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SL2 Version 1.10
[float=left][Image: talkav_128.png][/float]1.10 contains a feature which has been often suggested; the support for in-game player factions (guilds). Currently, the function is pretty basic; you can make guilds, invite players to the guild, change their ranks. Other people can see what guild you're in if they mouse over your character. Things like that. However, I plan to add more features involving guilds in the future, so the basic functionality is quite important!

This update also has some minor updates to Dormeho to reflect the last update's story event; speaking of which, Black Beast attacks will now occur slightly less frequently than before (the rate was quite high before since I wanted everyone to be able to check them out, since they were new. Now that it's been a week, it's time to tone down the rate a bit.) Also, face-icon states have been re-enabled with the footnote that, while the adjustments made should prevent any crashes, that if the unfortunate happens, they will need to be disabled again. But hopefully it won't come to that.

Added - You can now purchase a Guild Charter from Guildmaster Vernes in Chaturanga.
  • You can use the Guild Charter to create a guild.
  • Joining a guild lets you display the guild's name, its icon, and your rank in the guild when someone hovers their mouse over you. (You can toggle this function on/off in preferences.)
  • Guilds can communicate via guild-chat as well, which only displays to online guild members.
  • Guilds are a good way to organize existing IC player factions and will have additional features relating to them added in future updates.
  • If you have suggestions for additions to this system, post them in the suggestions forum.
Added - Sigrogana has dispatched a special unit of guards to Dormeho to ensure the safety of the civilans. Ordered to remain indoors, high-ranking officers serving the Empire have suggested that people spend as little time on the streets as possible, in case of a sudden attack by the beasts. It has also stated that it is sparing no expense to see the threat taken care of once and for all, as soon as possible.
Adjusted - Due to an overwhelming response in its defense, it seems the Black Beasts have lessened their efforts to break Dormeho, and will be attacking less frequently. However, many officers speculate that whatever force is behind them is taking this time to devise a new strategy, or perhaps extend their campaign on another target...
Adjusted - You can now use Shift and Ctrl activate commands with WASD mode on random chests (just like how they behave with clicking.)
Adjusted - The Reload status for Magic Gunner's Overcharge skill has been changed to 2 rounds (from 4).
Adjusted - Interference Shell's unsummon effects are now effective against Seeker Flames.
Adjusted - Face Icon States have been re-enabled. However, when you upload a new face-icon file, you will be forced to relog (due to some BYOND crashes caused with this feature).
Adjusted - Moved around some things relating to saving and obsolete mob deletion. Players shouldn't notice a difference, but a note is made here, just in case.
* Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where Steel minibosses were taking full damage from physical damage.
- Fixed a bug where you could fish and fix battle damage at the same time.
- Fixed a bug where you could summon Youkai into squares with dense objects.
- Fixed a bug where Interference Shell's Overcharge effect wasn't unsummoning enemy Youkai properly.
- Fixed a bug where Seeker Flame's Kamikaze skill costed 5 FP instead of 0.
- Fixed a bug where you could select Radiant Roa as if it were an active skill.
- Fixed a bug where Ghostwind's 1.5x damage multiplier conditional was applying after resistances were being taken into account, making it deal less damage than intended.
- Fixed a bug where Neverending Story wasn't giving its proper 15% Sound Resistance set bonus.
- Fixed a bug where Farlight was increasing the range of aura effects even if Lantern Bearer wasn't one of your classes.
- Fixed a bug where Radiant Roa was not applying if Izabe was Installed.
- Fixed a bug where Hex skills could not target enemies with the proper status unless the status was caused by you.
- Fixed a bug where the Shell Trigger status from Spark Drive was lasting for 2 rounds instead of just 1 round.

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