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Age related questions
- At what age is one officially recognized as an adult in each country?
- What are the legal ages for drinking, gambling, marrying, or just general consent for sex in each country?
... just got curious since I've seen a bunch of 15-16 year olds around, lately, at least one of which was drinking and bragging about how he lost his virginity. *shrug*
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Some questions about the history mechanations
-it was said that they were "perfected" in the year 290. what exactly is perfected here? When they could be made to appear so close to human that they would easily be mistaken as one, they simply figured out how to make basic humanoid mechanation or something else?
- how long before did work on mechanations start? when where the first most prototypes of them made?
and on a slightly different note
-Grimalkin are considered a sub species of Felidae, so does this mean a seemingly normal Felidae with the right family background can have a Grimalkin child, or a Grimalkin parent have a regular Felidae child? or have Grimalkin sort of broken off as a subspecies all their own?
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What do the various potions taste like?
What is Brain Food made out of?
Would it be possible to use a PDA to do the incantations of spells?
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I have not been able to find this covered anywhere on the wiki, so don't throw stones at me if it's already avaible anywhere.
While it's quite obvious that Oniga is quite similiar (read : blatant rip off. *hides*) to our Japan, I've also heard Chaturanga being compared to Central Europe.
Is such applicable? What of the other nations? I am asking mostly for the reason to get a fair idea how their languages sound etc.
What is the Empires view in terms of legality about under-age orphans? Is it perfectly okay to leave an eight year old orphan to fight for life ( Read : Beg for attention and charity from bystanders), or are there some sort of orphanages, or any of the like?
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"[url=' Wrote:Sarinpa1 » Fri Nov 21, 2014 4:44 am[/url]"]I have not been able to find this covered anywhere on the wiki, so don't throw stones at me if it's already avaible anywhere.
While it's quite obvious that Oniga is quite similiar (read : blatant rip off. *hides*) to our Japan, I've also heard Chaturanga being compared to Central Europe.
Is such applicable? What of the other nations? I am asking mostly for the reason to get a fair idea how their languages sound etc.
I might make a page for this on the wiki sometime; but PD asked this and it was answered on the old forums a while ago. It's also in the Lore Archives that Sly posted.
Q: Are there other languages in other countries / continents on the planet, or do they all speak one universal language? And if so to the latter, how long has this been going on for?
A: Yes, but most default to the common language, because Sigrogana is the largest human civilization. Real world mirrors would be along the lines of; Oniga has its Japanese, Chaturanga/Kysei in general has a bunch of European languages (from before they were unified), Alstalsia has German. Kaelensia have a rather unrefined language that they use on Egwyn sometimes. Note that all of these aren't actually called Japanese/European in the setting, and it's not an invitation for you to anime up your roleplay by throwing honorifics and Japanese phrases mid-way through your English ones. (True Onigans would find that very unsightly...)
Q: If Alstalsia has German, would it also have Italian because pasta/pizza originates from Alstalsia?
A: Certainly would.
But I'd like to ask myself on top of this. I can tell Gaelic would most likely be a mirror to Chaturangan but I'm curious about if Russian might be a mirror to Kysei's language or a third Alstalsian dialect.
Quote:OOC Devourer Of Souls: I did literally nothing and have never played YGO in my life.
OOC Black Chaos X: OOC Devourer Of Souls: no one activated zera ritual
OOC Devourer Of Souls: That's fake.
Tengen Toppa
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How advanced are the sciences? I know we have engines and mechanations, but is microbiology < or biology in general I suppose > a thing?
Is Alchemy this worlds equivalent of Medical prescriptions or what?
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So I found myself thinking after a night spent tending to a toothache so awful I had to call in sick from work...
What kind of dental care exists in this world, if any? Are cavities and the like something mercalan arcana could treat if the caster thought it was fine against Mercala's tenets and all that jazz?
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"[url=' Wrote:Sarinpa1 » Fri Nov 21, 2014 4:44 am[/url]"]What is the Empires view in terms of legality about under-age orphans? Is it perfectly okay to leave an eight year old orphan to fight for life ( Read : Beg for attention and charity from bystanders), or are there some sort of orphanages, or any of the like?
Further adding to this:
If an orphan doesn't WANT to be adopted, can someone legally adopt them by force? (Yes, this is a real thing I've seen people trying to do ICly.)
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Does Chaturanga have its own language?
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Is Legend Extension an actual in-character thing?
If so, how exactly does the process work?
Does it give any in-character benefits or powers, or is it just a title?