03-08-2015, 04:05 AM
Hey Dev, I have some questions but I don't need too much detail, really. Feel free to answer with yes and no if I'm being a bother.
1. How do contracts with Youkai work? Are they all simply ledgers written out that bind the two? Can there be different contracts? Do youkai always need contracts to exist within a person?
2. How far does the bond between summoner and youkai go?
3. Do summon doors lead to the Youkai plane of existance? Or are they just a pocket dimension or something like that.
4. They feed off the users magic to manifest. Does this mean they are somewhat parasitic? What do they benefit from this bond?
5. Do they have some control over an individuals body, or no?
1. How do contracts with Youkai work? Are they all simply ledgers written out that bind the two? Can there be different contracts? Do youkai always need contracts to exist within a person?
2. How far does the bond between summoner and youkai go?
3. Do summon doors lead to the Youkai plane of existance? Or are they just a pocket dimension or something like that.
4. They feed off the users magic to manifest. Does this mean they are somewhat parasitic? What do they benefit from this bond?
5. Do they have some control over an individuals body, or no?