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Lore Questions: July (2016)
I know Spo asked something similiar to this in the past, But I really liked the concept of it and would like to have it on one page without other infos "Disturbing" it. and for all elements.
The Elements, Can I have a list of what element stands for what? You said Fire stands for Chaos and Power and Wind for Deception etc.
I really would like to go by those bases as philosophy of elemental based characters. So as many characteristics as possible would be nice to have.
9.)Are there more elements that are actually associated with something, like Sound or Acid? If so, could you expand the list please?

Unrelated Question:
10.) Is Nosferatu a term in SL2 aswell when reffering to very old and powerful Vampires (Like a GM char or something)? If yes, can player call themself such viably if they under which conditions?
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a lich's heart?
"Take it for granted. I dare you."

[Image: 142v2wn.png]

[Image: 21b2ouq.png]
"Ranylyn"' Wrote:What would happen if a Naga gave birth to a male? Would it automatically be the gender of the other parent? Would it ever be possible to eventually see male nagas slowly crop up later down the line? I ask because it seems similar to corruption, which can, but doesn't always, pass down, so....

It was stated that Nagas that give birth to any male are the race of the father if I recall. All females that are birthed by a Naga are instantaneously naga.
Does wind magic come with oxygen? If so, could one live w/o having to inhale by just converting their focus into wind magic in their lungs?
"Take it for granted. I dare you."

[Image: 142v2wn.png]

[Image: 21b2ouq.png]
"Rendar"' Wrote:
"Ranylyn"' Wrote:What would happen if a Naga gave birth to a male? Would it automatically be the gender of the other parent? Would it ever be possible to eventually see male nagas slowly crop up later down the line? I ask because it seems similar to corruption, which can, but doesn't always, pass down, so....

It was stated that Nagas that give birth to any male are the race of the father if I recall. All females that are birthed by a Naga are instantaneously naga.

Thank you. I couldn't find that post. I was pretty sure it had been asked, but I must have accidentally skipped that month while looking through them.
*loud burp*
I have been wondering about this for a while:

Is there any form of racism towards the Kaelensia (The beast races).

If there is racism to that race somewhere in sigrogana, then where is it exactly, by whom, and what are the reasons behind that racism?
"Detective100"' Wrote:I have been wondering about this for a while:

Is there any form of racism towards the Kaelensia (The beast races).

If there is racism to that race somewhere in sigrogana, then where is it exactly, by whom, and what are the reasons behind that racism?

That is probably too specific for Dev to answer.

Racism occurs in IC for numerous reasons, usually involving religious or cultural beliefs. For example, an Imperialist might think poorly of Onigans because, to the Imperialist, Onigan culture is immoral and produces rampant crime.

I'd say that rural areas of Sigrogana consisting solely or mostly of normal humans would have consistent racism towards any race with animal features, but I don't think anyone can say exactly where these areas would be.
"Take it for granted. I dare you."

[Image: 142v2wn.png]

[Image: 21b2ouq.png]
What are the distances between a few well known locations within Sigrogana? Since most areas are connected via portal, it'll mostly just be this.

What is the distance between these location in miles (Following Roads and simply making a beeline)

Arena to Cellsvich
Arena to Tannis
Arena to Dormeho
Arena to Shrine
Shrine to Cellsvich
Shrine to Tannis
Shrine to Dormeho

andddd the big one.

Oniga to Law's End

And furthermore, since i've been seeing a lot of this...

Can Laplace PDAs actually text people? I've been seeing a lot of people just whip out their PDA and go "LMAO JENNY U HAVE GOT 2 COME 2 THE ARENA"
Since youkai require faith to have more contracts, Judgement blade and Healing Discharge require faith to be effective, does this mean youkai have any sort of connection to Mercala? Or Summoners in general?
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water
"Trexmaster"' Wrote:"2) I don't know what an 'awakened' mech is, but if you remove the core from their body, they will die. There's no transferring."

Uh, didn't you just say in last month (may)'s lore questions --

"2) About a week. It can last longer but you are looking at 'psychological' damage and eventually the scar dying."

