Contribution Agreement

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Revision as of 20:04, 3 May 2023 by Neus (talk | contribs)
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When making contributions to the game, such as icons or music, or in areas adjacent to the game, such as public lore documents written with others, you understand and accept the following conditions;

  1. Your work is derivative of the Korvara setting, which is solely owned by the original creator of the game Sigrogana Legend 2, referred to hereafter as Neus of NEUS Projects.
  2. The act of contributing your work is a voluntary act made without the intention to seek profit or ownership, rights, copyrights, trademarks, or any other personal claim.
  3. That unless specifically and mutually agreed to before contributing, you are relinquishing your contribution to Neus and NEUS Projects with no expectation of compensation, reward, or return.
  4. That by contributing, you are unconditionally giving your express permission to Neus and NEUS Projects to freely use, modify, adapt, edit, delete, etc. any part(s) of your work, in perpetuity.
  5. Neus and other contributors may change, rewrite, edit, etc. your submitted work without your permission.

In addition, you agree to the following terms:

  1. You consent to the material being used, changed, adapted, rewritten, edited, deleted, etc., at the sole discretion of the game's creator, Neus.
  2. Once you have made your contribution, you will not, for any reason, seek its removal from the game or external game resources, nor withdraw your consent of its use.
  3. Neus, and/or any employees or volunteers of NEUS Projects, have no liability for personal damage or loss caused by your contribution.
  4. Neus, and/or any employees or volunteers of NEUS Projects, have no obligation to approve, review, change, alter, or otherwise edit your contributions.
  5. Violation of these terms will result in a permanent ban from the game, game forums, Discord servers, etc.

If you violate these terms and still wish to have your work removed, you understand and agree that:

  1. That work that was made as part of a collaborative effort with other contributors will not be removed.
  2. That you must provide evidence in the form of drafts, screenshots, chat logs, etc. that specific sections, paragraphs, images, titles, etc., are actually your work.
  3. That requests which cannot provide evidence of your personal contribution may not be considered.
  4. That there is no obligation or expectation for compliance from Neus, NEUS Projects, and/or any employees or volunteers.
  5. That any change or removal to your contributed work is not an acknowledgement of ownership, copyright, trademark, fault, etc.