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[Event] Festival Invitation (29/06/2019)

Event Summary - The Prizes

It should be noted that the vast majority of those who attended this event absolutely deserved rewards as well, purely for the way they conducted themselves and for the enthusiasm that was shown in implementing a very unique, bizarre and presently unrefined system.

I completely understand that there were a lot of questionable decisions made - some of them in part to the game's faulty mechanics at the time which was something I only had incomplete information on at the time. Others, due to oversight on my part but more on that later.

A huge thank you to everyone, for coming and bearing witness to & putting up with my madness. The turnout was far more than I had ever hoped for and given a certain game update that was released at the same time, I'm deeply flattered.

  • The Paladin: Awarded to Michael, the Shaitan Ghost / Black Knight... Standing strong with 7 points at the end of the tournament (with 2 deducted for 2 accidental abuses of cinders before a warning could be properly given) and 3 wins out of 3 battles fought. This final score was tied between Alceste, Velvet and Michael - but with 3/3 wins the result was beyond dispute.
  • The Fighter: Awarded to Genos Clover, the R-Type Mechanation Demon Hunter / Black Knight... Exceptional combatant in every way, gave all his fights maximum effort despite the voiced doubts of many prior to the tournament. 7 points total, 2 / 3 wins.
  • The Wizard: Awarded to Cerin Rachal, the Reaper Boxer / Hexer... With 7 points and 2 wins out of 3 battles, he was leagues ahead from the others of his category - with a relatively unique and interesting build combination coupled with the obvious results of hard practice and personal development, truly deserved!
  • The Ranger: Awarded to Arrow, the Alstalsian Human Ghost / Ranger... A very powerful ranged combatant, he deserved more points than he actually got (which was 5), due to 2 wins out of 3 battles, although obviously with the damage and mobility he was capable of, Arrow was a very popular target! I imagine if it weren't for my ruleset, he'd have been able to kite his opponents quite handily.
  • The Laurels of Chivalry: The largest over-arching prize was extremely difficult to award to any one person, as almost everybody present made a concerted effort to fight honourably and abide by my silly and strange set of rules. In the end, the judges found it hard to choose between four particular individuals: Genos Clover, Alceste Hirosaki, Tayanita de Romita, and Sinclaire Blanctorche. The result of this decision was a final round of combat to decide which pair would jointly receive the prize.

    After what was honestly one of the most entertaining and explosive, seat-of-your-pants battles ever seen, Genos Clover and Alceste Hirosaki narrowly came out on top, although I cannot state enough that all four characters completely deserved the award. These two were named Honourary Knights of the Moors in title, and I want to issue personal thanks to all four people for making the final battle what it truly should have been.

+ + + + + + + +
  • Special Mentions:
    - Tayanita de Romita - Personal favourite of the Marquis Francis Horatio Montgomery for refusing to surrender in any given conflict, toughing out every fight even when the odds were stacked against her, and refusing to fall even when on the verge of unconsciousness.

    - Hanzo the Kind - Personal favourite of the Lady Elaine Haddock for wonderful writing skills and commitment to honourable and knightly behaviour in spite of his employ as an assassin. Also held true to the Onigan tradition of SEMI-SEPPOKU, knocking himself unconscious with a magical spell rather than admitting defeat. While not a Knightly practice, he held true to his own cultural customs of honour.

    - White Phantom - Personal favourite of the Marshal Ser Robert Argent for being what I personally thought to be the most interesting and well-played character present, with the most unique build and concept - a concept which was done so well it appeared to fit in seamlessly with the setting without becoming a meme. 11/10 character would love to interact with them more often.

+ + + + + + + +

Event Summary - Acknowledgements

First and foremost, I really need to thank all of my helpers for that event for the efforts they put in to make it what it was - although they didn't see as much in the way of 'action' as they would have liked, something that I feel remorse for - it really could not have happened if I didn't have the amount of help that I did.

Adam the Show-Bartender - Karidan
Amelia the Priestly Maid - Sarah
Dominic the Hog-Roaster - Genix
Elaine the Washboard - Moira
Faye the (Horny) Barmaid - Kyro
Francis the Fat Nobleman - Meep
Masaru the Bard - Ignatius (AKA Iggy)
Serenity the Best Meido - Fuepepe

Secondly, regarding the Tourney:
I need to acknowledge before everybody that I had not intended for the Tournament to go on for as long as it did, we had a very solid plan initially which would ensure it'd last only 3 hours maximum - 45 minutes to get through each section of fights, 15 minute breaks for the judges to reshuffle the teams. I know a lot of people got tired by the end, we really don't know what happened. We also didn't have a complex enough system for ensuring that characters were not matched against the same people they'd fought before - so all in all I'm really sorry about that.

Finally, regarding Variety: My final apology to make is as to the 'range of things to do' for the event. I will say that the organization of this was fraught with numerous issues from the very beginning, including the Shadowbringers early access date, the apparent 'loss' and then rediscovery of Stella Trading's shop bots, and the loss of a key event character with a rather central role.

Ultimately I'd intended to provide the non-combatants with a lot more to do, but it seems that despite my best intentions, the Tourney became the focus of the event, and while I hope everybody had fun with it, next time, we intend to try something different - possibly for Oktoberfest. Learning from mistakes is the name of the game, and I look forward to seeing you all again soon.
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