In response to how long a Scar can last outside a body?

So...which one of these statements is true, then? Can you or can you not remove the Scar from a Mechanation without them dying?

By the way you worded the lore questions before it seemed like removing a Scar from a body/tree was roughly the same. Is there any difference aside from the Mech being more developed after actually having had a body?

1) Both of them. You can't remove a scar from the body (head); doing so would destroy it. A head with a scar in it can remain separated from a body for a week before the aforementioned bad effects occur.
2) It isn't the same. The core of one of Mechana Forest's tree is solid, like a pebble. A Llarian Scar is hollow, its center carved out as part of the magical process that creates a Mechanation and gives it a personality.

"Rendar"' Wrote:Why is Item breakdown illegal? I mean, I assume it is since the dude is the "Man who knew too much" and has to operate in Law's End to break stuff down.

Are Science Kits IC in that regard that you can just breakdown gear to it's base components or...?

I thought Qwarence explained it pretty well. It's not illegal, persay, but it drew some unwanted attention towards him from the law, and he thought that if they determined he was a spy (which he wasn't) that they'd have him executed.

"Kameron8"' Wrote:Can Laplace PDAs send messages to other Laplace PDAs? Does it give people the ability to pseudo text message one another?

I feel like I've answered this question before but there's no direct messaging system. Only vaguely forum-like functions that are public and monitored, probably to prevent it from being used as a tool for war.

"Joseph Jostar"' Wrote:While most forms of magic are banned or whatnot within Oniga's walls, how do they look on Mercana being used (to treat wounds and all that)? Is that much acceptable? Also a friend of mine's curious, if the battle zones in a spatial dungeon are supposed to represent some sort of solar system, is there any deeper meaning to the healing rune and mana crystal that always seem to show up?

1) Mercana is one of the few forms of magic allowed in Oniga, at least, the healing portion of it.
2) No.

"Galethvia"' Wrote:Why are crucifixes symbols of Mercala? Historically they were used as methods of execution, and while Christianity has ties to them due to Jesus being executed on one, as far as I'm aware the Mercalan faith doesn't have that the to bring together a religion of life and healing and a method of execution.

I could perhaps see the Sun's Ichor using them to execute vampires, but with them being officially denounced, why would the symbol still exist and be tied to Mercala?

The cross represents the sword of Mercala, Vajistra.

"Spoops"' Wrote:Druid questions:

We all know the supposed druids that were believed to have cursed Gold to be the barren wasteland it is now, they would have to be very powerful in their own right to do something like that, how powerful would those druids have to be?

If they were not the only druids, is it possible for druids to exist in current state of Sigrogana? How powerful are they typically?

Just what does a druid do typically in the great six?

What kind of training is needed to become a druid?

Could a player actually play a druid or even a druid in training if they were ever given permission?

1) That would be something you'd expect of an Archdruid like Len.
2) Druids exist. They specialize in nature magic and can charm animals and such. They're about as powerful as everyone else.
3) Repair damaged forests, help restore dwindling animal populations. Get rid of BDPs. They mainly try to keep nature in tact as much as possible, protect it from damage from civilization by advising rulers and governors, and such.
4) We'll revisit this question at some point. For a short summary I'll just say you need some magical training, specialist knowledge on natural biomes and what inhabits them, and some animal handling skills.
5) They'll probably be a player class at some point, so I don't see why not.

"Rendar"' Wrote:Back again with some Curate questions!

Are Curates of other religions possible? Would one dedicated to say, [NATURE GOD HERE] be capable of casting Graft/Rescue/Quickness and things like that with having a bit more flavorful 'trappings' for their deity of choice? ([NATURE GOD]s would be something like a green glow and minty freshness or something. Iunno.)

Tying into that, are all "Mercalan Domain" spells.. inherently tied to Mercala? There's been quite a bit of confusion on this. Distortion, for instance, is a Mercalan Domain spell. As is Apodis or whatever from the Apus or whatever. It just seems that, while not everything with the Hugeossan domain is "Hugeossan" by nature... that the same should likely apply to the Mercalan domain since we have things like Phoenix which... technically aren't Mercalan and more inviting a pseudo-elemental into a flame or whatever which. Really seems like a bad time for everyone.

