish an Empire.

Elias was hesitant for many years, however, until AR 128. Thuge Cyre, now in his 60s, had fallen ill. Although Elias had extensive medical knowledge, he struggled to help his old advisor and friend, until he passed away later that year. One of the last conversations they would have was, once again, about declaring the Empire - as with most of Thuge's advice, Elias would accept it. In AR 129, Elias officially established his rule as the Emperor of the Sigrogana Empire. Cellsvich, long since the informal capital city, was now officially made the seat of power. Overwhelmingly popular with his subjects, and due to his seemingly endless youth, he was seen as an otherworldly, almost godly entity, and would be called the "Immortal King" by them for decades to come.

Empire's early years (AR 130-142)

Following the establishment of his empire, Elias began designating authority, primarily among the families of his old advisors and generals. They would fill the positions of magistrates of the various cities and be tasked with building fortifications necessary to protect them against monsters, bandits, and foreign threats, and would be responsible for managing the local laws and affairs. In addition, orders were given for each to train 500 men per 3 months, and to maintain a garrison of 5,000 troops, that would eventually grow to 10,000 after enough new recruits were trained. These numbers were rather high for the time of peace that Sigrogana was in, but Elias was determined not to be undermanned should Chaturanga or Alstalsia attack once more.

In AR 138, an Alstalain envoy posing as a silk merchant arrived in the castle town of Mallus and met with Robern Cyre, the son of the late Thuge Cyre, who was serving as its magistrate. Unlike his father, Robern was known to be self-centered and ambitious. The envoy presented a secret missive suggesting that Robern use his position to foster an army. Then, with a joint attack from north by Alstalain forces and south by Robern's, would be able to quickly overcome Cellsvich and seize control of the capital. Afterwards, Robern would become the new Emperor. Robern would accept this offer despite being advised otherwise.

While originally ordered to train 500 soldiers per 3 months, Robern was recruiting nearly 2,000. A year and a half later, word had gotten around to the other generals on Southern Sigrogana, and they memorialized their findings to the Emperor around AR 141. Elias did not treat these reports as fact and instead sent a letter to Robern personally.

Robern, I hope you are in good health. Mallus is always bitterly cold in the winter. Do you and your men have enough firewood to keep warm? Tell me and I will provide whatever you require.

Recently, there have been some troubling rumors at court. Other generals fear you harbor rebellious ambitions, but I don't believe them. Your father worked loyally and tirelessly by my side and gave good advice during our darkest hours. His efforts lead to the safety we enjoy today. As his son, how could your wishes be any different?

Robern was disturbed upon receiving the letter. He hesitated following the original plan, instead recruiting the decreed 500 men per 3 months as was originally instructed, but feared the truth would come out eventually.