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Unban request
Game you were banned from: Sigrogana Legends 2
In-game name (key): SupremeMantis
Reason you were banned: " You weren't yet unbanned. "
The length of the ban, if you know: -
Who banned you, if you know: - Not sure but I'm sure Gedou alerted a gm since she was harassing me throughout the day.
Why we should unban you: I got banned for over a year ago and got unbanned approx. 3-5 months ago. The ban back then was 4 days. If I wasn't unbanned, then how come I was able to play it (as you only seem to give out PC bans, well at least to me anyway)? I used the same computer, same ip. Nothing could have indicated to ban avoid. Why should have be banned again? I personally think this is GM abuse since the GM didn't seem to like us. It kept disrespecting us by calling us names and such. Gedou(who most likely alerted a gm) continued to pursue be even after I explained I was PC banned and not key banned and I've been able to play it for a few months now. So if I was never unbanned- who unbanned me. Furthermore, say if I wasn't unbanned, why have I been banned excessively for such a silly reason which was because I didn't RP correctly.

Picture of it happening:
You all seem to honour and bend down to your community however, if you want other people(especially new comers) to respect your community, not only do you need to treat people with mutual respect(So maybe it's a good idea not to call others "Retards" then feel offended they retaliate) and you need to stop abusing your power. As a gm you need to treat everyone fairly and many games practice this except games like this for whatever reason, maybe you have the wrong people for the role, maybe you just don't care. You seem to take the sides of your friends no matter what the truth is and even if it's staring you right in the eye you choose to ignore it because that's what your 'community' seems to do. I hope there are some Gms/Admins that have sense and unban me because this time around, I really didn't do anything to break the rules, for the most part I minded my own business yet I was still pursued.
I've been told it was a permanent ban. If this is the case, whoever set the ban is quite ridiculous as the reason was, after the harassment that was constantly conveyed to me I decided to retaliate and make fun of the roleplayers in the game. As soon as I joined the game I was harassed, I was told to change my name which was explainable and even after I did, people kept deciding to judge every single thing I did. I know other players and beloved members of the community aren't treated this way so I'm not sure why I should be. As you may tell I'm not too remorseful as I know both parties of this long winded argument have done something wrong and against the rules yet i'm the only one who has been punished and I know there are some reasonable players that stick with the rules that they've agreed to followed so I hope one of those people read this. I've always stuck close to the rules so i'm not sure why i'm being punished so unban me please. I'm currently being ignored and it doesn't seem like anyone will unban me...
"[url=' Wrote:Skarz19 » Sun Jan 04, 2015 8:28 am[/url]"]I've always stuck close to the rules so i'm not sure why i'm being punished so unban me please.
If you 'always stuck close to the rules', you would have never been banned the first few times. I'm not sure how the permaban you had before went away, but judging by what I've seen of you here and on the game in the past day or so, you clearly haven't learned a thing. I see no reason to lift the ban.

Have a nice day.
[Image: a2794117f3.png]
[12:53:15 AM] Chaos: don't hit dyst
[12:53:18 AM] Chaos: that's cruelty to animals
[12:53:20 AM] Chaos: you have to shoot it
[12:53:20 AM] Dystopia: ye
Based on the fact that you made a second topic and replied to someone else's unban request flinging insults (which I had to delete, even though I was tempted to reply there), which are specifically mentioned in the sticky to be things you are NOT supposed to do, I'm going to go ahead and say that you were breaking rules, were asked nicely to stop, and then got banned.

We try to be respectful to everyone, but that only continues as long as they are respectful themselves. Playing the game is not a right; no one here has to put up with an aggressive, offensive attitude. You can try to spin what happened whatever way you want, but when you ignore the most basic and well spelled out guidelines because you're so insistent on getting your way, it's fairly obvious to me (as someone who has had to deal with many people in the past with that same attitude) that your ban isn't worth me kicking up dirt for; because it is deserved.

If you can clean up your act, there might be a time you can get unbanned. But that clearly isn't right now, so, sorry, but I'm with Chaos on this one.

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