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Lore Questions: October (2015)
This is a new topic for Lore Questions because the old one was about 26 pages. The format is roughly the same, but some guidelines;

1) Try and format your questions appropriately. As in, make it easy to read and answer.
2) Try and limit the number of questions you ask per thread. I don't mind answering them, but don't get crazy and ask me 20 things, especially if they require detailed answers.
3) Try to avoid asking extremely specific questions, such as 'Did anyone ever die of food poisoning in Cellsvich?'. Answering these is difficult, because not everything is set in stone, so giving a definitive answer on it not only restricts me in the future, but it might influence other players' character concepts that involve it.

That said, if you have any questions, you can post them in this thread! I will post answers at the end of the month/start of the next one.

Thanks! (And yes, if you had questions from the previous topic that I didn't answer before I closed it, you can post them here, but remember the formatting guideline.)
-Is it possible for Hexers to use the souls of the ones they killed to enchant (justify the power of) their weapons? (Ghetto Nasus, hello!)
-What's the limitation of their powers over souls?
-Can they drag a soul back from Lazarus in order to revive someone, or make a homoluncus?

-Can Hexers use souls to curse and possess a mechanation permanently?
-Can Mechanations be cyborgs in any way? As in, a rebuilt and augmented human body with a Scar implanted?
-Can Mechanations be EMP-disabled as an alternative way to kill them? (Maybe through Engineers' grenades or something.)
-Can Mechanations resist Dark Zones' corruption as they (sort of) do to Void Poisoning?

-Can Hyattrs lay eggs like [strike]yoshis[/strike] real Dragons? (

-What 'is' Lazarus? Hell? Purgatory? I can't get a good definition of it.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
"[url= Wrote:Snake » Sat Oct 03, 2015 10:15 pm[/url]"]-Can they drag a soul back from Lazarus in order to revive someone, or make a homoluncus?
"I mean capturing souls with a Hexer is questionable. Maybe, definitely not ones still attached to a body but I guess dead ones maybe if you get them before they go to Lazarus.
But I imagine putting their soul into a mech wouldn't really do anything, Llarian Scars run mechs, not souls."
--Quoted from Slydria, although not from Dev, Sly still has some power to stuff like that.
[Image: da4KzKk.png]
Say if a character had a peculiar spirit jar, and was a major practicer of hexer arts, how much could a player character screw around with humanoid spirits, with permission of course.

and secondly, can you eat a humanoid's spirit? How would it taste?
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
How intelligent can monsters be seen to be? Goblins obviously seem like primitive humans, but what about things like Spatials? Are they just dumb floating eyeballs, or is their intelligence beyond our comprehension?

It was mentioned that monsters were able to be tamed, are they ever used for simple work (mostly Goblins, I imagine)?

How would someone with, say, 60 base Strength compare to a (real life) human?

Is a Level 1 toddler tier, or just an average human?

What are some holidays, or otherwise well known dates?
Lore Questions, amirite?

1. On the void assassin wiki page, it is implied that they have seen the void. What did they see? Source:

2. Liches and the void, while it is clear they are not entirely immune to the effects of the void, it is clearly stated that they are more resilient to its effects. Could they potentially know more about it than say, the average human? Source:

3. This is less technical, how long can one be expected to live after contracting void poisoning? With and without treatment.

4. Nerf Demon Hunter.

5. Is it reasonable to assume that not every god escaped from the void, or even that there is an entire race of gods? Or even multiple races?

6. Refer to 4.
What is the tower on the west side of Sigrogana?

Other than Heaven's Contention, the Oniga-Sigrogana War and the Onigan Revolution, what are the major events in history?

What exactly are the Tenants of Mercala? We know their policy on exercising restraint of healing magic unless it's necessary and that they aren't fond of Huggessoa or their followers but what else does the Mercalan faith encourage/discourage?

Huggessoa has Vampires, Zera has Zerans but does Mercala have a race to call her own? (Definitely not Elves, nope.)

What is known about the Druids?

