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Yves - Request for appere...
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Skill Scroll
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09-19-2024, 05:11 PM
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[V 2.89c] Housing Farmn't
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[v2.89c] Ambidexterity is...
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Skill Scroll |
Posted by: Raigen.Convict - 09-19-2024, 05:11 PM - Forum: Quality-of-Life (QoL)
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As of 1.9.0 when you possess a large array of skills they trail off the bottom of the screen rendering it impossible to see them beyond the highlight bubble next to your skil list. I propose that skills sort of scroll by when they would go off screen so your highlighted skill is always visible plus it allows you to actually drag it to your hotbar. Its annoying to have to rearrange whats near the top or not so its visible in your skill pool.
[V 2.89c] Housing Farmn't |
Posted by: Blissey - 09-16-2024, 02:43 AM - Forum: Bug Reports
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Farming seems to be bugged in G6 housing. I believe I followed all the steps properly to grow seeds, but after hours of remaining in the house (with only a few instances where I would exit and perhaps the house would unload), the seeds wouldn't go beyond the first stage of sprouting.
I used an iron shovel for the hole, a galdric hoe to till, and I used Tangerine and Newyen seeds to sow. I then used the Golden Bucket donor item to water. I made sure to water frequently (practically every single hour tick I was available). I even used Plant Song at its max rank whenever it was appropriate.
But it just won't progress past stage one and nothing will yield. I don't know if anyone else is having this issue, but I figured I'd report it. If you need any further info, please let me know.
And if you need to know which key and slot for testing purposes, it's Blissey.Slot3.
Wynn - Blood Ability |
Posted by: Whitender - 09-12-2024, 01:13 PM - Forum: Character Applications
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Applicable BYOND Key - Thomas Steam Engine
Character Name - Wynn
Request Type - Character RP Ability / Curse
Request Details - This character would appear bleeding, caused from the curse itself. As if it would stick around them for their lifetime without any sort of way to dispel.
Specific Request - Have my character be able to channel focus and aquamancy to their missing forearm into a bloody moving mass or shapes they would toss out.
Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) - I want to utilize blood magic under some measurable degree, and also a weapon.
Roleplay & Lore supporting your request -
- (Does blood magic exist?) You don't really describe blood magic in much detail so it's hard to give this one an answer. Blood is more often used in the occult than the arcane, but blood itself has some magical uses because it contains focus. It's seen as unethical, however, and so blood 'magic' isn't really developed.
Wynn would appeared from the some special tree, normal at first since they came through. Under some sort of circumstances, they felt numb at their start of their life while going through their adventures with nothing but a dagger throughout their life.
However, their left forearm felt like it would rot away from a haunted force that would suppressed the parts itself into breaking down. Dripping into small pieces of blood, that would seemed to be empty at first before it began to suddenly form into a shape before falling apart. While take it as a sign of change through out their life without two hands. While feeling the burning pain for a few hours before it stopped. Now having to pocket their tools one hand at a time along with getting assistance.
Feeling numb, Wynn would take a long time figuring whatever infliction it just had through. Even if it's not under the perfect shape or appearance, they act if it was some sort of power that would be sometimes would be considered either as a tool, or a saving ability. Knowing it would have some sort of sacrifice to get things accomplished.
Solblader's Lacking Spark |
Posted by: Cogster - 09-11-2024, 06:13 PM - Forum: Suggestions
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Hello everyone! I was told that this qualifies more as a class suggestion rather than a bug seeing at it is more of an oversight than an actual issue in the game's code. The problem at hand, however, is that Solblader's elemental conversion passive Divine Spark doesn't fully convert the class to Lightning over Light. Which ends up being a tad clunky to make use of.
I've drafted a list of everything that I've run into using the passive, and what an appropriate switch could look like. If anyone notices something that wasn't listed here but is also an issue, feel free to add to the thread. Thank you!
Quote:Sol Charge
Solcharges need to give Lightning ATK over Light ATK.
Quote:Light On High
Light on High's elemental resist reduction effect still reduces Light over Lightning
Quote:Radiant Solace
Radiant Solace still scales off Light ATK rather than Lightning ATK despite Divine Spark implying it changes all Solblader effects and skills to scale off luck and Lightning respectively.
Quote:Holy Shield
Holy Shield still requires Faith for it to be able to parry. This should be changed to scale off the higher of the Luck stat between the causer and owner.
Quote:Holy Sword
Holy Sword increases Light ATK by lvl instead of Lightning ATK. As for it letting you cast Mercalan domain spells, that should probably stay as is seeing as Priest still kind of has a lightning light attack spell? And most of Solblader's spells are Mercalan domain anyways.
Ruler's Loud Enhancements |
Posted by: Raigen.Convict - 09-09-2024, 11:30 AM - Forum: Suggestions
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The effect for crest of rook being removed early from an automaton is WAY... TOO...LOUD... As experimented with on the test server... I'd also look at toning down the sound on the bishop crests too a tad but Rook is BY FAR THE MOST IN NEED OF THIS. It's because all the explosions happen in unison and the sound STACKS.
Chained Leap Extended (Arbalest) |
Posted by: Snake - 09-07-2024, 08:49 PM - Forum: Balance Fu
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Quote:Chained Leap
Throw a portion of your chain forward in a 5 Size Line, where it latches onto the first dense tile, field object or unit it encounters. You then pull yourself towards it.
