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Lore Questions: July (2016)
Back again with some Curate questions!

Are Curates of other religions possible? Would one dedicated to say, [NATURE GOD HERE] be capable of casting Graft/Rescue/Quickness and things like that with having a bit more flavorful 'trappings' for their deity of choice? ([NATURE GOD]s would be something like a green glow and minty freshness or something. Iunno.)

Tying into that, are all "Mercalan Domain" spells.. inherently tied to Mercala? There's been quite a bit of confusion on this. Distortion, for instance, is a Mercalan Domain spell. As is Apodis or whatever from the Apus or whatever. It just seems that, while not everything with the Hugeossan domain is "Hugeossan" by nature... that the same should likely apply to the Mercalan domain since we have things like Phoenix which... technically aren't Mercalan and more inviting a pseudo-elemental into a flame or whatever which. Really seems like a bad time for everyone.

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