Is it possible to magically project your voice over a great distance or magically communicate in private (i.e. 'telepathy')?
[Image: 95e2774f19.png]
Where exactly are the 'Dark Zones' and how does someone venture to these areas?

What makes the Dark-Zones so spooky outside their natures of being nebulous and mystique?

What deities actually survived Heaven's Contention besides Mercala, as her faith seems to be the only one still strong?

When two species intermingle and have offspring, is there some sort of genetic hierarchy as to which race's traits come out dominant, or do they ICly blend? For example, if a Lupine and a Hyattr had babies, would they be Hyattrs, Lupines, or an IC blend of both? A general thread on blood-mingling lore would probably be appreciated so people know what races can and cannot ICly become hybridized with one-another.

Can Shaitans and other Corrupted races be born, or do they have to be 'created' from an already pre-existing human template?

Why does it require 6 vampires to turn someone? Why do they take 6 days to regenerate on death? Why do they...
... O u.

Is necromancy possible, and are Liches considered Undead, or just pure spirit energy?

I'll probably have mroe since I'm still relatively new to the community.
Spooky, scary, Death-metal princess.
"A wounded man shall say to his assailant, 'If I live, I will kill you, if I die, you are forgiven', such is the rule of Honor."
"[url= Wrote:Toridorable » Sat Oct 31, 2015 8:30 am[/url]"]Where exactly are the 'Dark Zones' and how does someone venture to these areas?

What makes the Dark-Zones so spooky outside their natures of being nebulous and mystique?

What deities actually survived Heaven's Contention besides Mercala, as her faith seems to be the only one still strong?

When two species intermingle and have offspring, is there some sort of genetic hierarchy as to which race's traits come out dominant, or do they ICly blend? For example, if a Lupine and a Hyattr had babies, would they be Hyattrs, Lupines, or an IC blend of both? A general thread on blood-mingling lore would probably be appreciated so people know what races can and cannot ICly become hybridized with one-another.

Can Shaitans and other Corrupted races be born, or do they have to be 'created' from an already pre-existing human template?

Why does it require 6 vampires to turn someone? Why do they take 6 days to regenerate on death? Why do they...
... O u.

Is necromancy possible, and are Liches considered Undead, or just pure spirit energy?

I'll probably have mroe since I'm still relatively new to the community.
So yeah most of these have already been answered in pervious lore Threads and a lot of them are even on the wiki
But I will do the quick answer for this.

1. Nobody knows whats in them and they are not well mapped but they know when people kind of go into them. Dark ZOnes don't really leave witnesses you know.
2. See above Vampires Vapourize, God protected never come out, Lichs are dead. The closest you get to coming out is Shatians(And that only happens if they go in human) and well they aren't exactly reliable sources of information on its nature. Since they do not remember anything including what happened in there.
3. Dev keeps adding to the list, Random Lore blurbs if you have those turned on add more but Zera and Ryart where the last two standing of those who participated Zera dying of his wounds from Ryart.
4. YOu take the traits and powers from one but you might have vestigal traits of the other. If you are part Glykin and part REd Tail you will either get the Luck or the Golden Blood but you might have slitted eyes if you have the Luck or a stump tail or something if you have the blood. The race you actually got the power of would be a lot more physically in the forefront.
5. Shaitans and Papillons no. They are also not inheritable in anyway. Oracles and Umbrals have a chance of being passed on to their children. And sometimes someone is just randomly born an Oracle not much is known about how they come about. (You can become an Oracle later in life)
6. Necromancy is possible but illegal particularly reanimating bodies. Hexers mess with spirits which is a negative hard to prove Grey area.
7. LIches are not by holy magic undead but they did basically commit what was probably Suicide in a very dangerous ritual just to catch a glimpse of the Record of the universe which is how they lost their mortal body.
1,000 Counts of 27.
"[url= Wrote:Snake » Sat Oct 03, 2015 10:15 pm[/url]"](Hexers)
-Is it possible for Hexers to use the souls of the ones they killed to enchant (justify the power of) their weapons? (Ghetto Nasus, hello!)
-What's the limitation of their powers over souls?
-Can they drag a soul back from Lazarus in order to revive someone, or make a homoluncus?

