Sandbox Rules

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The game allows for players to create and interact freely with certain 'sandbox objects'; these are things such as signs, placeables, farm plots, and more. You are free to edit, harvest, destroy, remove, etc. anything that you have placed yourself.

However, there are several rules associated with how and what you may do with objects placed with other players. Failure to follow these rules may result in a restriction of your ability to use and interact with these objects, or result in a ban from the game. Therefore, please make sure you read these simple rules!

Sandbox Object Rules

All actions (modifying sign text, destroying objects, harvesting farm plots, etc.) require RP that is visible to other players, which provides tangible clues on who did it.
  • For example, if you steal crops, the group/player who planted it will need to be made aware of your actions. You can do this either by interacting with in-game BEFORE/DURING your attempted theft, messaging them on Discord, etc.
    • If you don't know who planted it, but the crops are in a specific region, then please post in the relevant nation's Discord pings channel.
    • An example; Sometime in the middle of the night, a thief stole several ears of corn from a Telegrad farm. A farmer saw the rascal and chased them off, but noticed their dark hair and a bit of red cloth stuck to the fence they jumped during their getaway.
      • If the clues given are inaccurate or otherwise useless, then it's the same as not giving clues at all, and is considered a violation of the rule.
Actions which are deemed to be done for OOC reasons will result in a warning or suitable punishment.
  • Do not steal or destroy things just to be annoying, or bother players you don't like.
Exercise moderation. Respect other players' efforts.
  • Realistically, you are not going to loot an entire football field's worth the crops by yourself. Doing so may be considered metagaming.
  • Things such as signs may have had effort put into what was written on them/CSS used to style them.
    • While not specifically required, if you destroy or deface a sign, your actions would be looked up much more favorably if you first preserve/backup the text and CSS on the sign (in a .txt, for example), so that the original party can recreate it more easily.
    • That said, it's best to always back up CSS/text on signs yourself if you place it.

If you have read and understood these rules, enter 'I understand.' into the prompt box in-game.