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Unban Request
ADMIN: TheGreatPoobah was banned for 1e+008 minute(s) for the following reason: Do monkey around somewhere else.

Game you were banned from: Sigrogana Legend 2
In-game name (key): TheGreatPoobah
Reason you were banned: "Do monkey around somewhere else."
The length of the ban, if you know: "1e+008 minute(s)"
Who banned you, if you know: Slydria
Why we should unban you: A seemingly permanent ban for a Mechanation character designed as an orangutan, a silly character for my sibling to run around the game OOCly and explore its mechanics with. No rules were broken and no warnings were issued regarding this character. The ban was unjust and I am an active member of the community who assists new players getting into the game and into RP.

P.S. Orangutans are apes.
As an active member of the community, you should have made a better effort to educate your sibling about the rules and what is acceptable whether they're 'OOC' or not.

The way they were behaving made you them like little more than a troll who was only here to be a nuisance because they decided to be an 'Mechanical Orangutan' screaming 'OOH' for some baffling reason. (I have no tolerance for those I deem as people who are only here to cause trouble at the expense of the enjoyment of others.)

If you want to be OOC, I suggest not drawing attention like that by doing things that aren't acceptable. (And no, a mechanical ape is not an acceptable character.)

I'll unban you and your sibling but please, for everybody's sake, no nonsense this time.
[Image: 95e2774f19.png]
"[url=' Wrote:Slydria » Tue Jun 30, 2015 3:12 am[/url]"]As an active member of the community, you should have made a better effort to educate your sibling about the rules and what is acceptable whether they're 'OOC' or not.

The way they were behaving made you them like little more than a troll who was only here to be a nuisance because they decided to be an 'Mechanical Orangutan' screaming 'OOH' for some baffling reason. (I have no tolerance for those I deem as people who are only here to cause trouble at the expense of the enjoyment of others.)

If you want to be OOC, I suggest not drawing attention like that by doing things that aren't acceptable. (And no, a mechanical ape is not an acceptable character.)

I'll unban you and your sibling but please, for everybody's sake, no nonsense this time.

Please note that the nonsense said in the character creation room is in no way legitimate as I was responding to a friend of mine in a comical manner. And before you ask, I was making the character with my younger sibling over my shoulder.

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