-Can Hexers use souls to curse and possess a mechanation permanently?
-Can Mechanations be cyborgs in any way? As in, a rebuilt and augmented human body with a Scar implanted?
-Can Mechanations be EMP-disabled as an alternative way to kill them? (Maybe through Engineers' grenades or something.)
-Can Mechanations resist Dark Zones' corruption as they (sort of) do to Void Poisoning?

-Can Hyattrs lay eggs like [strike]yoshis[/strike] real Dragons? (

-What 'is' Lazarus? Hell? Purgatory? I can't get a good definition of it.

- Souls are not catalysts, so no.
- Mainly that souls are very difficult to control and manipulate if it's not a natural ability your race possesses. Only Reapers have any sort of natural inclination to it, and that's only for directing lost souls to Lazarus.
- No. It is -technically- possible for a soul to escape from Lazarus, possibly with help from the non-living within, but there's a 99% chance you'll get killed by Reapers or other dwellers within the labyrinth. It's also likely you'll get lost inside and never escape.

- No.
- No. Using human materials in the construction of a Mechanation body is also prohibited.
- As the racial skill Artificial Body might suggest, they are vulnerable to electrical damage, so possible. You could also probably force them to shut off by overheating them, although this would be very difficult.
- They can't be corrupted by Dark Zones, but like many others who fall into this category, they never make it out of them.

- No. They reproduce through gestation.

- Lazarus is a physical place deep underground. It's a labyrinth where the souls of the dead wander for all time. Here's the lore.txt entry on it; 'Lazarus, the maze of the underworld, is what separates Sigrogana's living, and the underworld, where souls go upon dying. The maze prevents those from going where they should not... usually.'

Reapers live within the cavern walls of Lazarus outside of the maze. Here is a lore.txt entry on them; 'Reapers, which bear a resemblance to Zerans, live within the walls of Lazarus, the maze of the underworld, to protect it and its 'inhabitants' from the other side world, and vice versa.'

"[url= Wrote:Spoops » Wed Oct 21, 2015 5:52 pm[/url]"]Say if a character had a peculiar spirit jar, and was a major practicer of hexer arts, how much could a player character screw around with humanoid spirits, with permission of course.

and secondly, can you eat a humanoid's spirit? How would it taste?

Spirits are not the same things as souls. The Spirit Jar was originally named 'Soul Jar' in my development notes, but I changed it to 'spirit' for the exact reason that I didn't want people to use it as an excuse to capture 'souls' of players. Spirits are some kind of supernatural entity, but they're not souls, or ghosts, or anything like that.

"[url= Wrote:Soapy » Wed Oct 21, 2015 6:38 pm[/url]"]How intelligent can monsters be seen to be? Goblins obviously seem like primitive humans, but what about things like Spatials? Are they just dumb floating eyeballs, or is their intelligence beyond our comprehension?

It was mentioned that monsters were able to be tamed, are they ever used for simple work (mostly Goblins, I imagine)?

How would someone with, say, 60 base Strength compare to a (real life) human?

Is a Level 1 toddler tier, or just an average human?

What are some holidays, or otherwise well known dates?

- Goblins are simple and usually aggressive towards humans, which is why they're classified as a monster race. Spatials show signs of high intellect, but are also aggressive towards humans, and therefore classified as a monster race. Usually, your intelligence doesn't factor into it; it's more your physical appearance (not humanoid? I guess you're a monster then.) and your attitude towards humans (you are humanoid, but not a common mortal race, and you attack humans? Guess you're a monster then.) Some people throw Shaitans into the 'monster' category, but they're not official recognized as such. They're not officially recognized, at all, in fact.

- Goblins are a little too organized/self-aware to be tamed, but you can goad them into doing tasks if they aren't following a shaman.

- 60 base strength would be quite strong, capable of extreme feats of power. You wouldn't be like the Hulk or Superman, able to throw cars, punch through solid stone, or anything like that, but you could probably toss a carriage over by yourself, or carry a bear carcass by yourself with a little effort.

