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Lore Questions: February (2016)
So, Pale Lauders explode in reaction to high temperatures. About how powerful is this explosion on average? It might be easier to just compare it to the standard Bombs that already exist, I dunno.

How large/long are Pale Lauders, and how much, if ever, do they vary in length?

Does a Pale Lauder retain its explosive properties after death? If so, for how long?

I already asked this but, it wasn't answered (and I'm unsure if you didn't just miss it). How long is a Pale Lauder's lifespan? (as in how long can they live for assuming they can get the focus they need to live)

How much focus does a Pale Lauder require to live, and for how long can they survive outside a host?

Are Pale Lauders sentient? For example, would one endlessly try to jump into something it couldn't, like a Mechanation, until it died from lack of focus? Depending on their lifespan, this could be expanded to 'can they eventually learn'?

How long does it take for a Pale Lauder to reproduce? Is it just a matter of them consuming enough focus, then they can split?

How do Pale Lauders interact with their own kind, if at all? (i.e. friendly, agressively, not at all)

What are the Empire's views on Pale Lauders? Would owning one be considered illegal? Raising them?

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