03-02-2015, 01:37 AM
"[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=4474#p4474 Wrote:Normal Username » Sun Feb 08, 2015 5:24 am[/url]"]I have few questions concerning the monsters:
1. Are there ways to possibly tame them and take them out of the BDP?
2. Hell, is it even possible to take them out of the BDP without them weirdly dying or something?
3. How do the monsters even spawn? Like do they reproduce asexually?
4. Are they even seriously alive? Like are they really beings that are not just made by the core?
5. What happens to the monsters inside the dungeon once it poofs from the overworld?. . .
1, 2 & 4 - Yes.
3 & 5 - This is something people like bluecat are still trying to understand.
"[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=4595#p4595 Wrote:Blissey » Wed Feb 11, 2015 12:37 pm[/url]"]*Puts brain in front of Dev so she could talk*
So, is it safe to assume that each of the Six Great Lands have only one specific climate that never exceeds the norm? Does winter never come to Sigrogana? Or Oniga (though I expect it not to come to Oniga), or Chaturanga, or anywhere else but Lordwain and maybe Tannis (for some reason)? Is this too much of a specific question? I was just wondering because we never really notice a climate change. . . Unless we're supposed to, of course.
No, they all go through seasons, as you'd expect. In some places it's less noticeable, like Lordwain and Gold. As for not noticing it in-game, not everything is going to be reflected in-game, so you should probably make those assumptions yourself until such a time happens that it is reflected in-game.
"[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=4596#p4596 Wrote:Stenzio » Wed Feb 11, 2015 3:03 pm[/url]"]With the question on climates, I have to ask. Do any of the Six Great Lands, or more specifically the cultures inhabiting them, have holidays or 'celebrations' in regard to anything?
Have the Reapers which roam and guard Lazarus ever been seen around generally populated areas? Or do they try to stay away from most of civilization?
Are there any known specific similarities between Reapers and Zerans?
Edited: Since the new race Dullahans are now around, what is the general outlook or opinion on them by society? And are they seen as a curiosity in Karatens eyes due being a suit of armor literally driven to continue living by a soul possessing it?
Yes. Maybe I'll document them better in the future.
Usually they wear robes. They've probably been noticed, but they don't stick out, since they're similar looking to Zerans in the horns area.
Most people don't know they exist, and most people would probably be scared of an empty suit of armor talking to them.
"[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=4812#p4812 Wrote:Ryu-Kazuki » Tue Feb 17, 2015 1:03 am[/url]"]Portals. Are portals to The Void strictly two-way, or can they be one way only? By this I mean, if someone creates portal / voidgate A, does a portal / voidgate B always exist (like an exit) when it is created?
Portals are two-way for as long as they exist, much like a tunnel.
"[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=4813#p4813 Wrote:Someone » Tue Feb 17, 2015 3:44 am[/url]"]Does Marijuana, or an equivalent exist.
If so, is such a plant legal to have or smoke.
(Asked because someone decided to RP smoking Weed.)
What -is- Iahsus, exactly?
Err. Some plants serve a similar purpose to tobacco and such, but people likely shouldn't be pretending to get high.
What you know about it is everything everyone else knows about it. Probably.
"[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=4829#p4829 Wrote:Ranylyn » Tue Feb 17, 2015 4:54 pm[/url]"]Since we have priests now, it seems like a good time to ask questions about the faith.
- Can priests/ church knights/ etc, marry? What about especially important figures, like Ashe?
- Under what circumstances could one be excommunicated? Would they simply be cast out, or jailed/executed for breaking tenets?
- Are oaths sworn upon initiation into the order, and if so, what do they entail? Is one sworn to things like restricted diets or celibacy, or is it just a general oath to dedicate your life to the church kind of thing?
- Are Church Knights allowed to keep their own Squires or whatnot?
Yes. Ashe is married to her job.
Breaking tenets, failing to stop breaking tenets when warned, murdering someone. You will likely get kicked out of the church if you do not fit their ideals and resist all attempts at correction.
You swear to uphold the tenets of Mercala while you represent the church. Those are the most important thing.
"[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=4947#p4947 Wrote:Maikito » Fri Feb 20, 2015 4:20 pm[/url]"]What's it like inside of Dullahan? Is it empty inside and just as cold as a normal suit of armor would be? Or does it get like extremely hot over time due to Soul Engine and stuff?
It'd be like a normal suit of armor. Though, if they're moving around a lot, it would likely get very hot, due to the metal friction.
"[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=4964#p4964 Wrote:Normal Username » Sat Feb 21, 2015 4:03 am[/url]"]What happens if you bump against a Dullahan, what sound will it make?
And can you somehow repair or enhance a Dullahan?
How does a Dullahan's voice sound? How do they even speak?
How do the Mercalan peeps view the Dullahan(s)?
Lastly, how connected is a Dullahan to a Hexer?
The sound of armor.
Kinda. Dullahans are more or less stuck with their armor, but it is possible to add onto it or perform certain metal restoring repairs to it without compromising the Dullahan's life.
Like the sound of someone inside of a suit of armor. There might be an echo or resonance to it.
The same they view vampires, most likely. Primarily as threats, but more concerned with containing the threat, since it is still technically life, and all life has value. May require being put down at some point. That sort of thing.
Not very.