- Level is a little hard to quantify in words because there are a lot of different meanings and game mechanics that will conflict with one specific interpretation of it. You can look at level in a lot of ways as your solidarity, training, and field experience. Someone at level 1 might have the natural physical talents of a warrior, but none of the training and skill to hone it, which they would gain through experience (points). Legend Extension does conflict with this interpretation some what, but I don't think there will ever be a unified definition of what a level means.

- I'd like to expand on this, but I can't as of answering this thread, because I don't have much material prepared on the subject of holidays. Maybe some day.

"[url= Wrote:Page Avenue » Sun Oct 25, 2015 8:12 am[/url]"]Lore Questions, amirite?

1. On the void assassin wiki page, it is implied that they have seen the void. What did they see? Source:

2. Liches and the void, while it is clear they are not entirely immune to the effects of the void, it is clearly stated that they are more resilient to its effects. Could they potentially know more about it than say, the average human? Source:

3. This is less technical, how long can one be expected to live after contracting void poisoning? With and without treatment.

4. Nerf Demon Hunter.

5. Is it reasonable to assume that not every god escaped from the void, or even that there is an entire race of gods? Or even multiple races?

6. Refer to 4.

1. That's a description made by a player, not me. If they did see anything, it would probably be a lot of purple fog.

2. They could, but there's not a lot -to- know.

3. It depends on the severity. Low severity void poisoning can be treated. If you're already starting to lose body parts, it all comes down to luck. Did you lose something important or just a limb? You will live longer than someone whose lower half fell off, for example. Depending on the level of exposure, and if further exposure occurs or not, will determine how long you will live. It's not more than a month or two at most, at high severity with no treatment.

"[url= Wrote:Slydria » Wed Oct 28, 2015 12:52 am[/url]"]What is the tower on the west side of Sigrogana?

Other than Heaven's Contention, the Oniga-Sigrogana War and the Onigan Revolution, what are the major events in history?

What exactly are the Tenants of Mercala? We know their policy on exercising restraint of healing magic unless it's necessary and that they aren't fond of Huggessoa or their followers but what else does the Mercalan faith encourage/discourage?

Huggessoa has Vampires, Zera has Zerans but does Mercala have a race to call her own? (Definitely not Elves, nope.)

What is known about the Druids?

Is it possible to magically project your voice over a great distance or magically communicate in private (i.e. 'telepathy')?

1. An abandoned tower. It was probably used by the Chatarans when they were on Sigrogana, but no one knows for sure. It is crawling with monsters so no one goes there.

2. This is a little too vaguely-specific for me to answer right now, sorry. I will be adding to the list of 'major events' through lore supplements like the ones about the royal houses. (I'm still working on the Alstalain one, so that will be on the way at some point.)

3. What you mentioned is the big one, but she also teaches a lot of generic 'good neighbor' stuff, like generosity, honesty, and so on.

4. Maybe. Maybe you already know them well.

5. They're secretive, might not exist, like nature more than people, and can be very severe to deal with.

6. Not for you.

"Toridorable" Wrote:Where exactly are the 'Dark Zones' and how does someone venture to these areas?

What makes the Dark-Zones so spooky outside their natures of being nebulous and mystique?

What deities actually survived Heaven's Contention besides Mercala, as her faith seems to be the only one still strong?

When two species intermingle and have offspring, is there some sort of genetic hierarchy as to which race's traits come out dominant, or do they ICly blend? For example, if a Lupine and a Hyattr had babies, would they be Hyattrs, Lupines, or an IC blend of both? A general thread on blood-mingling lore would probably be appreciated so people know what races can and cannot ICly become hybridized with one-another.

Can Shaitans and other Corrupted races be born, or do they have to be 'created' from an already pre-existing human template?

Why does it require 6 vampires to turn someone? Why do they take 6 days to regenerate on death? Why do they...
... O u.

Is necromancy possible, and are Liches considered Undead, or just pure spirit energy?

I'll probably have mroe since I'm still relatively new to the community.

Welcome to the community. Most of Kavoir's responses are accurate answers.

Refer to this page and the old topics in this forum for further reading, but feel free to ask questions if you have them.

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