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Unban Appeal
  • Game you were banned from: Sigrogana Legends 2
  • In-game name (key): Ilulu

  • Reason you were banned: System: You were banned for 10080 minute(s) for the following reason: For repeatedly gatekeeping, metagaming, harassment, and OOCly preventing others from being able to exercise their roles fairly were the reasons given.

  • The length of the ban, if you know: One week.

  • Who banned you, if you know: No clue, gms never give info.

  • Why we should unban you:

I'll try to be brief despite the fact I was given no explanations or reasons, making it difficult to even defend myself- Metagaming is something that is difficult to prove one way or another, it'd just come down to trust, and so is a pointless one to touch upon even if I thought made it clear overtime that it's not something I'd do, I'm aware most gms don't play the game or know me anyways.

Moving on- Harassment, quite frankly makes no sense and is incredibly puzzling. I don't talk all that much oocly in the first place, mostly just joking in channels or to friends. I have complained about situations or about people in private servers, but I am polite and nice to even those I do not like or am not comfortable with icly and oocly, which I feel countless people can vouch for.

Gatekeeping and preventing others from being able to exercise their roles fairly- This is another that makes no sense. Not only do I not hold such power to even attempt such a thing, nothing of this nature had happened. I can certainly point out instances where for example, someones role may feel threatened due to ic issues that cropped up, but nothing even came from such situations, and I, as always, am more than open to speaking about a situation if someone felt targeted or treated unfairly. I've preached for communication from the very start, of course I'd want more of it.

That aside, I'll repeat. Nothing even came from those situations. Gatekeeping suggests that I, and the others banned, had prevented a player from doing something or being involved in someway. Which is beyond baffling due to the fact that this frankly never happened in any situation I was involved in. I'm uncertain if these were just copy pasted reasons from the others, or what, and if that is not the case? Then it feels as if these bans were more or less assuming intent and banning based solely off of conjecture without any communication to all parties involved. And thats not even questioning the length of the ban.

Messages In This Thread
Unban Appeal - by Illumi - 03-01-2023, 08:28 PM

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