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GMs allowing alts to 4-man party and kill players.
ADMIN: was banned for 1440 minute(s) for the following reason: OOCly running from and denying a fight without proper reason.

So the admins allowed a group of 4 people, clearly 2 of them were alts, to chase me into a dungeon, force a rp and when I refused to fight them a second time, left, then I was banned.

Ok that make sense.

Local OOC Grind Sleuth: We are challenging you, and you are clearly not AFK.
Local OOC Young Bladedancer: Who's we
Local OOC Grind Knight: Our party.
Local OOC Young Bladedancer: The two of you or the two that haven't said anything at all
Local OOC Grind Knight: We're not a big RPing guild.
Local OOC Grind Apprentice: ^
Local OOC Grind Knight: But we do it when we have to.
Local OOC Young Bladedancer: ???
Local OOC Young Bladedancer: Ok?
Local OOC Young Bladedancer: Point?
Local OOC Grind Knight: So it's a legit 4-man party.
Grind Sleuth says "You wanted a fight. Now you have one."
Local OOC Grind Sleuth: I have challenged you four times now. Do we need to get GMs involved?
Local OOC Young Bladedancer: YOu really want to get the GMs involved?
Local OOC Young Bladedancer: lol
Local OOC Young Bladedancer: Call them
Local OOC Grind Knight: I already did
Local OOC Grind Knight: SlydriaToday at 6:33 PM
Local OOC Grind Knight: They're alllowed to flee and roll for it if they want , otherwise if they're not running and they're still declining without actually doing anything then they may not.
Local OOC Young Bladedancer: What
Local OOC Grind Knight: I asked if you were allowed to decline our fight.
Local OOC Young Bladedancer: I'm not talking about the fight
Local OOC Young Bladedancer: I'm talking about the alts

Local OOC Grind Knight: What else is there?
Local OOC Grind Knight: There's no alts. You can ask a GM if you want
Grind Sleuth says "Can't see me, lad? Let me lend you a lens."
Grind Sleuth chuckles.
Grind Sleuth says "This will finish you off."
Grind Knight says "There was a lot of tough talk for somebody with no skill."
**The fight happens and of course since it's 1vs4 I suicide to end the fight early***
Young Bladedancer says "Wow what a shame, you ganged up on me"
Grind Knight says "And so it ends..."
Grind Sleuth says "Have you had enough? You are barely clinging to life."
Local OOC Young Bladedancer: You know it was a spar right? No serious injury
Local OOC Young Bladedancer: You forgot to set it to serious lol
Local OOC Grind Knight: Smooth. Oh well. Guess we can just go again. Not like you can run.
Local OOC Young Bladedancer: Or just plum
Local OOC Young Bladedancer: Can't stop plums
Grind Sleuth says "As a sleuth, it is my prerogative to ensure even my enemies understand the trouble in which they find themselves."
Young Bladedancer says "Wow a gang of people talking big, what a suprise"
Grind Sleuth says "My friendly gesture of sparring has hopefully prepared you for what will now come."
Local OOC Grind Knight: GM says you have to roll to run to plum.
Local OOC Grind Knight: Slydria.
Local OOC Young Bladedancer: FUck the gm
Local OOC Young Bladedancer: hey're allowing alts to gang up on ppl
Local OOC Young Bladedancer: SO if they won't enforce the rules I'll just mugoke

Good job enforcing the rules.

Notice how none of the other 2 characters said anything at all? Grind Apprentice and Bandaged avenger in full tower grinding gear was the other two.
Sorry, not a fan of 2 people with alts spamming pvp requests after I already fought them.

p.s. There are no rules about running in the server rules.

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"Kensai"' Wrote:Local OOC Young Bladedancer: FUck the gm
[Image: 4bUV7Ls.gif]
(Edit: This topic has been moved in Unban Requests since it does not belong in General.)

While I could see why you may have thought these people were alts, the way you handled it was not okay. If you suspect someone's breaking the rules (like partying up on alt characters would be), you should have grabbed a GM to confirm it, not just dip out like you did. By the by, I did check and I can confirm that their details don't match, in other words, they aren't alt characters.

The reason you were banned was pretty much due to your poor decision to leave as you did. No, you can't just use an Alga Plume to escape, preventing the use is possible and doing so without allowing any recourse is considered godmodding, your accusal wasn't even accurate and going "fuck the GMs" when told you had to roll on fleeing was just stupid.

