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Unban request(2)
What you fail to grasp is I never broke any rules, the community just dislike me however I never broke any rules. A perma ban implies that I broke a major rule which I really didn't. I didn't use the same template as that would be spam and you seemed to think locking the conversation was the right thing to do. I don't have anything to learn because you haven't taught me anything except you can ban whoever you want and you don't seem to care one bit. I didn't do anything the first time you banned me except maybe talk back at someone harassing me because of my name(which by the way didn't break any of the rules now looking back at them) and I haven't done anything this time. The perma ban 'magically' went away because it was never a perma ban, it was a 4 day ban for talking back at a gm yet you still decide to perma ban me due to rumors made by people that it was a perma ban because i've been unbanned for some time I deleted the screen shot that proved it was a 4 day ban and this was a long time ago. I really don't see the point of a ban for something so silly; honestly if I actually was in the wrong here I wouldn't be wasting my time making two posts and I would be apologising. I'm sorry for hurting your moderators feelings however, forcing me to change my name when it follows the rules and then pursuing me after the ban has been lifted off of me is just out of order. My name was King Mantis by the way. I'd love to know how it went from telling me to change my name and after me doing so, deciding to ban me. Can you at least try find out why I've been excessively banned and unban me? Please and thank-you.

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