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[All Boards]Date Auction - Relief fund for those affected by bandits
[Image: unknown.png]
 Charity Date Auction

Sponsored by Ly from Four Seasons Trading Company and Elaine Vance from Stella Trading.

As many of you may have heard merchants, caravans, and guards all heading to Oniga in order to sell their wares have run into trouble as of late thanks to the Silverfangs -- a bandit group. While personal losses of our owns have been suffered, we have the means to move on from it. However, for the smaller merchants, caravan drivers, and guards that lost their lives, and in turn, their families that lost their livelihoods. All proceeds earned at this charity auction will go directly to helping those who have suffered at the hands of the Silverfangs.

To those that attend, Elaine Vance has offered up a raffle at the end of the night with two prizes both consisting of 500 asagos to thank you all ever-so-kindly for showing up and giving your support even if you did not make a single bid!

Other than the auction, there will also be other festivities to enjoy on your own or with another. There's places to sit and talk as well as carnival games to play. Certainly a great spot for a first date! 

Due to the time of year and location, you may find it fun to put on more summery attire or perhaps colorful Onigan clothing? It's not every day that you get to dress up!

So what is a "date auction"? 

It is where 10 lovely men and women go onto stage offering a single date to the bidder that wins. However, they do have the right to refuse to go on a date with someone -- no questions asked. In that case, the next lowest bidder will win. The date can either be a romantic first date or simply two people seeking friendship. All participants must be of legal age. (16) Exceptions made for mechanations.

((OOC Note on Murai won: Since it's mainly NPCs that suffered, funds earned during this auction will be used to sponsor people that want to make community projects such as event spaces, places to hang out... Anything that will benefit the SL2 RP scene can ask me for some funding via discord and I'll distribute it out.

ALSO, people tend to like to throw lots of murai at these events so please bring tons if you are really interested in winning someone!))


Eastern side of Oniga.

[Image: unknown.png]

August 29th the festival grounds open at 3pm EST, the date auction starts at 5pm EST.

Sign-up Information for Date Auction
For those of you wishing to be one of the people up for sale

ICly fill out this form and send it to Elaine Vance or Ly, aka DM it to either of us on discord at Moira#5099 or MakeshiftWalrus#7604 depending on who you see online.

Short list of Hobbies and Interests:
Tell us a little bit about yourself: 
Romantic or Friendly Dates?
((Please DM me a picture of your character!))

Current Sign-ups
Sign-ups are Closed!

Women 5/5
Sign-ups close when we reach ten people or August 28th at 6pm EST.

We are adding two of each gender for people that have NOT participated OOCly in a date auction before

Women 2/2

This is an event run by MakeshiftWalrus#7604 and MilkTea#5099 ask us if you have any questions or concerns!
Auction List
Men are in blue, women are in purple!

Name: Acacia Syrilde 
Age: 32
Short list of Hobbies and Interests: conversation, exploring, trying new foods, visiting places
Tell us a little bit about yourself: I'm a fairly simple person, I think - just an adventurer wandering the world. Likely not someone you will see around often, but I do appreciate having an opportunity to talk to others.
Romantic or Friendly Dates?: Friendly.

Name: Silver
Age: 27
Short list of Hobbies and Interests: Dancing, Cooking
Tell us a little bit about yourself: Manager of a famous Onigan noodle shop called Deji Pachi, too busy taking care of family for actual romance.
Romantic or Friendly Dates?: Friendly Dates, preferably ones where I cook and maybe get money too.

Name: Sakiko Suzume
Age: 18
Short list of Hobbies and Interests: Tending to the Gateshi shrine, adventuring and seeing the world outside Oniga, getting better at swordplay
Tell us a little bit about yourself: I'm a Redtail shrine maiden from the Suzume family!  I might be a bit of a novice, but I'm always up for learning new stuff!  Lately, going outside Oniga seems appealing, and I wanna know more!
Romantic or Friendly Dates?  Both!

Name: Akito Taishi
Age: 20
Short list of Hobbies and Interests: Wood carving, playing on flute, cooking.
Tell us a little bit about yourself: Just another onigan boy trying to find a life in an entirely different land, finding Dormeho as my new home, always glad to meet new faces and know more about life while trying to get through the daily struggles.
Romantic or Friendly Dates?: I don't mind either way, I find them funny to do in each case.

Name: Alisha Montenegro
Age: Late Twenties (28)
Short list of Hobbies and Interests: Cooking, Workout, Spars (mostly hand-to-hand) and Adventuring
Tell us a little bit about yourself: Owner of El Dorado Gymnasium, the first gym in Dormeho before being moved out to Chaturanga, helping the nearby Black Knights in keeping in shape for their harsh training. Recruit for the Dormehan Militia, seeking to protect her homeland. Very level-headed overall despite her looks, a gentle giant.
Romantic or Friendly Dates?: Friendly dates, to raise money for charity!

