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Unban Request
Game you were banned from: Sigrogana Legend 2
In-game name (key): Blade of Hearts
Reason you were banned: Cybering
The length of the ban, if you know: Unknown
Who banned you, if you know: Slydria
Why we should unban you: I am not appealing for an unban. I am appealing for a sentence reduction, because I know that I don't deserve to be unbanned because of the idiocy of my actions. I understand that SL2 isn't the place to cyber, but I decided to do it anyway, which is only more proof of my ignorance. In fact, I should commend you for how quickly you took action against my violation of the rules. My getting banned was entirely my own fault, as I could have stopped at any time of my own free will and there is no excuse for my behavior. I swear that if you reduce my sentence (or if you don't), I will abide by all of the rules to the best of my abilities, never repeat my mistakes, and play fair for the remainder of the time that I play SL2. It's an amazing game and I shouldn't have even considered risking the prolonged usage of it. I only hope that you can find it in your hearts to forgive my transgressions and allow me to continue to play Sigrogana Legend 2, because I'm sorry for what I've done and I love this game. No matter how long I have to wait, I'm looking forward to returning to the game, with or without a reduction. I understand that third chances don't exist.

**P.S. The link to the unban forum from the game doesn't seem to be working. I can't confirm whether or not it's my computer or the link that's not working properly. Also, if you decide against reducing the sentence, can you please tell me how long the ban is so that I know when I can return? Thank you in advance.
How shocking. Pun intended.
Game you were banned from: Sigrogana Legend 2
In-game name (key): PossessedWolf
Reason you were banned: Cybering ??
The length of the ban, if you know: 2 years
Who banned you, if you know: I don't know

I was banned for another player's mistake. He was using my internet to do what ever he was doing and I got banned for no reason! Skype me so we can talk this through.

Skype: killapie071 (Shojin)
I'll shorten the two of your ban times to two weeks. Everyone should be painfully aware that cybering is not allowed here, if you're going to do that kind of thing, you must take it elsewhere.

As for you, sorry, but if you read the topic at the top of the Unban Requests, you would know we don't unban people on that reasoning. You will have to wait the ban with him.

Quote:It is not acceptable to request to be unbanned on the grounds that you claim someone else is at fault. Be they your sister, your brother, your mother, you father, your pet, a hacker, a cracker, a snacker, a jiggy, a demon, a witch, or any other fantasy your mind cooks up and thinks will fool us. I have been on the internet for longer than is socially acceptable to admit. I have heard every excuse. I am not interested in excuses, I am interested in change.
[Image: 95e2774f19.png]
Thank you. I'll see you then.
How shocking. Pun intended.
Game you were banned from: Sigrogana Legend 2
In-game name (key)TongueossessedVolk
Reason you were banned:Last time was banned for cybering.
The length of the ban, if you know: IDK
Who banned you, if you know:IDK
Why we should unban you: I was unbanned already, but my IP was was banned. Please unban it.
After digging through the system, and based off what I could uncover, I've found that you actually have two banfiles. (Note: There was no 'PossessedVolk' on the files, only 'PossessedWolf') I'm getting the impression that you intentionally ban evaded.

However, I will give you the benefit of the doubt and unban that file. But if I see this sort of situation come up again, you will not get another chance.

P.S. Do not make multiple accounts for the sake of making Unban Requests.
[Image: a2794117f3.png]
[12:53:15 AM] Chaos: don't hit dyst
[12:53:18 AM] Chaos: that's cruelty to animals
[12:53:20 AM] Chaos: you have to shoot it
[12:53:20 AM] Dystopia: ye

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