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This is a new topic for Lore Questions because the old one was about 26 pages. The format is roughly the same, but some guidelines;
1) Try and format your questions appropriately. As in, make it easy to read and answer.
2) Try and limit the number of questions you ask per thread. I don't mind answering them, but don't get crazy and ask me 20 things, especially if they require detailed answers.
3) Try to avoid asking extremely specific questions, such as 'Did anyone ever die of food poisoning in Cellsvich?'. Answering these is difficult, because not everything is set in stone, so giving a definitive answer on it not only restricts me in the future, but it might influence other players' character concepts that involve it.
That said, if you have any questions, you can post them in this thread! I will post answers at the end of the month/start of the next one.
Thanks! (And yes, if you had questions from the previous topic that I didn't answer before I closed it, you can post them here, but remember the formatting guideline.)
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Are weapons able to be created out of magic rather than physically?(Striking iron).
If so what are the advantages and disadvantages of doing so?
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Just going to be readding the questions from the old forum to save some people the hassle of asking again.
Originally posted by Ranylyn
Quote:Magical catalysts. Tomes and spelledge weapons exist, for sure, but what is the true limit of their potential?
Could one, say, RP as someone without magical talent at all but has some kind of catalyst which lets them use magic anyway?
Could one skilled enough channel their magic/ki/whatever through a mundane object, such as using a gun to shoot focus instead of bullets?
Originally posted by Planetary Destruction
Quote:How fast is magic, in literal terms? I know this has been answered before but sources have informed me that you were just joking (which I honestly don't doubt). Magic has to be somehow perceptible, whether by the target's eye, a trained mage, a trained mage hunter, or some other kind of magically affixed and affiliated person. Though I guess the reason "you just have to feel it" works too. But twice the speed of light isn't very credible nor does it make anyone credulous to it at all.
Originally posted by Ranylyn
Quote:- How long ago did the corrupted become a thing? Is it a recent thing, such as post HC? Or is it as old as some of the older races?
- Is there more to Ryart's story than what is revealed in game so far?
- Zerans actively mock Onigans for not attempting to conquer Alastasia during their Warring Era. Is there any more information on this, such as why the Onigans did not? Were they too tied down by the war with Sigrogana, or...?
Originally posted by Kiralynn
Quote:From the wiki: "Kaelensia have a rather unrefined language that they use on Egwyn sometimes."
Based on this, would it be safe to assume that the whole of Egwyn speaks a single language (Kaelensian), or are there differences between areas/races that might make it difficult to communicate between them?
Originally posted by Ranylyn
Quote:- Adding to the above: If different languages or at least dialects are a thing, what names do they go by?
Originally posted by Divus
Quote:Can you give me a general, but descriptive summary of Huggessoa please?
Does/Did Huggessoa ever appear in the world?
Can Huggessoa be summoned? If so, how?
What might a worshiper of Huggessoa be like? In general, nothing specific!
Originally posted by 4EvarKnight
Quote:This came up in LOOC; What exactly are the laws of the land, beyond the obvious "Don't steal, kill, rape, or attack each other"? I don't recall there being any specifics laid out.
And more specifically, are there any laws directly against drawing a weapon needlessly in public, or drawing one in general if you aren't a part of the Guard (and obviously not committing another crime)?
Originally posted by MakeshiftWalrus
Quote:Is there a specific way to becoming a Ghost? If so, how?
How does the Geistritters recruit their members? Are there any special requirements or training that you have to go through?
Originally posted by 411-L-411
Quote:So, do we have microphones or any means of voice aid?
Originally posted by Ninjahzzz
Quote:Okay,So,Last month you went and said that Alstalsia had some of the more standard Fantasy creatures living in it...and that makes me question.
Have there ever been attempts (Successful or otherwise) to tame them?...I know for a fact that there'd likely be /SOME/ person who looks at them and thinks 'Yeah,I could make a killing by selling them to Kaelensia as pets'.
Originally posted by grandpa
Quote:Are Mercalan magics capable of healing disabilities that you were born with? (IE blind, mute, deaf.)
Originally posted by Planetary Destruction
Quote:What constitutes an emergency in which Mercalan/healing magic should be used to aid another from injury, contusions, etc? This is all going by ethics and the Church Charter (which I'm sure there is one).
Originally posted by Ampere
Quote:What percentage of people caught under the Black Eclipse actually get Corrupted into Umbrals?
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Does Hyoya have it's own language perhaps?
In terms of animals, is it okay to assume that the traditional real animals (Such as Cows, Horses, Sheep, Dogs, Cats, etc.) exist?
When Umbrals "Fade out" Is it akin to invisibility? or more so just. . . like a hazier image? And are they able to fade out at will at any time during the day or night?
(Reposted from Old Forums)
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I still cannot understand the recent addition of Life Steal/Drain (or whatever you wish to call the trait). It seemed like it would be a lich casting a hex (to mechanically accommodate a horrible HP pool), but apparently vampires have this as well. It must not involve blood if glykins aren't immune and it doesn't harm the recipient.
So what/how exactly are vampires and liches performing for this?
If blood is irrelevant, then is it draining focus? If not, what?
Whatever it is, is it a form of feeding for a vampire?
Why is it that only vampires and liches can perform this?
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1. Does Sigrogana have any extra moons or suns?
2. What is space like for Sigrogana? Is it the void?
3. How exactly does a person become the feral undead monsters that appear in dungeons.
4. Do the feral undead from dungeons still have their original soul?
5. Is it possible to extract the soul of a living thing in Sigorgana and put it in another body? If so, how exactly could that be done?
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A basic few questions that should have been answered.
Approximately when were the cities like Karaten, Chaturanga, Cellsvich, Dormeho, Lispool, Oniga and Tannis founded? I'm only curious about those dates. Someone is free to extend this if I'm missing locations.
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What happens to a person that stays within the void to long? Do they turn into pure focus energy and dissipate into nothingness, therefore 'dying'?
If yes to that question, what happens to a lich that is in the void since they are kind of pure focus energy controlled by a person.
What are the effects of void poisoning, should one contract it, as a Lich?
We know very few things about magic in general. Do mages draw it from random elemental planes, or do they draw upon focus from the fa- I mean Void and shape it into magic?
Are there any ways to cut off ties to magic for someone? IE: That one spear thing from SL1 that cut off Mercala/Fire domains.
What the hell is a terrasque and why is it's shell everywhere, AND made out of ores?
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Why are Oracles known to be corrupted. What corrupted them?
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Can you make vodka out of potatoes?
Do the other gods have followers? What sort of beliefs, tenets, etc, do they follow? (Especially interested in Nairyf/Nerif)