Name: John Etherbound / Mr. Etherbound
Age:  Normally I don't tell how old he is but legal enough to get in.
Short list of Hobbies and Interests: Teaching, Writing, Bounty Hunting, Socializing. And people that looks up to him that would like to become me myself.
Tell us a little bit about yourself: I am pretty much more formal by now, as normally smile sometimes. And maybe give my friends a surprise into learning your fellow hero as I may stand up on myself while help others how to inspire by me.
Romantic or Friendly Dates?: Why not both. As I wish I was a dad by now, but otherwise I might be more grumpy for the rest of my lifetime.

Name: Silvaria Ballenheim~
Age: Uh 20 I think?
Hobbies/Interests: Knitting and sewing! Anything to do with clothing and plushy making really. Cooking~ Reading can be pretty fun. I really enjoy talking! My favorite interest though is warm things and cuddling, mostly because it helps me sleep-
About myself!: Uh I'm not really sure what to put here but uh...I own Lunars Respite, a Cafe/hangout spot in Karatens West District. People have told me I'm really nice for what it's worth and uh...I'm lazy I suppose?
Romantic/Friendly dates? I don't really mind either! Granted I'm not very romantic...I'll have to read up on what romance is!

Name: Momoka Mori
Age: 29
Short list of Hobbies and Interests: Bartending, cooking, style, YOU.
Tell us a little bit about yourself: I am currently the Manager of the most popular bar in all of Sigrogana. Looking beautiful for my people is the number one priority. I won't disappoint.
Romantic or Friendly Dates? - Both?

Name: Orchid
Age:  21
Short list of Hobbies and Interests: Fashion Designing, Drawing in General, Sleeping...?
Tell us a little bit about yourself:  "W-well, I'm not that good at speaking to people, or anything like that, but I'd like to get to know someone, and uh, if it helps people with charity, I'd really like that. So- So there's that. I'm also an Oracle, if that... Helps you at all? Sorry, I'm bad at this."
Romantic or Friendly Dates? "Both are fine..."

Name: Takeda Sasashi
Age: 25
Short list of Hobbies and Interests: Travelling, Martial arts, Learning about people
Tell us a little bit about yourself: My name is Takeda. I've been a traveller for about a decade now and I've been across most of the continents at least once. I'm usually a pretty curious person, and I enjoy learning about others, You could say it's why I started roaming in the first place.
Romantic or Friendly Dates?: Either or.

Name: Matsubara Maicha
Age: Twenties
Short list of Hobbies and Interests: I like hanging out with people and exploring places. Training and sparring are fun too. Alcohol is nice, but I'm trying to stay sober recently because drinking makes me forget things!
Tell us a little bit about yourself: I wanted to help out the people affected by the Silverfangs, since I helped out a little bit with the investigations. I'm originally from Oniga, but I spend my time in Dormeho nowadays. I like to spend my time training, trying out different fighting styles, and raising my Youkai.
Romantic or Friendly Dates: I'm not sure about a romantic date...but I do like making friends!

Name: Artyom Falken
Age: 30
Short list of Hobbies and Interests: Music (Jazz and Acoustic), Camping, Stargazing
Tell us a little bit about yourself: I'm mostly a sellsword and monster hunter by trade, but I'm also a musician. I'm so into music, I bring my acoustic guitar with me when camping outdoors to strum out a tune or two. I travel a lot, so I get to see a lot of what the world has to offer.
Romantic or Friendly Dates? Looking for a romantic date

Name: Aiko Miki
Age: 19
Short list of Hobbies and Interests: I have a genuine love for art and music such as playing the guitar or painting.
Tell us a bit about yourself: I was born and raised in Dormeho though my family has many ties to Oniga. I personally was raised to be a summoner by my father. A art that he learned while living in Oniga personally. I've done a lot of training and consider myself to be rather physically strong despite my appearance. Aside from that I have a love for sweet foods or drinks and love to spend time with family when possible though I'm no stranger to meeting new people and making friends! I'd like to believe I'm outgoing even if I can be a bit social awkward at times.
Romantic or Friendly Dates?: Either or is fine with me!

Name: Garrett Havelock
Age: 20
Short list of Hobbies and Interests: Reading, travelling, sightseeing, a good story, an exciting fight
Tell us a little bit about yourself: I'm a young adventurer out chasing a stupid dream. I'm not sure what else is important to say about me. I don't have a home or much to my name, but I guess I'd call myself a good person and I'm a bit of a romantic when it comes to things. Stories about knights and heroes have always been my favorite, and I think I'd say I'm an optimist at heart.
Romantic or Friendly Dates?: Friendly dates I suppose, but either is fine?
Follow up Post!

Sorry for the delay on a follow up, but I'd like to thank people OOCly for their donations. EVERYTHING went to eventmins in order to provide more funds to buy extra levels to expand their event spaces for the enjoyment of all players. More places should make it easier on them and prevent them from having to do last minute building due to limited space!

And thank you to all that showed up even if you didn't donate! Your turnout was appreciated.

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