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(Gold) Karidan's Events!

The sands of Gold have stretched across Oniga's horizon for as long as most of it's inhabitants can remember. A unforgiving, brutal wasteland where only the fittest may survive and compassion is far from the norm. A world locked away from the majority, a world locked away from the sanity and reason of law and order.

Yet this desolate place is not always devoid of the touch of those with reason. It is not a secret that supplies and caravans travel between Port Alpha and the main city, carrying goods for barter from various companies across the world. Companies that many adventurers are more than familiar with. A boon for those who live within the walls of the capital... and prey for those who dwell outside of it.

It was across those hot sands where the first tells of disaster struck. A missing caravan. Supplies not arriving to their destination. Easily lost amongst a pile of economic reports spread across a desk. But over time, that pile became larger, and larger. Lost profits, missing goods. It was more than just a freak accident or a simple band of roving thieves. It was consistent enough to be intentional, random enough to be hard to trace. The work of an organized group.. and trained well at what they do. Thoughts of many jumped to Laws End.. but the few rumors that have surfaced from there seem to point that no one knows exactly who's doing this. Only a name.

The Silverfangs

After a time, the word had begun to solidify, and bogeymen in the dark became a real problem. Stella Trading, the Moia Clan, Tsengs, Tamstra Express and countless other smaller organizations had begun to report their losses and formulate a plan to step in and solve it. Fliers have begun to go up all across the civilized lands.. A call to arms. A call to put an end to whoever.. or whatever, was responsible for this.

A plan has been put into motion to try and defend the Caravans from the supposed attackers, but the longer the talks go on.. the more you know-

There is a storm brewing on the horizon.


Sons and Daughters of the Sand, The Silverfang emerges!

Event Date: August 1st, potentially the 2nd if necessary at 6:00 PM EST

My events sometimes run long! That's why there's two days setup for it here.

Sign up details! This event is going to primarily be of an investigative nature, with PVE combat being a possibility!

Risk of Injury: Medium. (At worst, a hospital visit) You may choose to take on more egregious wounds if you desire, but it is not a requirement.

How to sign up!

DM me at Karidan#4463 and I will put you on the list and we'll work it out from there!

I have spread information throughout the IC world! The groups that know things are mentioned above, and the fact that they might know something is part of the rumors floating around. Feel free to get in contact with them and start investigating!

This event chain goes on outside of the event day as much as it does within.

All discords used with permission, do not abuse it please.

And as with every chain before it. You're free to come to me for investigation, and to run solo if you want.

Stella Trading:

Moia Clan: ध्वज Deja Vu ध्वज#8740

Tamstra Express: 
Adjutant Officer Ritsu#9281

Buhreadosaurus-Rex#6105 or Ignatius#6576

Messages In This Thread
(Gold) Karidan's Events! - by Karidan - 07-15-2020, 12:21 AM
RE: (Gold) Karidan's Events! - by Karidan - 08-04-2020, 12:47 AM
RE: (Gold) Karidan's Events! - by Karidan - 09-08-2020, 05:23 AM
RE: (Gold) Karidan's Events! - by Karidan - 09-13-2020, 04:20 AM

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