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Field Reports

Report regarding the status of Medical Unit Z4CH-093
 >He seems to be better after going through the initial shock of it all. He is in much higher spirits now that he has been around his old comrades for about half a month. The war
 has come to a near crawl as Oniga has begun it's infighting according to our sources. We've laid out of the battles for now, letting them destroy each other and keeping at our
 stations. Z4CH seems to be a tad bored with not many injuries coming in, so in hopes of helping educate him, we've brought him books to read. Not horribly complex ones, but
 his intelligence is high enough that it wouldn't be too hard for him to understand even those. For now, he is reading some basic light novels from back home. He'll go through
 them quickly, but there are about five in total.


Report regarding the status of Medical Unit Z4CH-093
 >Z4CH has read through all of the books we have given him, never needing to sleep. His wpm is rather high as well, probably from the semi-accelerated brain. He's asking for
 more books, and hinting that he wants something a little more advanced. For now, Major Mal has given him access to a few guidebooks and help manuals for machinery and
 the like around the camp. He's more than a little interested in figuring it out, and is right now reading in his off time.


Report regarding the status of Medical Unit Z4CH-093
 >We suffered a small attack from Onigan forces today. We were able to fend them off with relative ease. They seemed a tad hungry, the odds of their supply lines being cut
 off are slim, but that might have been the case as to why they attacked so ferociously. Z4CH is performing up to snuff, and actually was cornered by two of them at once.
 He doesn't look like much, but he's rather quite the pacifist and talked one of them down. The other shot Z4CH as well as the partner. By the time we found them, Z4CH
 was tending to the Downed one's gut-shot. The other Onigan was unconscious and slumped over. The injured one perished, despite Z4CH's best attempts. He was upset about
 it, but he seems to be getting over it well enough. The living one was jailed.

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