1) Healing magic from gods other than Mercala is rare, which is why she's such a big deal. Enchantment spells you could make some argument for but probably not healing spells.
2) Yes, pretty much. Healing and light magic are what she does. Like I said, though, you could make some sort of argument for 'bending the rules' for spells that aren't healing related.

"Joseph Jostar"' Wrote:With the Mercalan faith and such, are there any proper ways to venerate the higher ups other than showing a massive amount of respect?

How would you respect or talk to The Voice or Vajistra properly? What would you do if you found yourself in Mercala's presence beyond 'sit down and shut up'? And so on for church knights or other high-ranking church officials as well?

Shouldn't take a lot of imagination. If you're talking to the Voice, you're talking to the person who literally hosts your goddess. It'd be like talking to a Queen, you'd call her Your Holiness, kneel until told to rise, never touch or speak against them, etc. Vajistra is the right hand of Mercala so much of the same, but that position is a bit more 'human' so any steps out of line aren't (literally) disrespecting a goddess.

Church Knights are knights, so they're some bloke with a title. If you're trying to be respectful, you'd call them Sir/Ser/Lady [Whoever], and so on.

"Shujin"' Wrote:I know Spo asked something similiar to this in the past, But I really liked the concept of it and would like to have it on one page without other infos "Disturbing" it. and for all elements.
The Elements, Can I have a list of what element stands for what? You said Fire stands for Chaos and Power and Wind for Deception etc.
I really would like to go by those bases as philosophy of elemental based characters. So as many characteristics as possible would be nice to have.
9.)Are there more elements that are actually associated with something, like Sound or Acid? If so, could you expand the list please?

Unrelated Question:
10.) Is Nosferatu a term in SL2 aswell when reffering to very old and powerful Vampires (Like a GM char or something)? If yes, can player call themself such viably if they under which conditions?

1) I won't give you a list but you can see lots of little suggestions/hints from the answer you're quoting as well as within various skills or items.
2) It's not a term I've used to describe them, no. But you can call yourself whatever you want.

"Egil"' Wrote:Does wind magic come with oxygen? If so, could one live w/o having to inhale by just converting their focus into wind magic in their lungs?


"Detective100"' Wrote:I have been wondering about this for a while:

Is there any form of racism towards the Kaelensia (The beast races).

If there is racism to that race somewhere in sigrogana, then where is it exactly, by whom, and what are the reasons behind that racism?

There's racism towards every minority race at times. Racism isn't a cold and hard question outside of specific situations (genocide, slavery, etc) and so how much and where aren't really questions I can answer. But suffice to say, everywhere that humans are dominant, there's bound to be some racism. Chaturanga is less pronounced than other places because it's a very mixed society, while on Alstalsia subtle racism towards non-Zerans is pretty common (after all, this race looks down on everyone else, it's in their nature and upbringing), and on Egwyn, everyone who isn't a Kaelensia or someone very familiar with the natives gets the cold stares.

"Rendar"' Wrote:What are the distances between a few well known locations within Sigrogana? Since most areas are connected via portal, it'll mostly just be this.

What is the distance between these location in miles (Following Roads and simply making a beeline)

Arena to Cellsvich
Arena to Tannis
Arena to Dormeho
Arena to Shrine
Shrine to Cellsvich
Shrine to Tannis
Shrine to Dormeho

andddd the big one.

Oniga to Law's End

And furthermore, since i've been seeing a lot of this...

Can Laplace PDAs actually text people? I've been seeing a lot of people just whip out their PDA and go "LMAO JENNY U HAVE GOT 2 COME 2 THE ARENA"

I'm not going to answer the first question, too specific and I don't want to throw dynamite onto that campfire.

As I said before, no.

"Raigen.Convict"' Wrote:Since youkai require faith to have more contracts, Judgement blade and Healing Discharge require faith to be effective, does this mean youkai have any sort of connection to Mercala? Or Summoners in general?

Faith isn't a Mercalan thing exclusively, so not directly.

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