Yes, even if you suspected them of using alts, again, you should have grabbed a GM who could have confirmed it here, not just assumed so. And yes, even if the odds were stacked against you, that alone isn't a reason to deny the conflict. And if you didn't trust what they were saying, again, you should have grabbed a GM to intervene.

Furthermore, saying that there are no rules against running is both not true (explict fleeing rules were made recently [;t=6498] and common sense ones like no godmodding would still apply) and is not an acceptable defense when you consider that you were relayed that you couldn't simply alga plume out without a fleeing check anyway. Ignoring what a GM says when it comes to rulings is very much against the rules in itself.

Your ban will remain for the 24 hours.

[As a sidenote to Yark, don't post if you're just looking to mock.]
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Of course I'm suppose to believe the players saying something a GM said, but not directly to me. No whisper, no notification or anything from a GM. How was I suppose to know about "fleeing rules" when there's rules that aren't listed anywhere in the game, rules recently made that I'm suppose to magically know without any sort of indication. Not even in the Wiki that lists the rules from the link in the game says anything about this.

Also, they already fought me once, so I left after they kept spamming pvp requests at me a second time with no RPing, what the else was I suppose to do? Sit around while they spam more RP fight requests? I was defeated and at their mercy, but they weren't interested in RPing that, they were simply spamming fight requests over and over, so I left.

this system is not a tool to be used for petty grudges or any general malice.

Directly from your rules, they were deliberately using this system as a tool against me.
To help clarify the situation for some others: There was no 'battle spamming'. Two requests were sent and you declined them. I confirmed with a GM that in the current RP situation you were unable to just walk away without doing a flee roll or fighting. You had no confusion about what that was (I would have gladly linked you the direct rule if you were unsure-- but you weren't).

Instead you responded in anger and said:
Quote:Local OOC Young Bladedancer: FUck the gm

When I told you what the GM said (I even named them as Slydria) I told you that you were free to go confirm the information yourself if you didn't believe me. I didn't mind waiting.

After the fight our party leader realized he accidentally clicked spar. This actually worked to your advantage because it gave you a second chance to try and flee. So he had to make his RP that we were just holding back to toy with you the first time.

So he challenged you again(yes, with a RP), but you decided to get angry and accuse our other friends of being alts as we were in voice chat with them. They thought it was hysterical.

And before we had a chance to expand on the RP (this all happened within the span of a couple minutes) you decided that we couldn't stop a Plum. Then you wanted to leave OOCly.
[Image: 8da2fec5cceb55b588068157299eec53.png]
I was keeping Slydria updated with the situation/chatlog the whole time to make sure that nothing we did would be against the rules as we had a conflict in the past and don't want to repeat our mistake.

Even if it was short, I enjoyed the RP with you. Hopefully when you're unbanned you can spar with us again sometime! Big Grin
You saw us in Dormeho and insulted us in local OOC. Then you followed us all the way out to Alstalsia where our dear leader spawned a new BDP. Then you followed us inside and initiated role play by calling us weak, grabbing our weapons and throwing them on the ground.

And you're upset that we responded by challenging you? You think this incident was a result of malice on our part?

Some of my friends experienced short bans because the fleeing rules were not clear, and that thread Slydria posted was created as a result of that incident. You have a resource that was unavailable not long ago, but not only did you fail to use that resource, you also made it clear that you didn't care.

"FUck the gm"

Despite all this, you are clearly charismatic and passionate! We would be happy to let you tag along with us next time, provided you keep the toxicity to a minimum.
I don't expect you to just trust their word for it, nor do I expect you to know rules that aren't immediately listed on the server rules page *but* I do expect you to be sensible and follow the rules that are written, saying "fuck the GM" and running is anything but sensible.

What you should have done, again, as I stated earlier was try and contact a GM. If you didn't believe them, then it would have been a pretty easy lie for us to catch. If you thought they were alts, again, we could have checked that. If you find people breaking the rules, ask over OOC for a GM. If we're not on, message our Discords. If you don't have Discord or don't know our Discord details then again ask OOC for someone else to contact one of us.

I also don't believe they were using the system in malice at all, considering I was asked what should be done with regards to it.

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