An oiled chain will reduce the Momentum cost of this skill by 1.
Why not like, walk 5 tiles forward? And did you all know this skill fails to execute if there is none of the conditions there, making you both waste 2M and also get a hefty 3 round CD as a punishment, for -nothing-? Yeah, time for a make-up on this one too.
Quote:Chained Leap
1M, 3 Round CD
Throw a portion of your chain forward in a 8 Size Line. Once the chain hits the maximum range, it will be tugged back, until it finds an empty tile. Once it does, you will rapidly pull yourself towards the marked tile. While leaping towards the end of your chain, you will pass through allied units, and knock enemies you pass through Airborne.
If they are already Airborne, the status ends and they're slammed on the ground, becoming Knocked Down instead due to the air pressure, taking 3x their Battle Weight as protection-ignoring Blunt damage with Great Accuracy.
An oiled chain lets this skill be used while your movement is impaired.
Chained Dog has no practical use (Arbalest) |
Posted by: Snake - 09-07-2024, 08:12 PM - Forum: Balance Fu
- Replies (1)
Quote:Chained Dog
2M, 5 round CD, 11 FP (min.)
Targets 2 locations within 3 Range. In Location 1, there must be an enemy, and Location 2 must be an unoccupied tile. Using a portion of your chain, you lasso the enemy in L1, who is then pulled X (X = Rank) tiles towards L2. If the target was a non-boss monster, they are slammed into L2 instead.
An oiled chain will reduce the Momentum cost of this skill by 1.
My case: Why do I need to use this, when I can just A) Pulling Shot to me, or B) Heavy Tackle them away, while doing damage on top of it?
This skill costs 2M/1M, but has a cooldown comparable to healing spells, and what it does, another class can do better while dealing significant damage with Photon Ring, with a more interesting 'counteracting' mechanic of STR vs WIL.
I think this skill would be better like this:
Quote:Chained Dog
1+M, 5 round CD, 11 FP (min.)
Targets 2 locations within 5 Range. In Location 1, there must be an enemy, and Location 2 must be an unoccupied tile. Using a portion of your chain, you lasso the enemy in L1, who is then pulled X (X = Rank) tiles towards L2. If the target's Battle Weight is lower than yours, the pull ignores immunity. Additionally, both you and your target become affected by Mutual Bind LV X (LV = Rank * 20 + Scaled STR * 3) for 2 rounds.
An oiled chain has a luck-based chance to inflict Knocked Down that ignores immunity, and Clumsy for 3 rounds.
Quote:Mutual Bind
Reduces Hit and Evade by LV/4 and prevents movement skills while active. Damage reduces LV; 0 ends status. Can struggle to reduce the LV (if not owner). Can tighten to increase Duration (if owner). If this status ends, all other status by the same owner will also end.
Quote:Struggle (Bind)
Struggle against the chains. Same as Frozen's version, but you're unable to select a square to move to, however.
Quote:Tighten (Bind)
Ensnare the bad dog like you mean it. Deal X protection-ignoring Blunt damage with Great Accuracy, and increase the duration of all your Mutually Bound status by 1 round. (X = Scaled STR)
How's that for interesting, bondage enthusiasts?! That's the only way I can see this skill being only able to be used once every 5 rounds. TL;DRing this for the people who don't wanna read in a game about reading:
New Chained Dog will:
- Do what it advertises, by chaining down the enemy after moving them to a certain position.
- It will also root you down, to give that vibe that you're keeping the pesky whoever in place for as long as you can.
- It's intended to be a support skill, rather than a boring, close-quarters "i move u" that has nothing to do with chains or dogs.
- This alternate Frozen status actually makes you able to dodge things as its LV goes down rather than being a static 'reduce Evade to 0'! No need to thank me.
- This is much more preferable than having to invent a new Grapple full of fluff. (Trust me, I did write this for about 2 hours now, and rewrote through so many Grapples before I gave up and just decided on 'mutual Frozen status that is more cool to interact with'.)
- Enemies can try to damage the Arbalest to break their own Mutually Bound status, in which will then free their allies from the chains.
- Allies can take the chance an enemy is bound to whallop them in your stead, even if you can't due to your now reduced Hit.
- Tightening increases the duration, but also reduces the LV of the bind, so if the enemy's struggling and you're tightening the chains, expect that the status will go away quite fast.
New Chained Dog won't:
- Ever be implemented ;_;
- Hopefully give out the memo that this probably could use more range and an extra effect tied to it. It's underwhelming when compared to Photon Ring, in Range, dealing no damage, and being more cool to use.
- Likely should just be Knocked Down.
- Should probably interact with Special Armament's cooldown. Given while you're pulling back the chain, there's a lot of it loose on the field, so you can make a better use of it, yeah? (Make it be the cause for -1M, rather than the oil.)
- Then make Oil be the 'Knocked Down' and 'Clumsy' infliction.
[v2.89c] Quaking Heaven Kick Inconsistency |
Posted by: caliaca - 09-07-2024, 08:17 AM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (1)
Was spectating someone who mentioned this wasn't working so I'm making the bug report.
It seems that this is inconsistent when counting tiles diagonally.
Doing a quaking heaven kick at max tiles diagonally doesn't always KD the enemy. Doing it purely veritcal or horizationally works.