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(Another) Voilegarde Call to Arms
Posters are posted about Voilegard announcing an upcoming recruitment meeting for the newly-established town militia, held by Militia Captian Joshua Jonas. Any who wish to volunteer are highly encouraged to attend.

Recruitment for the Voilegard Militia is finally open. Currently, the majority of the militia will consist of volunteers who are called in times of emergency and may have additional short duties, such as patrolling. At the moment, it may be similar to a well-organized town watch. In the future, once the town's economy is stronger, this system is very likely to change.

If you wish to join the town militia, the recruitment event will take place Saturday (Jan 28) at 8PM EST on the first floor of the Voilegard town hall. Additionally, you may apply either in this thread, or in a PM sent to me.

Place of Residence:
Applicant's abilities and experience:
Have you ever been charged with a crime before? If so, what?:
Anything additional you wish to add:

The current Militia Captain is: Captain Joshua Jonas
The current Militia Lieutenants are: Hanako Misaki, Harrier Maro

Edit: The recruitment meeting had to be rescheduled for OOC reasons.
Post stealing edit: (Credit to Cat15 for the post, but I'm too lazy to make my own)
Edit: The OFFICIAL meeting time will be 8:00 PM EST, located in the Town Hall. (The Silver rose orphanage guild house.)
Name: Ashi Oragato
Age: 20
Place of Residence: [strike]Candyland[/strike] Voilegarde
Race: Lupine
Applicant's abilities and experience: Uses magical arrows to take down targets, has been hunting monsters of large sizes for years.
Have you ever been charged with a crime before? If so, what?: Falling in love with the wrong person.
Anything additional you wish to add: n/a
[Image: 728daabd1d06463d4458817a55e80d3f09da5d88.gif]
            "Nothing good ever comes of her laughter. And she's always laughing."
[Image: ae1249ba537fe4f2c0b55eeb8655f8744028e0f7.gif]
Name: Dahlia
Age: ???(They'd be like, 20, but they don't remember)
Place of Residence:Sigrogana.
Applicant's abilities and experience:Isesipian magic and experience with hexes, horticulture, apidology.
Have you ever been charged with a crime before? If so, what?: Nope. [strike]Just existing.[/strike]
Anything additional you wish to add:Prefers working outdoors.
Name: Atlas Maro
Age: 26
Place of Residence: Sigrogana
Race: Wyverntouched
Applicant's abilities and experience: Spellfist, Cook, Outdoor and Indoor survival tatics, experienced
Have you ever been charged with a crime before? If so, what?: No. I mean, I stole someone's panties and wore it as a mask, once, but they thought it belonged to them, it wasn't, but to each his own, I suppose.
Anything additional you wish to add: I'm a Mercenary, so there's that. Fine with any working conditions.
[Image: jBTJOXi.png]
Name: My name is the Great and Mysterious Poppins, swordsman of Wonder and Amazement! Oh, to look upon me is to experience true beauty, and to face me in battle is to attest to the true potential of the human race! For one so strong, and one so dashingly handsome, I sure do know how to write an introduction, do I not?
Age: The age of which I currently am taking up is not that of an elder veteran, although I most certainly am still a veteran in many respects. Although I am not quite young with eyes filled with wonder, either; I have seen and experienced many gruesome foes, harsh battles, and wooed many women!
Place of Residence: The world is my residence as I wander about, living life and experiencing the joys and adventures of the world! True, it may be that one could associate my traveling, vagabond style with lack of proper stability and the will to settle down, but it would be a crime worse than murder to keep myself from romancing the ladies of every country and county!
Race: I'm a human, although don't think that holds any of my intense power back! I am incredibly willing to show the strength of the human race when compared to the other applicants, should they depend on their racial abilities a bit too much.
Applicant's abilities and experience: Oh, you're asking me for my experience? Well, I suppose a short summary could be a good case to provide in order for the public (and the application review team) to truly understand my mysterious powers. Not only do I hold charismatic sway with women, but men are inspired by my visage and seek to emulate my skills, making them strive harder so they may also be appealing to the opposite sex. I have two swords that were forged in two opposing conditions: Oak Doom Le'Nott was made from the Death Tree, a tree that fed off of the blood of over a thousand innocents by luring them to pick the forgotten fruit that hung from its branches; a bite from this fruit was said to cause the consumer a complete change in ability. For mages to turn into swordsman, and for swordsman to turn into archers, and the like! However, I disproved these rumors (after defeating the Death Tree with my bare hands), by sampling a fruit, keen to see how it would affect my potential; there was no change in the wondrous abilities I displayed. How dare the tree spread rumors to the people, to trick them into their deaths! To make up for this atrocity, I had the finest of blacksmiths take the core of the tree, and burn it into a hard, solid, rock-like substance, as per my guiding directions, and then forge it into the amazing blade that is known today! My other blade, Lightedge Spaceblade, was created in a contrasting situation; a meteor was headed towards our lovely world, and no one had the power nor skills to stop it from destroying a great deal of humanity's work! That is, except for me, the amazing Poppins! With Oakdoom Le'Nott in hand, I jumped into the air as the meteor was about to hit, and struck it, the shards of the blazing rock bursting apart and landing safely across the land. Gathering all of these shards, I brought them back to my trusted blacksmith, and he forged (with my oversight), a blade that rivaled Oakdoom Le'Nott in power and intense handling: Lightedge Spaceblade! Truly, both swords are proof of my skill, power, and magnitude of charm. In addition, my skills with magic and wit show no bounds, either; to stop the evil leader of a terrorist organization, I joined a group of adventurers (so that I may teach them). After breaking through the base and defeating the misguided minions (while sparing them to give them another chance at life), the leader attempted to cut a hostage's throat open! Using the magnificent top-level spell Swap Position, I changed my spot first with the hostage, to save them, and then quickly again with the terrorist leader, who then cut his own throat apart! He got what he deserved, truly, and I was celebrated as a hero upon that day, as I am on many days.
Have you ever been charged with a crime before? If so, what?: How dare you accuse me of such! But I can understand, as my mysteriousness may lend itself to a bit of shadowy ruggedness. Let me assure you, I do not intend nor have I ever broken any laws. To do so would go against my moral code, and my true spirit of heart. The world's governments may depend upon me to save them, but I do not wish to abuse my power, nay, that would be terrible for humanity; I am not a terrible person.
Anything additional you wish to add: Here is an autographed photo of myself:

[Image: yEvT9eN.png]
[Image: 7y3oPuY.png]
The above applicants are approved. Contact with either the Militia Captain or one of the lieutenants for interview.

(OOC note: My Discord is #4215 Lokus. Add me so we can arrange the actual meeting 1on1.)

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