12-26-2015, 01:52 PM
Game you were banned from: Sigrogana Legend 2
In-game name (key):Bond (BondKing), GhostPimp (Casutinga)
Reason you were banned: Ooc in IC (as in not using brackets), party with myself, name with movie character and other name unacceptable, and ignoring Gm's warnings.
The length of the ban, if you know:14400 now its 144000 (idk why)
Who banned you, if you know:
Why we should unban you: first of all, i coundt see any gm warn :/, im sorry for no paying attention for all game rules (its my first RP game), i agree with the first ban time, but idk why the time got increased (was 14400 and now its 144000),
I do not think you did it under pressure from other players.
(and, how can i change my name?)
In-game name (key):Bond (BondKing), GhostPimp (Casutinga)
Reason you were banned: Ooc in IC (as in not using brackets), party with myself, name with movie character and other name unacceptable, and ignoring Gm's warnings.
The length of the ban, if you know:14400 now its 144000 (idk why)
Who banned you, if you know:
Why we should unban you: first of all, i coundt see any gm warn :/, im sorry for no paying attention for all game rules (its my first RP game), i agree with the first ban time, but idk why the time got increased (was 14400 and now its 144000),
I do not think you did it under pressure from other players.
(and, how can i change my name?)