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Lore Questions: May (2017)
"Shujin" Wrote:We have the Class Demon Hunter and the Skill Demon Translation.Also a mention after finding the grimore in the Darkmanor questline for Cattective, I belive.
1.)So do Demons exist?
2.)Or atleast things that people consider Demons, if so what are they exactly and whats the common belief?
3.)IF they exist are they akin to our Demons or the SL1 Demons?
4.) IF, do they appear somewhere or are they only summoned via weird rituals?

With Reapers being added:
5.) How long do they live ?
6.) Since they are natural born Excorcists, what do they think of Dullahans? Is it likely that they feel the need to free the soul from the Armor as part of their duty and have special means for that?
6b.) If they do, and try to free the spirit of the dullahan in Sigrogana, how does the Law look at that? Would that count as Law breaking since its part of the reapers "duty" to escort souls to Lazarus?
7.) Are liches and Vampires, who technically cheat Lazarus, a problem for them?
8.)Do they have special ways to track spirits similar to how zeran can feel focus?

1) Maybe.
2) Some people would probably consider Zera and Zerans to be demon-like.
3) Who knows.
4) Who knows.

5) Answered above.
6) It would probably depend on the Reaper. They would likely feel as if the Dullahan was something they need to free but it wouldn't be very high on the priority list compared to other lost souls.
6B) It'd probably be considered an attack on another person and therefore a violent crime.
7) No, not really.
8) Not anything special beyond the normal training.

"Spoops" Wrote:Are a shaitan's memories completely and utterly destroyed? And/Or do fragments still remain even subconsciously, beyond any hope of recall?

When was lichdom a thing? As in, when was the ritual first commenced and made public-ish knowledge?

1) Very fragmented. They may have flashes of memories from time to time.
2) For a long, long time. I wouldn't say it's public knowledge either, common people probably have no idea what a 'lich' is.

"Snake" Wrote:And one last question, sorry for not cramping them together in one single post.

- Since death is rather 'serious' and afterlife doesn't exist actively, what does a defeat against a BDP monster means? (When you die and respawn at an Inn/Arena's Remedia.)

1) It means you ran for your life and dropped some money and items in the panic.

"Spoops" Wrote:I'm putting this in a seperate post for the sake of organization

1) Can reapers reproduce and create children?
1b)Can they procreate with other races?
1c)Does their race take dominance when it comes to deciding the race of the child?

1) Yes.
2) Yes.
3) As much as any other non-human race.

"Sarah54321" Wrote:What is the culture like, aside from wearing bones and such? Reapers I mean.

How long does it take to travel from their city to the overworld?

How do they travel, exactly?

1) Bit too vague.
2/3) Boat rides. It takes a while, because ships don't really run there.

"Ardratz" Wrote:What is the average age expectancy of a Reaper, if they have any at all?

Do Reapers leave their city for any other reason than hunting spirits?

Are Reapers often secretive about their job, when they leave their city?

What is the name of their City?

Does their city have a physical presence in the world of the living, is there an entrance to it, if so where is this entrance?

Do they have their own language?

1) Already answered.
2) They might sometimes.
3) Maybe sometimes.
4) Darkside.
5) It's an underground town that's carved into the cavern walls just outside of Lazarus.
6) No.

"MakeshiftWalrus" Wrote:-With the apparent lack of ambition within Reaper society, how likely would they be to seek position of powers in the real world? I'd like a definitive answer on this, because a great many of us are frightened at the possibility of extreme lore-breaking. Myself included.

-In the same vein as the above question, how likely are they to deviate from their set duty of gathering spirits, permanently? Not necessarily to seek power, but to merely exist outside of Lazarus.

-Do the Reapers have a patron deity they worship? If yes, who?

-Given the city the Reapers live in is on the outside of Lazarus, does that mean it's in the real world?

-If the above world yields a 'Yes', does that mean they have their own farming communities to gather produce? If no, what other ways do they have to sustain themselves?

-What would happen if a Reaper brought back a surface-dweller to the city of Reapers? Would they be accepted, or killed on sight?

-Similarly, if a non-Reaper was brought into Lazarus, what would happen?

1) There's no definitive answer because characters can have different personalities and motivations. I wouldn't say it's very likely, though.
2) See above.
3) No.
4) Yes. Lazarus is a real world place too.
5) Mushrooms and underground monsters make nice meals.
6) It would be very strange but it wouldn't warrant any drastic action like that.
7) If anyone, including reapers, try to venture very far into Lazarus, they will get lost and die there.

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